Seafarers Appreciate Transportation Service More Than Ever

Seafarers Appreciate Transportation Service More Than Ever

Seafarers Appreciate Transportation Service More Than Ever


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GoodNews<br />

From The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong><br />

April 2007, No. 50<br />

<strong>Seafarers</strong> <strong>Appreciate</strong> <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>More</strong> <strong>Than</strong> <strong>Ever</strong><br />

by Michelle DePooter and Brenda Dyas<br />

The Port of Montreal covers an area which is<br />

approximately 17 kilometers long. Many of<br />

the docks are located far from the city center<br />

in places that are difficult to access by public<br />

transportation or where the distance makes<br />

it financially impractical by taxi.<br />

In addition to this, Port security has continued<br />

to tighten over the years, making it increasingly<br />

difficult for seafarers to leave their<br />

ships without an authorized escort. As a result,<br />

seafarers appreciate more than ever the<br />

service offered by The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong><br />

of transporting them from their ships to the<br />

Center and other destinations in the city...<br />

and back again.<br />

There is also an important, yet little known,<br />

aspect of the ministry’s transportation services<br />

that goes beyond the physical comfort<br />

and convenience of seafarers. The “commute”<br />

from the ships to the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’ Center<br />

is often a blessing in disguise because it<br />

provides opportunities to focus on individuals<br />

and their needs.<br />

While we are on board the ships, the seafarers<br />

are usually working, so although we are<br />

able to talk with them, they can really only<br />

afford a few minutes break to have a cup of<br />

coffee and chat. Also, on board their ships<br />

the seafarers are always “on”; they are not<br />

able to properly relax.<br />

<strong>Seafarers</strong> like Solanki and Vinoth appreciate the convenience and camaraderie of the M2S van service.<br />

In the afternoon, when Charlie and I pick up<br />

seafarers, we notice a big difference when<br />

they get into our vans. They visibly relax<br />

and make comments about how nice it is to<br />

get off the ship. They often want to go to a<br />

shopping center before coming to the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’<br />

Center, so we drop them off in town<br />

and they either make their own way back to<br />

the Center or to their ships.<br />

Sometimes they tell me they just want to<br />

ride around with me where ever I go—they<br />

just want to get off the ship and see something<br />

different!<br />

Many times I will take some extra time and<br />

give them a small tour of Montreal and talk<br />

with them as we drive around. It is an excellent<br />

opportunity to get to know them better,<br />

especially if they are alone. Conversations<br />

can become quite serious in a 15 to 20 minute<br />

van ride, and the men feel comfortable to<br />

open up and share things about their life,<br />

their families, their work, or the problems<br />

they may be having on board their ships.<br />

Often it is the only time to have this type of<br />

conversation. On the ship there are always<br />

other people around, and at the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’<br />

Center phone calls and email are uppermost<br />

in their minds.<br />

All of us at The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong> can<br />

tell stories of personal conversations we’ve<br />

been able to have with seafarers while driving<br />

them to and from their ships. It’s part of<br />

our ministry that perhaps goes unrecognized<br />

but is vitally important, and something the<br />

seafarers sincerely look forward to.

,<br />

<strong>Than</strong>k You 2006 Volunteers!<br />

Volunteers are absolutely vital to our efforts to minister to<br />

the seafarers. Without them it would be impossible to accomplish<br />

all that needs to be done in the daily efforts to care for<br />

both the physical and spiritual needs of seafarers.<br />

We want to recognize and thank all of the volunteers who dedicated<br />

their time, energy and love to serve at the Ministry to<br />

<strong>Seafarers</strong> in 2006. <strong>Than</strong>k you, and may God bless you!<br />

Jack Van Geest helps a seafarer total up his tuck shop purchases.<br />

Femmie Wikkerink and Grace Couperus work in the kitchen.<br />

Jenny Boelens and David Rozeboom place phone calls for seafarers.<br />

January<br />

February<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

July<br />

August<br />

September<br />

October<br />

November<br />

December<br />

Peter and Betty Mostert<br />

Jack and Martiny Van Meggelen<br />

Anna and Bernie Berghout<br />

Mel and Jenny Boelens<br />

Jan and Andrea Struyk<br />

Ricki and Jerry DeBoer<br />

Martin and Betty Desrochers<br />

Pat Jones<br />

Neil Bysterbusch<br />

Jack VanGeest<br />

Kees and Dorothy Vanderleek<br />

Mel and Jenny Boelens<br />

Jan and Andrea Struyk<br />

George and Grace Couperus<br />

Costs Increasing<br />

Your generous support helps us to meet<br />

the operational expenses of The Ministry<br />

to <strong>Seafarers</strong>. Fuel costs are major expenses<br />

that increase every year. Please<br />

consider these increasing costs as you<br />

give this year. <strong>Than</strong>k you!<br />

Fuel Costs 2006 2005<br />

January 511.24 179.33<br />

February 472.56 318.02<br />

March 211.24 163.42<br />

April 734.51 239.31<br />

May 474.19 184.42<br />

June 628.19 276.78<br />

July 499.75 400.32<br />

August 522.27 302.09<br />

September 463.66 550.85<br />

October 459.85 528.17<br />

November 534.64 396.83<br />

December 172.08 517.13<br />

Total $5,684.18 $4,056.67<br />

<strong>More</strong> Warm Winter Coats Needed<br />

Winter coats go like hotcakes here at The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong>. There is such a demand for<br />

warm winter outerwear that we can’t keep enough on hand to give to the seafarers. We’re<br />

asking you to please donate any good, used mens’ coats that you no longer need.<br />

There are several ways to get donated clothing to The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong> in Montreal:<br />

a) get them to Classis Eastern Canada or Classis Quinte meetings;<br />

b) send them with the Christmas parcels next November;<br />

c) mail them to PO Box 815, Place D’Armes, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 3J2.<br />

Another thankful seafarer heads back to his ship<br />

in a newly selected winter coat!<br />

Staff member Svetlana Zinkovskaia hangs up<br />

winter coats donated by CRC churches.<br />


Captain Larry Elliston<br />

by Brenda Dyas<br />

Captain Larry Elliston began his merchant<br />

naval career at the age of 14 when he joined<br />

a training ship for merchant marine officers<br />

in England. There he learned navigation<br />

and seamanship, and embarked on his first<br />

sea voyage in 1957. His dreams of seeing the<br />

world began to come true when the ship made its first stop in Calcutta, India and<br />

stayed for over six weeks! He then traveled on to Colombo, Sri Lanka where the captain<br />

arranged a memorable siteseeing tour to the interior city of Kandy.<br />

Many aspects of the shipping industry have changed over the years since Captain<br />

Elliston first signed on. For example, unlike the lengthy six-week stop made by Larry’s<br />

first ship in Calcutta, today the average stay for a ship in the Port of Montreal<br />

is only three days. Larry remembers a crew of 60 being required for a 10,000 dwt<br />

ship, while today the average crew size is a mere 20.<br />

Larry’s training in navigation taught him how to use mechanical navigational instruments,<br />

such as the sextant, to determine the position of a ship. Today navigation<br />

is done by computers and satellites.<br />

Another huge change in the shipping industry came in the 1970s with containerization,<br />

and Larry remembers its beginnings well. Before the specialized ships were<br />

built, modifications were done to existing ships so that containers could be placed<br />

on board ordinary cargo ships.<br />

In the face of major changes, though, some things remain the same for today’s seafarers—the<br />

emotional hardships of being at sea. It is a lonely, uncomfortable, and<br />

isolated job without the support of family. Larry is fond of quoting an oldtimer who<br />

said, “No man would be a sailor if he could get himself into jail. Being at sea is like<br />

being in jail with the added possibility of being drowned.”<br />

All in all, Captain Elliston is proud of his contributions to helping the world economy,<br />

and enjoyed his time at sea where he carried almost every type of cargo there<br />

is. Recently, he has served seafarers in a variety of capacities at seafarers’ centers<br />

from Halifax to Vancouver.<br />

Today, Larry lives just outside of Montreal. He is a regular volunteer at the Mariners’<br />

House (<strong>Seafarers</strong>’ Center) in Montreal where he helps organize, and encourages<br />

the use of, a library of used books. He firmly believes that seafarers’ centers<br />

and seafarers’ ministries serve a vital need in the world today for a group of people<br />

who are too often overlooked or taken for granted.<br />

Phoning Home<br />

by Brenda Dyas<br />

Phoning home is probably the most anticipated<br />

activity for every seafarer. Spending up to nine<br />

months away from wives, children, parents and<br />

friends is made more bearable when they can talk to<br />

them while in port. It is a nightly occurrence to see<br />

the phone booths packed with anxious seafarers.<br />

That we live in a fast-paced and changing world is<br />

clearly evident at The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong> when<br />

you see how the seafarers phone home today.<br />

Up until the mid-1990’s, seafarers’ phone calls<br />

were placed directly through Bell. The calls were<br />

timed and seafarers were charged approximately<br />

$1.20/minute.<br />

In 1996, the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’ Center in Ft. Lauderdale,<br />

Florida came up with a <strong>Seafarers</strong> Card for placing<br />

long distance calls from any phone in the world.<br />

The card was free, but seafarers purchased time on<br />

the card, usually from $10 to an unlimited amount.<br />

The cost per call was about the same as a direct call,<br />

but had the added convenience of being able to be<br />

used at any port on any phone.<br />

Vendors who frequented the ships began to offer<br />

seafarers the use of a portable phone...although<br />

at exorbitant prices! The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong> allowed<br />

seafarers to use their own portable phones<br />

while in port to avoid the high costs paid to these<br />

vendors. The first portable phones were about the<br />

size of a brief case!<br />

Today, nearly 50% of all seafarers have their own<br />

mobile phones which they can use from any port at<br />

a fraction of the cost they once paid. Today’s phone<br />

cards give much more calling time for the money<br />

(about 2.5 cents/minute) although with a lower<br />

quality connection.

Spotlight on<br />

Volunteers<br />

by Brenda Dyas<br />

Paul, Debbie, Montana and Zak Harman<br />

The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong><br />

Chaplain: Michelle DePooter<br />

Assistant Chaplain: Charlie Smits<br />

Administrator: Brenda Dyas<br />

Copy Editor: Lisa Hoekstra<br />

Place d’Armes Postal Station, Box 815<br />

Montreal, Quebec<br />

Canada H2Y 3J2<br />

Tel.: (514) 844-1476 or (514) 849-3234<br />

Fax: (514) 849-2874<br />

min2seaf@colba.net<br />

www.ministrytoseafarers.org<br />

Psalm 107<br />

23 Some go down to the sea and travel over it in<br />

ships to do business in great waters.<br />

24 They see the works of the Lord and His<br />

wonders in the deep.<br />

25 He commands and raises up the stormy wind,<br />

which lifts up the waves of the sea.<br />

26 Those aboard mount up to the heavens, they go<br />

down again to the deeps; their courage melts<br />

away because of their plight.<br />

27 They reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken<br />

man, and all their wisdom comes to nothing.<br />

28 Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and<br />

He brings them out of their distress.<br />

29 He hushes the storm to a calm and to a gentle<br />

whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still.<br />

30 Then they are glad because of the calm, and He<br />

brings them to their desired haven.<br />

31 Oh, that people would praise the Lord for<br />

His goodness and lovingkindness, and His<br />

wonderful works to the human race!<br />

Paul and Debbie Harman and their children,<br />

Montana (12) and Zak (9), live just west of<br />

the island of Montreal in the tiny agricultural<br />

community of Ste-Marthe. They have<br />

been involved with The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong><br />

for just over three years.<br />

In December 2003, they heard a radio interview<br />

about Christmas parcels for seafarers<br />

in Montreal. Shortly after, they discovered<br />

that their neighbors, Walter and Marie Hobé<br />

(who attend the CRC in Montreal), were busy<br />

preparing “shoe boxes” to deliver to the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’<br />

Center on Christmas Eve. They decided<br />

to prepare some parcels of their own for<br />

the seafarers and join the Christmas Eve celebrations.<br />

A family tradition was born.<br />

A year later, they began devoting some of<br />

their Sunday evenings to volunteering at The<br />

Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong>. It has become a labor<br />

of love for them, and a place where one of<br />

their guiding philosophies of life,<br />

Preach the gospel always.<br />

If necessary, use words...<br />

(St. Francis of Assisi)<br />

has become especially appropriate and powerful<br />

in the multi-cultural environment of<br />

the <strong>Seafarers</strong>’ Center where verbal communication<br />

can often be a challenge.<br />

Paul works as club assistant/driver, and never<br />

tires of being on the road for the seafarers.<br />

Whether it is distributing Bibles to eager<br />

hands, dropping off enthusiastic sea legs at a<br />

skating rink, connecting anxious ears to faraway<br />

loved ones, listening to lonely hearts,<br />

or simply just being cheerful, every day is a<br />

new challenge to be the “face” of God to others<br />

who may not know Him...yet.<br />

Whenever their schedule permits, Debbie,<br />

Montana and Zak look forward to helping<br />

out for the evening as well. Debbie loves to<br />

talk with the seafarers, and help them with<br />

their phone calls or purchases in the tuck<br />

shop. She has a loving heart that’s always on<br />

the lookout for someone needing help.<br />

Montana loves to keep the shelves stocked<br />

and help out at the tuck shop counter; Zak<br />

is usually in demand by the seafarers for a<br />

game of pool or foosball, much to their delight<br />

and entertainment!<br />

It’s amazing to see how the presence of children<br />

in the Center always brings added enjoyment<br />

to the seafarers—many are acutely<br />

missing the children in their own lives whom<br />

they may not have seen for many months.<br />

Paul and Debbie will also tell you that volunteering<br />

at The Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong> is a real<br />

education! There is so much to learn about<br />

the unique world of seafaring.<br />

Their family is a blessing to all of us at The<br />

Ministry to <strong>Seafarers</strong>. Their enthusiasm and<br />

helping hand are much appreciated by staff<br />

and seafarers alike. We are thankful for their<br />

desire and commitment to serve the Lord<br />

through word and deed.

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