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<strong>MOLECULAR</strong> <strong>EVOLUTION</strong><br />

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Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

1. Homologous genes<br />

Genes with similar functions can be found in a diverse range of living<br />

things.<br />

The great revelation of the past 20 years has been the discovery that<br />

the actual nucleotide sequences of many genes are sufficiently well<br />

conserved that homologous genes—that is, genes that are similar in<br />

their nucleotide sequence because of a common ancestry—can often<br />

be recognized across vast phylogenetic distances.<br />

For example, unmistakable homologs of many human genes are easy<br />

to detect in such organisms as nematode worms, fruit flies, yeasts, and<br />

even bacteria.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

2. Similarity of nucleotide sequences<br />

Homologous genes are ones that share a common evolutionary<br />

ancestor, revealed by sequence similarities between the genes. These<br />

similarities form the data on which molecular phylogenies are based.<br />

Homologous genes fall into two categories:<br />

<br />

<br />

Orthologous genes are those homologs that are present in different organisms<br />

and whose common ancestor predates the split between the species.<br />

Paralogous genes are present in the same organism, often members of a<br />

recognized multigene family, their common ancestor possibly or possibly not<br />

predating the species in which the genes are now found.<br />

A pair of homologous genes do not usually have identical nucleotide<br />

sequences, because the two genes undergo different random changes<br />

by mutation, but they have similar sequences because these random<br />

changes have operated on the same starting sequence, the common<br />

ancestral gene.<br />

Two DNA sequences with 80% sequence identity<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

3. Reconstructing extinct gene sequences<br />

For closely related organisms such as humans and chimpanzees, it is<br />

possible to reconstruct the gene sequences of the extinct, last common<br />

ancestor of the two species.<br />

The close similarity between human and chimpanzee genes is mainly<br />

due to the short time that has been available for the accumulation of<br />

mutations in the two diverging lineages, rather than to functional<br />

constraints that have kept the sequences the same.<br />

Evidence for this view comes from the observation that even DNA<br />

sequences whose nucleotide order is functionally unconstrained —<br />

such as the third position of “synonymous” codons — are nearly<br />

identical.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

4. Human and chimpanzee leptin genes<br />

Leptin is a hormone that regulates food intake and energy utilization in<br />

response to the adequacy of fat reserves.<br />

For convenience, only the first 300<br />

nucleotides of the leptin coding<br />

sequences are given.<br />

Only 5 codons (of 441 nucleotides<br />

total) differ between these two<br />

sequences, and in only one does the<br />

encoded amino acid differ. The<br />

corresponding sequence in the<br />

gorilla is also indicated. In two<br />

cases, the gorilla sequence agrees<br />

with the human sequence, while in<br />

three cases it agrees with the<br />

chimpanzee sequence.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

5. The ancestor sequence<br />

What was the sequence of the leptin gene in the last common ancestor<br />

of human and chimpanzee?<br />

We know from other evidences that human and chimpanzee are more<br />

closely related one to each other than any of them to gorilla<br />

An evolutionary model that seeks to minimize the number of<br />

mutations postulated to have occurred during the evolution of the<br />

human and chimpanzee genes would assume that the leptin sequence<br />

of the last common ancestor was the same as the human and<br />

chimpanzee sequences when they agree<br />

When they disagree, it would use the gorilla sequence as a tie-breaker.<br />

Therefore, the sequence of the common ancestor underwent three<br />

substitutions (at position 2, 4 and 5 of the five differences) in the<br />

human lineage, and two substitutions (at positions 1 and 3) in the<br />

chimpanzee lineage<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

6. Which individual’s DNA have to be compared?<br />

<br />

<br />

In comparisons between two species that have diverged from one<br />

another by millions of years, it makes little difference which<br />

individuals from each species are compared.<br />

<br />

For example, typical human and chimpanzee DNA sequences differ from one<br />

another by 1%. In contrast, when the same region of the genome is sampled<br />

from two different humans, the differences are typically less than 0.1%. For<br />

more distantly related organisms, the inter-species differences overshadow<br />

intra-species variation even more dramatically.<br />

However, each “fixed difference” between the human and the<br />

chimpanzee (i.e., each difference that is now characteristic of all or<br />

nearly all individuals of each species) started out as a new mutation in<br />

a single individual. How does such a rare mutation become fixed in<br />

the population, and hence become a characteristic of the species rather<br />

than of a particular individual genome?<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

7. A mosaic of small DNA pieces<br />

The answer to the previous question depends on the functional<br />

consequences of the mutation. If the mutation has a significantly<br />

deleterious effect, it will simply be eliminated by purifying selection<br />

and will not become fixed. (In the most extreme case, the individual<br />

carrying the mutation will die without producing progeny.)<br />

Conversely, the rare mutations that confer a major reproductive<br />

advantage on individuals who inherit them will spread rapidly in the<br />

population. Because humans reproduce sexually and genetic<br />

recombination occurs each time a gamete is formed, the genome of<br />

each individual who has inherited the mutation will be a unique<br />

recombinational mosaic of segments inherited from a large number of<br />

ancestors.<br />

The selected mutation along with a modest amount of neighboring<br />

sequence — ultimately inherited from the individual in which the<br />

mutation occurred — will simply be one piece of this huge mosaic.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

8. Functional Constraint<br />

Changes to genes that diminish an organism's ability to survive and<br />

reproduce are typically removed from the gene pool by the process of<br />

natural selection.<br />

Portions of genes that are especially important are said to be under<br />

functional constraint and tend to accumulate changes very slowly over<br />

the course of evolution.<br />

Different portions of genes do accumulate changes at widely differing<br />

rates that reflect the extent to which they are functionally constrained.<br />

Changes at the nucleotide level of coding sequence that do not change<br />

the amino acid sequence of a protein are called synonymous<br />

substitutions.<br />

In contrast, changes at the nucleotide level of coding sequence that do<br />

change the amino acid sequence of a protein are called nonsynonymous<br />

substitutions.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

9. The molecular clock<br />

The integrated phylogenetic trees support the basic idea that changes<br />

in the sequences of particular genes or proteins occur at a constant<br />

rate, at least in the lineages of organisms whose generation times and<br />

overall biological characteristics are quite similar to one another.<br />

This apparent constancy in the rates at which sequences change is<br />

referred to as the molecular-clock hypothesis.<br />

Molecular clocks have a finer time resolution than the fossil record<br />

and are a more reliable guide to the detailed structure of phylogenetic<br />

trees than are classical methods of tree construction, which are based<br />

on comparisons of the morphology and development of different<br />

species. For example, the precise relationship among the great-ape<br />

and human lineages was not settled until sufficient molecularsequence<br />

data accumulated in the 1980s to produce the tree that was<br />

shown<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

10. Rate of molecular evolution<br />

The constant rate of neutral substitution predicts that, if the number of<br />

nucleotide differences between two species is plotted against the time<br />

since their divergence from a common ancestor, the result should be a<br />

straight line with a slope equal to μ.<br />

That is, evolution should proceed according to a molecular clock that<br />

is ticking at the rate μ.<br />

Because molecular clocks run at rates that are determined both by<br />

mutation rates and by the amount of purifying selection on particular<br />

sequences, a different calibration is required for genes replicated and<br />

repaired by different systems within cells.<br />

Most notably, clocks based on functionally unconstrained<br />

mitochondrial DNA sequences run much faster than clocks based on<br />

functionally unconstrained nuclear sequences because of the high<br />

mutation rate in mitochondria.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

11. Nucleotide substitutions in the β-globin gene<br />

A plot of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions for the β-<br />

globin gene. The slope for nonsynonymous substitutions is much<br />

lower than that for synonymous changes, which means that the<br />

mutation rate to nonsynonymous substitutions is much lower than that<br />

to synonymous ones.<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

12. Differences among nucleotide substitution rates<br />

<br />

<br />

Nucleotide substitution<br />

rates differ among<br />

different portions of the<br />

genes<br />

Highest rates are typical<br />

of pseudogenes, lowest<br />

rates are characteristic<br />

of non-synonymous<br />

substitutions<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

13. Effect of functional constraints<br />

Region<br />

Length of<br />

Region (bp) in<br />

Human<br />

Average Pairwise<br />

Number of<br />

Changes<br />

Standard<br />

Deviation<br />

Substitution Rate<br />

(substitutions/<br />

site/10 9 year)<br />

Noncoding, overall<br />

913<br />

67.9<br />

14.1<br />

3.33<br />

Coding, overall<br />

441<br />

69.2<br />

16.7<br />

1.58<br />

5' Flanking sequence<br />

300<br />

96.0<br />

19.6<br />

3.39<br />

5' Untranslated sequence<br />

50<br />

9.0<br />

3.0<br />

1.86<br />

Intron 1<br />

131<br />

41.8<br />

8.1<br />

3.48<br />

3' Untranslated sequence<br />

132<br />

33.0<br />

11.5<br />

3.00<br />

3' Flanking sequence<br />

300<br />

76.3<br />

14.3<br />

3.60<br />

Average pairwise divergence among different regions of the human,<br />

mouse, rabbit, and cow beta-like globin genes<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

14. Different clok rates in different proteins<br />

Another prediction of neutral evolution is that different proteins will have different<br />

clock rates, because the metabolic function of some proteins will be much more<br />

sensitive to changes in their amino acid sequence. Proteins in which every amino acid<br />

makes a difference will have smaller values of the neutral mutation rate than will<br />

proteins that are more tolerant of substitution.<br />

A comparison of the clocks for<br />

fibrinopeptides, hemoglobin, and<br />

cytochrome c. That fibrinopeptides<br />

have a much higher proportion of<br />

neutral mutations is reasonable<br />

because these peptides are merely a<br />

nonmetabolic safety catch, cut out of<br />

fibrinogen to activate the blood-<br />

clotting reaction. From a priori<br />

considerations, why hemoglobins are<br />

less sensitive to amino acid changes<br />

than is cytochrome c is less obvious<br />

Genetica per Scienze Naturali<br />

a.a. 08-09 prof S. Presciuttini

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