Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


50 SE HEADSUPPRESSIONOF ANNUALBLUEGRASSANDTALLFESCUE ThomasL. Watsehkeand JeffreyA. Borger' ABSTRACT T 0 studieswere conductedto assessseedheadsuppressionin 1996. One studywas conducted n a mixedstand of creepingbentgrassandfwl aD1lWlon the practicegreenat thePenn StateBlueGolfCoursein StateCollege,PA. The studywas a randomizedcompletedblockdesign withthree plications, All of the treatmentswere appliedon April22, 1996.usinga threefoot COzpowe boomsprayercalibratedto deliver80 gpa usingtwo 6504nozzlesat 30 psi. The weatherc nditionsat the timeof applicationweresunnywitha slightwind(lessthan5 mph)and an air tern ratureof 80°Fand a soil temperatureof rooFat two inches. The greenwas maintained usingno al practicesfor irrigation.mowing.and fertilizer. Seedheadsuppressionwas ratedon twodates 5/10/96and 5/17/96). OnMay 10.mefluidideLiteprovidedexcellentseedhead suppressi (90%). Mefluidideprovided80%suppression.but bothproductshad reduced suppressi when supplementedwith Ferromec(15-0-0). Even thoughFerromecreducedthe suppressio of mefluidideLite. therewas suppressioncomparableto mefluidide. Ferromec significan y safenedthediscolorationthatresultedfromthe mefluidideLiteapplication.Alltreated turfhad si nificantlybetterqualityon theMay 17ratingdatethannontreatedturf. Thisdifference wasprim . Yassociatedwith thereductionin qualityof the nontreatedturfas theresultof the presence seedheads. MefluidideLitereducedseedheadssignificantlymorethanmefluidideon theMay 1 ratingdate eventhoughtherate of activeingredientappliedfrombothsourceswas identical. Th secondstudywasconductedat theLandscapeManagementResearchCenter, Universi Park, PAt on a predominatelytall fescueturf. The treatmentswere appliedon May3. 1996(s eads not emerged),usinga threefoot hand heldCOzpoweredboomsprayerwithtwo flat fan 65 nozzlescalibratedto deliver80 gpa. Ratingsweretakenon a weeklybasisfor vegetativeturf height(excludingthe seedheads)and seedheadsuppressionwas ratedfive weeks aftertre ent (June 10). Phytotoxicityratingsweretaken 19daysaftertreatmentandagainnear theconcl ion of the study as some treatmentshad not fullyrecovered. On May 22 andJune 10, noneof th treatedturf was ratedbelow7 (consideredacceptable)for phytotoxicity,althoughthere werediffe neesamongthetreatmentswithrespectto the phytotoxicitytheycaused(treatmentsthat included AN1269Hcausedmorephytotoxicitythan the others). Seedheadsuppressionratedon June 10w consideredacceptableon turf treatedwithEHI094 at the two highestrates,EH1135 at thetwo ighestrates,mefluidideat 0.2 oVMand mefluidideplusEvent(imazaquinand imazethap ) at 0.2 oVM and0.5 oVM, respectively. I Professor PA 168 d ResearchAssistant.respectively,Departmentof Agronomy,PennStateUniversity,UniversityPark,

51 TIIE E...·rL"",,- L OF TRINEXAP AC-ETHYL ON PUTIlNG GREEN SPEED ThomasL. Watschkcand JeffreyA. Borger' ABSTRACT This s dy was conductedat TheValentineTurfgrassResearchCenter,University Park, PA, on mature mixed stand of Penncrosscreepingbentgrass(Acrostis palustris) and annual bi grass~ aunual. Two a plicationsof trinexapac-erhyl(lEe) at tworates,0.06and0.125 07JM,were applied at two plication timingsto 3'x2Q' plots in a randomized completeblock design. A hand held C 1 poweredboomsprayer,was calibratedto deliver40 gpaat 30 psi using two 6504 flat nozzles. The first applicationwas on May30, 1996,thesecondon July 8,1996. Data c llectionwasinitiated on July 2, 1996,and wascompletedon July 25, 1996. The test site mowed,in onedirectionperpendicularto the roll of the ball at 5132"on Monday,Wyand friday usinga triplexreel mowercollectingtheclippings. On Tuesdays and ursdays after the dew waswhippedfrom the test site, (no mowing)stimp meterreadingswere takenevery twohoursusing tlll'ee golfballs rolledin two directions (awayfrom back to a startingpoint) startingat 6 a.m. andcontinueduntil 8 p.m. At the onset of h two hour datacollectioninterval, a visual weatherobservationandsoil temperaturew recorded (on some daysinclement weatherprohibitedthe completionof the full day' 5 ta collection). The test area did not receiveanyfertilizer,andirrigationwas appliedon an neededbasis,on non data collectiondays. In general,the lowestgreen speedwasfo early in theday (6 a.m.)andIarerin theday(4 p.m.). Although,on two occasions,a dday low was recorded Wind, proximityof rainfall to measurementtime, overall growin conditions(air and soil temperature),leaf'wetness, and other environmental arametersinteractto impactresults. Onlya slightrate effectwasfound. At most ob .ontimes, tIinexapac-ethyltreatedturf allowedfor slightlyfasterball roll (3 to 7 inches),although,on occasion,untreatedturfallowedtheball to roll further. Little evidencewast; ODdat the rates used,thatrrinexapac-ethyltreated turfcouldprovidea putting surfacewhich wouldbe of uniformspeedthroughoutthe daythan non treated tuIf. t Professor and earch Assistant. respectively, Department of Agronomy, Penn State University. University Park. A 16802

50<br />

SE<br />


ThomasL. Watsehkeand JeffreyA. Borger'<br />


T 0 studieswere conductedto assessseedheadsuppressionin 1996. One studywas<br />

conducted n a mixedstand of creepingbentgrassandfwl aD1lWlon the practicegreenat thePenn<br />

StateBlueGolfCoursein StateCollege,PA. The studywas a randomizedcompletedblockdesign<br />

withthree plications, All of the treatmentswere appliedon April22, 1996.usinga threefoot<br />

COzpowe boomsprayercalibratedto deliver80 gpa usingtwo 6504nozzlesat 30 psi. The<br />

weatherc nditionsat the timeof applicationweresunnywitha slightwind(lessthan5 mph)and<br />

an air tern ratureof 80°Fand a soil temperatureof rooFat two inches. The greenwas maintained<br />

usingno al practicesfor irrigation.mowing.and fertilizer. Seedheadsuppressionwas ratedon<br />

twodates 5/10/96and 5/17/96). OnMay 10.mefluidideLiteprovidedexcellentseedhead<br />

suppressi (90%). Mefluidideprovided80%suppression.but bothproductshad reduced<br />

suppressi when supplementedwith Ferromec(15-0-0). Even thoughFerromecreducedthe<br />

suppressio of mefluidideLite. therewas suppressioncomparableto mefluidide. Ferromec<br />

significan y safenedthediscolorationthatresultedfromthe mefluidideLiteapplication.Alltreated<br />

turfhad si nificantlybetterqualityon theMay 17ratingdatethannontreatedturf. Thisdifference<br />

wasprim . Yassociatedwith thereductionin qualityof the nontreatedturfas theresultof the<br />

presence seedheads. MefluidideLitereducedseedheadssignificantlymorethanmefluidideon<br />

theMay 1 ratingdate eventhoughtherate of activeingredientappliedfrombothsourceswas<br />

identical.<br />

Th secondstudywasconductedat theLandscapeManagementResearchCenter,<br />

Universi Park, PAt on a predominatelytall fescueturf. The treatmentswere appliedon May3.<br />

1996(s eads not emerged),usinga threefoot hand heldCOzpoweredboomsprayerwithtwo<br />

flat fan 65 nozzlescalibratedto deliver80 gpa. Ratingsweretakenon a weeklybasisfor<br />

vegetativeturf height(excludingthe seedheads)and seedheadsuppressionwas ratedfive weeks<br />

aftertre ent (June 10). Phytotoxicityratingsweretaken 19daysaftertreatmentandagainnear<br />

theconcl ion of the study as some treatmentshad not fullyrecovered. On May 22 andJune 10,<br />

noneof th treatedturf was ratedbelow7 (consideredacceptable)for phytotoxicity,althoughthere<br />

werediffe neesamongthetreatmentswithrespectto the phytotoxicitytheycaused(treatmentsthat<br />

included AN1269Hcausedmorephytotoxicitythan the others). Seedheadsuppressionratedon<br />

June 10w consideredacceptableon turf treatedwithEHI094 at the two highestrates,EH1135<br />

at thetwo ighestrates,mefluidideat 0.2 oVMand mefluidideplusEvent(imazaquinand<br />

imazethap ) at 0.2 oVM and0.5 oVM, respectively.<br />

I Professor<br />

PA 168<br />

d ResearchAssistant.respectively,Departmentof Agronomy,PennStateUniversity,UniversityPark,

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