Color Coded Budget Workshop Cost Saving Strategies Public.xlsx

Color Coded Budget Workshop Cost Saving Strategies Public.xlsx

Color Coded Budget Workshop Cost Saving Strategies Public.xlsx


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Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Revenue Strategy<br />

Ongoing<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Seek Funding Formula Adjustment X X X<br />

Join with other school districts for legislative advocacy<br />

Increase Tax Base (Residential & Commercial)<br />

Review facility rental policy/charges<br />


Awarded PDE Propel Grant<br />

Awarded PDE Bullying Prevention Grant ‐ HS Security<br />

COMPLETED 50,000<br />

System COMPLETED 55,000<br />

Awarded COPS Grant ‐ ES Security System COMPLETED<br />

Awarded Highmark Healthy High Five ‐ 3 yrs, Wellness<br />

53,085<br />

Centers COMPLETED 30,000<br />

Participate y in Electricity g Curtailment y Program y COMPLETED 2,162 X<br />

Project COMPLETED 7,700<br />

Sell timber at HS ‐ Water Authority Project COMPLETED 4,939<br />

Receive vending commissions, approx 5,000/yr 5,000<br />

Banking services ‐ quotes in 2010 Every 3 Years X<br />

Contract grant writers (increase revenue)<br />

Solicit corporate sponsorship/advertising<br />

Initiate Alumni Association X X<br />

Investigate scrip sales<br />

Investigate Marcellus Shale<br />

Increase investment income X X<br />

Sell used equipment when appropriate X X<br />

Participate in Erate ‐ 40% savings on internet/phones X X<br />

Review all tax assessment appeals X X<br />

Solicit donations (for classroom supplies/equipment)<br />

Continue/increase ACCESS reimbursements X X<br />

X<br />



<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Eliminate student driver education<br />

X<br />

Ongoing<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

District Cyber Academy (Reduce contracted cost) X X expand<br />

District operated alternative school (reduce<br />

contracted cost) X X expand<br />

Investigate schools within a school options<br />

Teacher/staff scheduling<br />

X<br />

Increase class size when appropriate X X<br />

Reduce substitute cost X X<br />

Reduce conference expense X X<br />

Reduce elementary supply/expense budget X X<br />

Reduce middle school supply/expense budget<br />

Reduce high school supply/expense budget<br />

Evaluate/bid contracted services<br />

All Contracts<br />

Student field trips ‐ currently paid by<br />

HAT/PTO/Students X X maintain policy<br />

Evaluate use of outside consultants X X<br />

Evaluate all IU 08 programs X X<br />

Evaluate the efficiency of student schedules X X<br />

Volunteers<br />

Require that students/parents help pay for supplies<br />

Encourage staff to obtain multiple certifications<br />

(flexibility in scheduling)<br />

Share services with other school districts (special ed,<br />

technology, etc)<br />

Utilize a grant writer<br />

Evaluate textbook replacement cycle X X<br />

Evaluate electronic textbooks<br />

X<br />

Maintain just in time supply purchases X X<br />

Evaluate four day school week<br />

On line report cards/newsletters X X<br />

Evaluate contracted vs professional<br />

X<br />

Examine viability of all programs<br />



<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Delay Building Project<br />

X<br />

Ongoing<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Eliminate <strong>Budget</strong> Transfer to Capital Projects Acct. I X 130,000<br />

Review existing and projected fund balance levels X X<br />

Refinance debt (final payment Oct. 2014)<br />

X<br />

Evaluate Act 39 Performance Energy Contract X<br />

Apply for Act 129 rebates ‐ Penelec X<br />

Reduce Utility <strong>Cost</strong>‐ electric/gas/water X X<br />

Reduce temperature in schools X X<br />

Participate in electricity consortium X X<br />

Participate in natural gas consortium X X<br />

Solicit RFP's/bids for service contracts/insurance<br />

Review/increase insurance deductibles<br />

Solicit quotes auditing ‐ 2011 X X Done<br />

Evaluate food service ‐ 2012/2013 is yr 3 of 5 18,419 profit<br />

Evaluate lunch prices X X<br />

Evaluate the Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon (1/2 paid<br />

by WHEA) 1,200<br />

Maintain Workers' Comp Safety Committee (5% prem.<br />

reduction) X X<br />

Review/reassign support staff levels X X<br />

Solicit RFP for garbage collection Due Sept X<br />

Evaluate contracted vs in house services X X<br />

Evaluate tax collection X X<br />

Consolidate services with other school districts<br />

(Payroll/HR/AP, etc.)<br />

Promote sharing of services with municipalities when<br />

appropriate<br />

Expand joint purchasing programs X X<br />

Maintain just in time supply purchases X X<br />

Engage preventative maintenance programs to<br />

prolong equipment life X X<br />

Evaluate green construction<br />

Eliminate personal appliances X X<br />

Evaluate equipment lease vs purchase X X<br />

Time projects for the lowest price ‐ summer vs school<br />

X<br />

Monitor & reduce duplicating/printing costs X X<br />

Use of codes for tracking copier use X X<br />

Monitor/reduce postage expense X X<br />

Mandatory direct deposit*<br />

X<br />

Coordinate conference attendance<br />

Evaluate contribution to the Westmont Hilltop<br />

Recreation Commission 69,000<br />

Evaluate contribution to the Cambria County Library 4,000<br />

Student parking permits ‐ $25/yr X X<br />

Establish an advisory committee (strategic planning) X X Renewal in fall


<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years Ongoing<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Consolidate non public runs, eliminate 1 bus run, 1<br />

van run<br />

X<br />

Eliminate detention & activity bus runs<br />

X<br />

Eliminate HS one bus run 18,000<br />

Eliminate all student busing<br />

Eliminate HS busing<br />

Optimize bus runs ‐(increase walk zones, distance to<br />

bus stops) X<br />

Employ a consultant to review/optimize bus routes<br />

Share busing with other school districts (special ed,<br />

non‐public) X X<br />

Consolidate sports schedules to streamline busing X X<br />

Coordinate school bell schedules to streamline busing X X contract related<br />

Coordinate school calendars with non public when<br />

possible X X<br />

Apply for Liquid Fuels Tax Refund X X<br />

Maximize transportation reimbursement X X<br />


<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years Ongoing<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Evaluate/reduce the technology budget X X<br />

Review the replacement cycle for technology X<br />

Allow use of personal computers<br />

Evaluate bids vs state contracting X X<br />

Evaluate contracted vs in house services X X<br />

Review internet fees X X<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Expand electronic purchase order approval system X X<br />

Maintain Employeee Resource Center X X<br />

Use summer interns unpaid)<br />

Solicit donations of technology


<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Ongoing<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Eliminate district paid student accident insurance 24,500<br />

Student Fees<br />

Reduce the number of paid coaches<br />

Use the Recreation Commission for 5th & 6th grade<br />

sports est 5,000<br />

Use more volunteer coaches<br />

Sell advertising<br />

Volunteer ticket takers/game workers<br />

Evaluate uniform/equipment purchases X X<br />

Increase booster contribution for athletic programs X X<br />

Yearbook ‐ solicit quotes<br />

Athletic supplies/equipment ‐ review replacement<br />

cycle X X<br />

Eliminate programs with low participation<br />

as needed<br />


<strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Saving</strong> Strategy<br />

Priority<br />

Level<br />

2011/12 &<br />

Prior Years Ongoing<br />

Priority Level: I = Immediate, F = Future, R = Review Further, N/A = Not Applicable<br />

Evaluate consolidation with other schools X X<br />

Consolidate with other school districts ‐ Graduated<br />

school tax rate for each school district X X<br />

2012/2013<br />

<strong>Budget</strong><br />

Freeze the taxes and institute a use tax where families<br />

with children pay all costs above a certain level<br />

Pursue legislative relief for employer pension<br />

increases X X<br />

<strong>Budget</strong> for employer pension costs<br />

Evaluate the need for future consolidation of<br />

campuses and a long‐range plan for facilites<br />

Continue efforts of the Creative Funding Committee

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