Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


----~------ 204 e Committee Reports of the NORTHEASTERN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY Presented at the 50th Annual Business Meeting sburg Lodge and Conference Center Williamsburg, Virginia, January 4,1996 PRESIDENT Bradley A. Majek Th s is the 50th annual meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society, and an excellent time t reflect on the past while looking ahead to the future. We are all looking forward to celebr ting the Society's anniversary at the Colonial Williamsburg Lodge and Convention Center, Willia sburg, Virginia. Preparations for the meeting have gone smoothly, and the Executive Comm ttee is anticipating a good turnout. Colonial Williamsburg has ranked high onrecent surveys conduc ed to determine potential sites for our meeting. The Historical Area has a great deal to offer visitor, and hopefully everyone will find an opportunity to enjoythe location. excellent program has been assembled for our50th annual meeting. The featured speakers at the G neral Session will be five of our past presidents. Each will reflect on one decade of the societ . Dr. Robert Sweet will recall the establishment of the Northeastern Weed Science Society, then c lIed the Northeastern Weed Control Conference. John Gallagher will discuss the flood of selecti e herbicides that followed. Dr. James Parochetti will remember the on farm successesthat resulte from the use of selective herbicides. Dr. RussHahn will evaluate the someof the problems that r suited from the use of the newly developed weed control techniques. Finally, Dr. Henry Wilso will address the use of genetically enhanced herbicide selectivity in crops, and the challe ges this new technology presents to all of us. An Awards Luncheon has been scheduled as part 0 the 50th Meeting Celebration. Past presidents have been asked to reflect briefly on some of the "li hter" memorable moments of their terms. With the help of a little candid honesty, we will have memorable meal. A outstanding symposium has been scheduled to discuss the management of herbicide resistant he integration of the technology onto the farm, and the impact onagricultural production. T 12th Annual Northeastern Collegiate Weed Contest was held on August 8, 1995 at Cornell Unive sity, Ithaca, New York. The event was a tremendous success.Special thanks go to Dr. Robin Bellin er and Dr. Russ Hahn, co-chairs of the contest for 1995. Also, I would like to express my thank to all that volunteered time and support for the event. I ould like to extend my sincere appreciation and thanks to all those who assisted me during my te ure as President of the Northeastern Weed Science Society, particularly those on the Execu ive Committee. Special thanks are in order for Dr. Wayne R. Wright, the immediate past presid nt, for his help this past year. It has been an honor and a highlight of my career to serve the So iety as President. PRESIDENT-ELECT Thomas E. Vrabel TI e Site for the 1997 meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society will be the Marriott Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island. Our meeting dates are January 6 - 9, 1997.This site won out over New ork City because the overall cost of the New York City site was well in excessof our society's mod means. The deciding factor was the cost for coffee breaks and other functions in public areas. Coffe breaks (for simply coffee only) at the New York site under consideration would cost us appro imately $ 8.00 per person per coffee break!!! This was primarily due to union control over these unctions and the hotel staff had no leeway in this matter. In addition, catered breakfasts would cost at least $ 40.00 per person and lunches would start at $ 50.00 per person. These costs, in additi n to the parking fees, liquor costs, and AV costs, made the New York site in the final analy is cost prohibitive. T e Newport Marriott is a property which will do an excellent job of meeting the needs of our societ .Newport Marriott is providing a room rate of $79.00 single or double occupancy, suite rates of $1 0.00, free parking, nearby airport access, and a wide variety of fine restaurants and delica essens within walking distance of the hotel. The restaurants at the Newport Marriott are large ough to handle our members' breakfast and lunch needs rapidly and have an excellent select' on of entrees. Another plus of this hotel is that it is of ample size to hold our meeting but is small enough to insure that we will be the only group in residence. VICE PRESIDENT

l ! 205 Joseph c. Neal For the 50thl annual meeting we had 115 volunteered presentations with 18 students in the student competitirn. This represents an increase of approximately 20presentations over 1995. i Section Chair & Chair - Elect # Papers Researcq Russ Wallace, Cornell Univ. 17 Posters Mary Jane Else, Univ. of Mass. Agronom David Mayonado, Monsanto Co. 41 Lewis Walker, Amer. Cyanamid Industria, W. Sherksnas, UAP 16 Forestry, ~ Mark RiceDupont AgProd. Conserv Turf&PG ~ David Spak, AgrEvo 22 Wavne Bingham, VPI & SU Ornament us Andrew Senesac, Cornell Coop. Exten. 9 Todd Mervosh, Univ. CT Vegetables and Robin Bellinder, Cornell Univ. 10 Fruit TOTAL 115 In addition, ~e had as special events, the General Session commemorating 50 years of progres"l in weed science ~n the Northeastern US. Highlights of each decade were presented. Dr. Robert Sweet presented~he 1950's - "in the beginning". John Gallagher discussed the "heyday of herbicide development" i the 1%0' s;Jim Parochetti discussed the 1970's- "the decade of success";Russ Hahn discussed the 19 O's as a "time for reevaluation"; and Henry Wilson discussed the "challenges of geneticallyenh ced selectivity" which we are encountering in the 1990's. This is followed by an awards luncheon, The General Symposium is on the "Impact of Herbicide Resistant Crops on the Future of Crop Management and Cultural Development". Presentations included the potential impact on row PuP management by Alan York of NC State Univ., the impact on cultivar development b~'Alan Walker of Asgrow seed, potential inpacts on specialty crops by Leonard Gianesse of the ational Center of Food & Agricultural Policy, and the potential an concerns of herbicide resist nt turfgrasses by Peter Day of the Rutgers Center for Agricultural Molecular Biology.OnFri ay, a special outreach symposium on Golf and Sports Turf Weed Management was presented with articipation of over 50 local turfgrass managers and golf coursesuperintendents. Forthe 19981meetingsite I have been focusingmy search in the southern part of our region with emphasis on War-hington DC. Several properties have submitted proposals which look very good. SECRETARY/TREASURER Brian D. Olson Attendance ~t the 1995annual meeting in Boston was 2% compared to 335 the previous year in Baltimore. Tot~l membership for 1995was 321. In 1995,expenset exceeded income by $500.21. As of October 31, 1995 the net worth of the NEWSS was $44,437.82. NEWSS Financral Statement INCOME: Sustaining merrlbership $3,900.00 Membership ~ $4,357.50 Registration f $10,140.00 Proceedings $5,690.00 Awards r $600.00 Interest. .' $1,381.35 Coffee Break S pport $1,200.00 Weed Contest $4750.00 Other Income $0.00 Subtotal $32,018.85 EXPENSE:

l<br />

!<br />

205<br />

Joseph c. Neal<br />

For the 50thl annual meeting we had 115 volunteered presentations with 18 students in the<br />

student competitirn. This represents an increase of approximately 20presentations over 1995.<br />

i<br />

Section Chair & Chair - Elect # Papers<br />

Researcq Russ Wallace, Cornell Univ. 17<br />

Posters<br />

Mary Jane Else, Univ. of Mass.<br />

Agronom David Mayonado, Monsanto Co. 41<br />

Lewis Walker, Amer. Cyanamid<br />

Industria, W. Sherksnas, UAP 16<br />

Forestry, ~<br />

Mark RiceDupont AgProd.<br />

Conserv<br />

Turf&PG ~ David Spak, AgrEvo 22<br />

Wavne Bingham, VPI & SU<br />

Ornament us Andrew Senesac, Cornell Coop. Exten. 9<br />

Todd Mervosh, Univ. CT<br />

Vegetables and Robin Bellinder, Cornell Univ. 10<br />

Fruit<br />

TOTAL 115<br />

In addition, ~e had as special events, the General Session commemorating 50 years of progres"l<br />

in weed science ~n the Northeastern US. Highlights of each decade were presented. Dr. Robert<br />

Sweet presented~he 1950's - "in the beginning". John Gallagher discussed the "heyday of herbicide<br />

development" i the 1%0' s;Jim Parochetti discussed the 1970's- "the decade of success";Russ Hahn<br />

discussed the 19 O's as a "time for reevaluation"; and Henry Wilson discussed the "challenges of<br />

geneticallyenh ced selectivity" which we are encountering in the 1990's. This is followed by an<br />

awards luncheon, The General Symposium is on the "Impact of Herbicide Resistant Crops on the<br />

Future of Crop Management and Cultural Development". Presentations included the potential<br />

impact on row PuP management by Alan York of NC State Univ., the impact on cultivar<br />

development b~'Alan Walker of Asgrow seed, potential inpacts on specialty crops by Leonard<br />

Gianesse of the ational Center of Food & Agricultural Policy, and the potential an concerns of<br />

herbicide resist nt turfgrasses by Peter Day of the Rutgers Center for Agricultural Molecular<br />

Biology.OnFri ay, a special outreach symposium on Golf and Sports Turf <strong>Weed</strong> Management was<br />

presented with articipation of over 50 local turfgrass managers and golf coursesuperintendents.<br />

Forthe 19981meetingsite I have been focusingmy search in the southern part of our region with<br />

emphasis on War-hington DC. Several properties have submitted proposals which look very good.<br />


Brian D. Olson<br />

Attendance ~t the 1995annual meeting in Boston was 2% compared to 335 the previous year in<br />

Baltimore. Tot~l membership for 1995was 321.<br />

In 1995,expenset exceeded income by $500.21. As of October 31, 1995 the net worth of the NEWSS<br />

was $44,437.82.<br />

NEWSS Financral Statement<br />

INCOME:<br />

Sustaining merrlbership $3,900.00<br />

Membership ~ $4,357.50<br />

Registration f $10,140.00<br />

Proceedings<br />

$5,690.00<br />

Awards r $600.00<br />

Interest. .' $1,381.35<br />

Coffee Break S pport $1,200.00<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Contest $4750.00<br />

Other Income $0.00<br />

Subtotal $32,018.85<br />


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