Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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Since weed germination/emergence patterns are mostly affected by temperature (l,<br />

5, 18), he response of germination under different thermal conditions is often expressed in<br />

terms f degree-days. Ghera and Holt (8) give a good review of models using thermal time<br />

(degre -days) as predictor in weed science literature. Because those models include time<br />

vector, they provide more accessible information for weed management. However, there are<br />

some eoretical aspects ignored by this approach. First, the degree-day concept is based on<br />

the lin arity between organism development rate (here seed germination) and temperature<br />

(16). ck of linearity, which is normally the situation in seed germination, could result in an<br />

undere timate near the low temperature threshold and an overestimate near the optimum<br />

tempe ture. Secondly, extrapolating the response curve to the temperature axis to obtain<br />

thresh ld temperature is not justified. Thirdly, those models only predict mean germination<br />

time f m mean time versus temperature relationships. Excluding the variation in the<br />

popul ion loses the information of emergence pattern.<br />

The above drawbacks can be avoided by integrating both rate versus temperature and<br />

the ge ination distribution. Wagner et al, (15) reviewed the progress in temperature versus<br />

organi m development time and constructed a protocol for insect development time<br />

predic ion. So far, there is only one study using the approach in perennial weed prediction<br />

(9). T e justification of the temperature versus plant development approach could provide a<br />

biolog cally and statistically sound method for weed emergence pattern prediction.<br />

The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the protocol of Wagner<br />

et al, (15) for modeling annual weed germination patterns, and to highlight the procedure of<br />

emerg nee pattern prediction for three annual weed species that are common in the Northeast<br />

regio .<br />


Seeds of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), lambsquarters (Chenopodium<br />

L.), and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.) were collected from the<br />

cience Research Facility in Mansfield, CT and stored at room temperature for about a<br />

.or to the study.<br />

Five hundred homogeneous (same size and color) seeds of each weed species were<br />

germi ated in growth chambers under constant temperatures from 10 to 340C with an<br />

interv I of 3 0C. These temperatures were selected because they represent the temperatures in<br />

this r gion of the country during spring and early summer. Sponge (16.0 em x 16.0 ern x 1.5<br />

cm) as placed in a 24.5 em x 24.5 ern x 2.0 em bioassay dish. The sponge was saturated<br />

with .I. H20 and covered by one Whatman No. 1 filter paper onto which seeds were<br />

place . Bioassay dishes were kept in the dark in a growth chamber set at the desired<br />

tern rature. Room light exposures during daily germination evaluations were presumed<br />

adeq te for light requirements. Before setting up germination tests, the surface sterilization<br />

of se d was performed by soaking with 10% commercial Clorox for ten minutes and then<br />

rinsi with distilled water. The germinated seeds (radicle emerged at least lmm) were<br />

coun d and removed daily. Experiments were terminated when no seed germinated in two<br />

succ sive days after a minimum 14- day test. The experiment was repeated once.

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