Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


44 EXTE DED EFFECTIVENESSOF POSTEMERGENCECRABGRASSCONTROL S. Wayne Bingham and Lloyd Hipkins! ABSTRACT dulum Post and Preclaim are similar mixtures of fenoxaprop and pendime alin. These formulations were not directly compared to each other since they are essen .ally the same; however, they were compared to fenoxaprop as Acclaim and Acclaim tra and in some cases to a few preemergence herbicides. The more active fenoxapr p isomer in Acclaim Extra is also in Pendulum Post and Preclaim. In 995, Pendulum Post provided excellent crabgrass control for 10 weeks as compare to Acclaim Extra for less than 6 weeks. Bluegrass quality also remained good until era ass control became poor at 15 weeks. With the temporary injury occurring with Acc im Extra, bluegrass quality was below acceptable and in open or thin turfgrass crabgrass occurred at 6 weeks. Similar injury occurred with Pendulum Post; however, pendimethalin reduced further emergence of crabgrass in the thin bluegrass, Dithiopy gave 90% crabgrass control (1 to 3 tiller stage) and was similar to Acclaim Extra aft r 3 weeks in regard to crabgrass control and turfgrass quality. D ring 1996, pendimethalin and dithiopyr applied preemergence gave excellent crabgras control for 16 weeks. Pendulum Post applied on 4 leaf crabgrass was equally effective uring this period. Acclaim Extra gave excellent crabgrass control for 4 weeks and allo ed reoccurrence before 9 weeks. Bluegrass injury was slightly less when fenoxapr p was applied later in the season. Bluegrass quality was acceptable during the entir period with pendimethalin and dithiopyr applied preemergence; however, quality 0 bluegrass was slightly more variable with Pendulum Post. P laim provided excellent crabgrass control for 14 weeks and did not appear influenc d by triclopyr alone. However, broadleaf herbicides (triclopyr + clopyralid and 2,4- + mecoprop + dicamba) reduced the effectiveness of Preclaim for crabgrass control ter 8 weeks. Tank mixtures of Acclaim Extra with 2,4-D + mecoprop + dicamba also showed a similar response on crabgrass. inclorac at 0.75 lb aij A provided excellent crabgrass control but 0.50lb aiJ A ffective at 4 weeks. lProfess r Emeritus and Senior Research Associate, Department of Plant Pathology, Physiol gy and Weed Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0331

I II 45 iI Gallery* f,r Weed Prevention and Callback Reduction in Home Lawns I i R. 1.Keese and C. L. Forth, CPAg DowElanco and TruGreen-ChemLawn I Small lawns, ajveraging 3,500 to 4,000 square feet, were targeted for treatment in the Baltimore, MIj> area. Prior to herbicide and 4-1-2 fertilizer applications, weed populations were identified. Properties were treated as a split plot design, where half the property receiveda st4dard Trimec959 (3.125 pt/A rate) application,and th.. e other half received Trimec 959 plus Gallery* (1.0 Ib ai/A). Trimec, a postemergence product, will only ! control only the weeds visible at the time of application. against emergtnce of additional weeds. Gallery* adds a barrier to protect Evaluation, were made 6, 7 and 8 months after herbicide application. Weeds observed i in the study in luded dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), plantains ~IAAtago §R.),white clover (Trifoli m repens), spurge (Euphorbia §R.),oxalis (~ §Jl:.),chickweed (Cerastium §Rt l ), veronica(VeronicaJil.), and ground ivy(Glechoma., hederacea). months after t eatment, weed control was excellent in the Gallery* treated areas, and At six weeds were e erging in the Trimec alone treatment. There was a statistical difference i between the t1eatments when analyzed as a Wilcoxson Signed Rank Test. A Pearson Chi- Square Conti~gency Table analysis gives a p-value of 0.012, which suggests a significant relationship between the lack of weeds and Gallery*. At seven and eight months after application, t~s trend continued. Weeds emerging included dandelion, chickweed, oxalis, and violets. ! , A typical residential route was also treated with Gallery* for a week, which allowed comparison td the routes where standard applications of herbicide were used. Dandelion ! bloom varies tom region to region, and can be an indication of the success of weed control programs. Lawn care companies around Baltimore were receiving approximately 30 calls a we1k per specialist, during the month of May when dandelions began flowering, No weed con~rol complaints were received from the route treated with GalJery*. Fewer callbacks and rxtended weed control allow lawn care operators more flexibity in their day to day operatins, yielding a better bottom line. * Trademar~ of Dow Elan co

44<br />


S. Wayne Bingham and Lloyd Hipkins!<br />


dulum Post and Preclaim are similar mixtures of fenoxaprop and<br />

pendime alin. These formulations were not directly compared to each other since they<br />

are essen .ally the same; however, they were compared to fenoxaprop as Acclaim and<br />

Acclaim tra and in some cases to a few preemergence herbicides. The more active<br />

fenoxapr p isomer in Acclaim Extra is also in Pendulum Post and Preclaim.<br />

In 995, Pendulum Post provided excellent crabgrass control for 10 weeks as<br />

compare to Acclaim Extra for less than 6 weeks. Bluegrass quality also remained good<br />

until era ass control became poor at 15 weeks. With the temporary injury occurring<br />

with Acc im Extra, bluegrass quality was below acceptable and in open or thin<br />

turfgrass crabgrass occurred at 6 weeks. Similar injury occurred with Pendulum Post;<br />

however, pendimethalin reduced further emergence of crabgrass in the thin bluegrass,<br />

Dithiopy gave 90% crabgrass control (1 to 3 tiller stage) and was similar to Acclaim<br />

Extra aft r 3 weeks in regard to crabgrass control and turfgrass quality.<br />

D ring 1996, pendimethalin and dithiopyr applied preemergence gave excellent<br />

crabgras control for 16 weeks. Pendulum Post applied on 4 leaf crabgrass was equally<br />

effective uring this period. Acclaim Extra gave excellent crabgrass control for 4 weeks<br />

and allo ed reoccurrence before 9 weeks. Bluegrass injury was slightly less when<br />

fenoxapr p was applied later in the season. Bluegrass quality was acceptable during<br />

the entir period with pendimethalin and dithiopyr applied preemergence; however,<br />

quality 0 bluegrass was slightly more variable with Pendulum Post.<br />

P laim provided excellent crabgrass control for 14 weeks and did not appear<br />

influenc d by triclopyr alone. However, broadleaf herbicides (triclopyr + clopyralid<br />

and 2,4- + mecoprop + dicamba) reduced the effectiveness of Preclaim for crabgrass<br />

control ter 8 weeks. Tank mixtures of Acclaim Extra with 2,4-D + mecoprop +<br />

dicamba also showed a similar response on crabgrass.<br />

inclorac at 0.75 lb aij A provided excellent crabgrass control but 0.50lb aiJ A<br />

ffective at 4 weeks.<br />

lProfess r Emeritus and Senior Research Associate, Department of Plant Pathology,<br />

Physiol gy and <strong>Weed</strong> <strong>Science</strong>, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0331

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