PCM-2 Manual.pdf - Voss Associates

PCM-2 Manual.pdf - Voss Associates

PCM-2 Manual.pdf - Voss Associates


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used. For example, if the main drive is C: and the day file directory is specified<br />

as '\DATA' or 'C:\DATA', the day files will be stored in C:\DATA\DIRYY. If<br />

the main drive is C: and the day file directory is specified as 'A: \DATA', the day<br />

files will be stored in A:\DATA\DIRYY. Take care not to terminate the string<br />

with a backslash, such as 'A:\DATA\'.<br />

(Note: If one floppy drive is in use, either alone or with a hard disk, DOS will<br />

allow the floppy drive to be named A: or B:. If the floppy is specified by default<br />

as A: (which is normally the case) and it is to be used for day file storage, do<br />

NOT define the day file directory as using drive B: (such as 'B:\DATA'). )<br />

Next, enable the desired file storage by toggling the three menu items under the<br />

"Day File Directory Storage:" heading in the Instrument Configuration edit screen<br />

to the desired setting.<br />


TRANSACTIONS? (No, All, Alarms Only)<br />

STATUS CHANGES? (No, Yes)<br />


Storage of transactions can be done for all transactions or only alarmed<br />

transactions. These are stored in MMDDYY.TXT.<br />

Status changes are stored in MMDDYY.CHG.<br />

Source check results are stored in MMDDYY.SCK.<br />

Sum Zone Setup<br />

Up to 75 sum zones, each containing two to four detectors, are supported by the<br />

<strong>PCM</strong>-2. A default set of definitions is provided which creates zones from<br />

adjacent detectors, however these may be deleted or changed to meet site-specific<br />

requirements. Sum zone activity is checked and results displayed along with<br />

single-detector results. Distributed contamination, which does not trigger an<br />

alarm on anyone detector, may still be sensed if it spans two or more detectors<br />

within a single sum zone. Note that sum zones may overlap; one detector may<br />

belong to several zones.<br />

Within this screen, successive sum zones may be viewed by using the page-up and<br />

page-down keys on the main keyboard. Detectors may be added to or deleted<br />

from the current sum zone by using the arrow keys to place the square cursor on<br />

the desired detector, then pressing the F2 key to add or remove the selected<br />

detector.<br />

5-18<br />

<strong>PCM</strong>2.MAN/ Rev A/April 1995

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