Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 51—1997 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


102 ULFENTRAZONEAND HALOSULFURON:HERBICIDALEFFICACY AND SAFETYTO WOODYORNAMENTALS Todd L. Mervosh and John F. Ahrens' ABSTRACT Ou studies of the herbicidessulfentrazoneand halosulfuronwere expandedin 1996to includead itionalexperimentson woody ornamentalspecies. In e secondyear of an experimentat Windsor,CT, sulfentrazone(0.125 to 0.5 lb/A) and halosulfur n (0.031 to 0.125Ib/A) were sprayedon June 6, 1996over the top of activelygrowing Japanese w (Taxus cuspidatay;globe arborvitae(Thuja occidental is), Eastern hemlock(Tsuga canadensi ), creepingjuniper (Juniperus horizontalis), and rhododendron(Rhododendron catawbiene 'Roseum Elegans'). The onlyinjuryobservedin plots treated with sulfentrazonewas rate-depen ent damageto young hemlockneedles,whichrecoveredfullylater in the season. Halosulfur n caused severechlorosisand stuntingof new growth of yew and rhododendron,and to a lesser xtent injuredarborvitae. At 16 weeks after treatment, yews were stunted20 to 50% and arbo itae 10to 30% relativeto untreated plants, but rhododendroninjuryhad diminished. Hi her rates of sulfentrazone(0.375 to 1.5lblA) and halosulfuronat the aboverates were appliedin pril over the top of dormant uprightJapaneseyew (Taxus cuspidata var. capitata) and globe orvitae. Sulfentrazonecausedno visibleinjuryto either species,but both yew and arborvitaewere injured(chlorosisand stunting)by halosulfuron. In other experiments, sulfentraz ne (0.375 to 1.5lb/A) appliedin April over the top of dormantJapaneseyew, Eastern hemlock, reepingjuniper, and activelygrowingforsythia(Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood' ) caused se ere injuryto forsythiaand lesser damageto hemlock. In an experimentin Vermont, dormant ser fir (Abiesjraseri) tolerated a May applicationofsulfentrazone (0.25 to 1.0Ib/A) and a July pplication6 weeks after bud break, but the sametreatmentsapplied3 weeks after bud break in J ne caused substantialinjuryto fraser fir. In a containerexperiment,sulfentrazone (0.375Ibl ) appliedin late October severelyburned foliageof newlypotted dwarfmugo pine (Pinus mu '0 'Mughus') and dwarf Albertaspruce (Picea glauca 'Conica' ). B h sulfentrazone(0.125 to 0.5 lblA) and halosulfuron(0.031 to 0,125lblA) provided excellent sidualcontrol of annualsedge (Cyperus sp.). In various experiments,sulfentrazone provided cellentpreemergenceor earlypostemergencecontrol of carpetweed(Mollugo verticilla ), purslane (Portulaca oleracea), commonlambsquarters(Chenopodmmalbum), common oundsel (Senecio vulgaris), and northern willowherb(Epilobium glandulosum), moderate uppressionof annualbluegrass(Poa annua), horseweed(Conyza canadensis), and yelloww dsorrel (Oxalis stricta), and littleto no control oflarge crabgrass(Digitaria sanguinal's), prostrate spurge (Euphorbia supina), narrowleafhawksbeard(Crepis tectorum), common hickweed(Stellaria media), and pearlwort (Sagina procumbens). Halosulfuron suppresse or controlledspurge, horseweed,woodsorrel, and chickweed,but had littleto no activity0 annualbluegrass,crabgrass,carpetweed,purslane,lambsquarters,and hawksbeard. 1 Assist AgriculturalScientistand EmeritusWeed Scientist,The ConnecticutAgricultural Experim t Station, ValleyLaboratory,Windsor,CT 06095.

103 SUCCESSES THIN THE m-4 ORNAMENTAL WEED CONTROL PROGRAM IN 1995-1996 1 J. Ray Frank'' ABSTRACT During 995 and 1996 over 450 m-4 ornamental research projects were conducted by s ate and federal researchers to develop data for use on national label registrati ns. In 1995 his research included 209 total projects with 18 herbicides and no plant growth r gulators. In 1996 151 herbicide projects were conducted across the United States ith 19 herbicides including the following: Isoxaben Lactofen Metolachlor Napropamide Oryzalin Oxadiazon Oxyfluorfen Oxyfluorfen + Oryzalin Oxyfluorfen + Pendimethalin Prodiamine Sethoxydim Trifluralin m-4 res arch was conducted in 1996 on the following four plant growth regulators: C ormequat, Daminozide, Methyl Esters of Fatty Acids and Uniconazole. Previou research within the m-4 Program led to 377 new label additions in 1995 and over 800 in 1996. 1 New Jerse Agricultural Experiment Station Publication No. K-27200-01-97 supported y State, U.S. Hatch Act and other U. S. Department of Agriculture funds. 2 Ornament I Coordinator, IR-4 Project, Cook College, Rutgers University, New

102<br />



Todd L. Mervosh and John F. Ahrens'<br />


Ou studies of the herbicidessulfentrazoneand halosulfuronwere expandedin 1996to<br />

includead itionalexperimentson woody ornamentalspecies.<br />

In e secondyear of an experimentat Windsor,CT, sulfentrazone(0.125 to 0.5 lb/A) and<br />

halosulfur n (0.031 to 0.125Ib/A) were sprayedon June 6, 1996over the top of activelygrowing<br />

Japanese w (Taxus cuspidatay;globe arborvitae(Thuja occidental is), Eastern hemlock(Tsuga<br />

canadensi ), creepingjuniper (Juniperus horizontalis), and rhododendron(Rhododendron<br />

catawbiene 'Roseum Elegans'). The onlyinjuryobservedin plots treated with sulfentrazonewas<br />

rate-depen ent damageto young hemlockneedles,whichrecoveredfullylater in the season.<br />

Halosulfur n caused severechlorosisand stuntingof new growth of yew and rhododendron,and<br />

to a lesser xtent injuredarborvitae. At 16 weeks after treatment, yews were stunted20 to 50%<br />

and arbo itae 10to 30% relativeto untreated plants, but rhododendroninjuryhad diminished.<br />

Hi her rates of sulfentrazone(0.375 to 1.5lblA) and halosulfuronat the aboverates were<br />

appliedin pril over the top of dormant uprightJapaneseyew (Taxus cuspidata var. capitata)<br />

and globe orvitae. Sulfentrazonecausedno visibleinjuryto either species,but both yew and<br />

arborvitaewere injured(chlorosisand stunting)by halosulfuron. In other experiments,<br />

sulfentraz ne (0.375 to 1.5lb/A) appliedin April over the top of dormantJapaneseyew, Eastern<br />

hemlock, reepingjuniper, and activelygrowingforsythia(Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood' )<br />

caused se ere injuryto forsythiaand lesser damageto hemlock. In an experimentin Vermont,<br />

dormant ser fir (Abiesjraseri) tolerated a May applicationofsulfentrazone (0.25 to 1.0Ib/A)<br />

and a July pplication6 weeks after bud break, but the sametreatmentsapplied3 weeks after bud<br />

break in J ne caused substantialinjuryto fraser fir. In a containerexperiment,sulfentrazone<br />

(0.375Ibl ) appliedin late October severelyburned foliageof newlypotted dwarfmugo pine<br />

(Pinus mu '0 'Mughus') and dwarf Albertaspruce (Picea glauca 'Conica' ).<br />

B h sulfentrazone(0.125 to 0.5 lblA) and halosulfuron(0.031 to 0,125lblA) provided<br />

excellent sidualcontrol of annualsedge (Cyperus sp.). In various experiments,sulfentrazone<br />

provided cellentpreemergenceor earlypostemergencecontrol of carpetweed(Mollugo<br />

verticilla ), purslane (Portulaca oleracea), commonlambsquarters(Chenopodmmalbum),<br />

common oundsel (Senecio vulgaris), and northern willowherb(Epilobium glandulosum),<br />

moderate uppressionof annualbluegrass(Poa annua), horseweed(Conyza canadensis), and<br />

yelloww dsorrel (Oxalis stricta), and littleto no control oflarge crabgrass(Digitaria<br />

sanguinal's), prostrate spurge (Euphorbia supina), narrowleafhawksbeard(Crepis tectorum),<br />

common hickweed(Stellaria media), and pearlwort (Sagina procumbens). Halosulfuron<br />

suppresse or controlledspurge, horseweed,woodsorrel, and chickweed,but had littleto no<br />

activity0 annualbluegrass,crabgrass,carpetweed,purslane,lambsquarters,and hawksbeard.<br />

1 Assist AgriculturalScientistand Emeritus<strong>Weed</strong> Scientist,The ConnecticutAgricultural<br />

Experim t Station, ValleyLaboratory,Windsor,CT 06095.

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