Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


EVALUATIONS OF PENNMULCH, WULPAK AND GEODISK FOR WEED CONTROL IN CONTAINERS R.E. Woolen and J.C. Neal' ABSTRACT Three studieswere conductedto evaluate-mulches·forweedcontrolin container ornamentals.Wulpaj(R,pelletizedsweepingsfromthe shearingfloorsof sheepoperations,was usedas a mulchor as a compresseddiskwhichwasshapedto fitthe topof the container. PennMulch R is a pelletized newspaper product, wnh 1% nnrogen added, that is spread over the top of the medium. Both the Wulpak and PennMulch pellets absorb water and swell to approximately twice their volume. Geodisk", is a geotexlile disk wnh a coating of Spinout", manufactured to fit different sized containers. In each test, the potting substrate was pine bar1< + sand (- 7:1 vlv) amended wnhfertilizer and lime; weed seed weresown before application of mulches,disksor herbicides. In the study at Castle Hayne, NC, PennMulch and Geodisk were compared to standard preemergence herbicides. The test was conducted in a randomized complete block design wnh 4 replications and three pots per species per plot. The PennMulch was applied as a one-haff inch deep mulch on top of the medium. The test waS inniated on 3/31199.Approximately 10 weeksafterinitialtreatment,allthe weedswere removedandon 6123199the chemical treatments were reapplied. The weed species used in this stUdy were spotted spurge (Euphorbia maculala), ecIipta (Eclipla alba), crabgrass (DigHaria sanguinalis), longstalk phyllanthus (Phytlanlhus lennelus), doveweed (Muniannia nudiflora) and hairy bittercress (eaniamine hirsuta). Two tests were conducted at the Horticu~ure Field Laboratory (HFL) in Raleigh. One test, to compare Geod,sk and Wulpak disk, was in a randomized complete block design wnh 3 treatmentsand5, single-potper speciesreplications.The secondtestwas a comparisonof Pennmulch and Wulpak pellets each applied at twodepths, 0.25 and 0.5 inch. The test was conduced in a randomized complete block design wnh6 treatments and 4 replications, with 3 pots per species per plot. The weed species used in both tests were spotted spurge, longstalk phyllanthus crabgrass, horseweed (Conyza canadansis) and common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris). Both studies were initiated on 7/13199. In the Castle Hayne study, PennMulch and Geodisk controlled bittercress as well as Scotts OH2 (oxyftuorfen + pendimethalin), the chemical check. In early ratings, crabgrass control was good and phyllanthus control was moderate wnhthe mulch and disk treatments but poor in later ratings. At 10 weeks aflertreatment (WAl), spurge control was excellent by all three methods. Eclipta and doveweed were better controlled by the mulches than by OH2. In the disk stUdy at HFL, Raleigh, both Geodisk and Wulpak disks controlled horseweed and groundsel. Control of spurge was excellent wnh the Geodisk and fair wnh the Wulpak disk. Phyllanthus was not controlled by either disk. At SWAT control had generally lessened but the pattem of control did not. In the depth of mulch study, groundsel and horseweed were controlled in all mulch treatments, but in the 0.25 inch Pennmulch plots groundsel control dropped to 75% by 12 WAT. Spurge and phyllanthus were controlled by all treatments except PennMulch at 0.25 inch. Only Wulpak at 0.5 inch controlled crabgrass. , Department of Horticu~ural Science, N. C. State Universny, Raleigh, NC 27695 %

CONTROL OF POAANNUA FROM MULTIPLE SEASONAL APPLICATIONS OF ETiiOFUMESA TE IN 1998 AND 1999 T. L. Watschke and J. A. Borger' ABSTRACT Two of the studieswereconductedduring1998 usingmultipleapplicationsof ethofumesatethroughoutthe seasonforthe controlof Poa annUQ.One studywas conductedat the State College Elks Country Club, Boalsburg, PA on a mature stand of Poa annua and perennial ryegrass (#13 fairway). The other study in 1998 was conducted at the Valentine TwfgrassResearchCenter.UniversityPark,Pa on a maturestandof Poa annuaandcreeping bentgrass (simulated fairway). In 1999, a similar study was conducted on a mixed stand of creepingbentgrass('Permcross')andPoa annuaatthe ValentineTurfgrassResearchCenter. Penn State University, University Park, Pa. The study at the Elks Country Club was a randomizedcompleteblockdesignwith3 replications.Treatments(ethofumesatel.5EC at 0.25, 0.5,0.75,1.0 Ibs ailA) were applied on June 8, 1998 and were reapplied every 21 days until September 18, 1998 using a three-foot hand held CO, powered boom sprayer with two 6504 flat fannozzles calibratedto deliver40 GPA at 30 psi. In addition,a separateareawas treatedusing ethofwnesate 1.5EC at a rate of 0.75 lb ailA on Sept 30, Oct 27 and Nov 19, 1998 using the afore mentionedequipmentandapplicationmethods.This areawas treatedto providea comparison forcontrolresultingfroma moreconventionaltimingof application.The secondstudyin 1998 conductedat theValentineCenterwasa randomizedcompleteblock designwith 3 replications. Treatments (ethofumesate 1.5EC at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 Ibs ailA) were applied on April 23, 1998 and were reapplied every 21 days until September 18, 1998 using a three-foot hand held Co, powered boom sprayer with two 6504 flat fan nozzles calibrated to deliver 40 GPA at 30 psi. Again a reference areawas treated using ethofumesate 1.5EC at a rate ofO.75tb ailA on Sept 30, Oct27 andNov 19, 1998using theaforementionedequipmentandapplicationmethods.The 1999 study at the Valentine Center was a randomized complete block design with three replications. All of the treatments (ethofumesate 1.5EC at 0.75,1.0, 1.5lbs ailA) were applied on April 15, and May 12, 1999 using a three foot Co, powered boom sprayer calibrated to deliver 40 gpa usingtwo, flat fan.6504 nozzles at 40 psi. Sequentialapplicationsof all treatments except Turf Enhancer were made on June 9, and 30, July 21, Aug II, Sept 1 and Oct I, 1999 using the afor mentioned application technique. Results form the Elks Country Club study showedthatthe lowest rateof ethofumesatetendedto increasethe amountof Poa annua from June 6, 1998 until May 5, 1999. The 0.75 lb ailA rate appeared to have no effect, while the high rate (1.0 lb ailA) tended to cause a slight decrease in the amount of Poa annua The fall applicationof 0.75 lb ai/A appliedthreetimes(September,October,andNovember)resultedin a substantialreductionin Poa annuawhencomparedto the lower rate,sequentialseasonal applications.In the 1998 studyat theValentineCenter,controlof Poa annuawasevaluated approximatelyone yearaftertreatmentswereinitiated.In all cases, includingthe control,the amountof Poa annua in theplots increased.Ethofumesateappliedat 1.0 lb ailA and ethofumesateat 0.251b ai/A in combinationwith Primoat 0.25 lb ai/A resultedin a significant increasein the amountof Poa annuacomparedto untreatedturf. As in the studyat the Elks 'ProfessorandResearchAssistant,respectively,Departmentof Agronomy,PennState University, University Park, PA, 16802 97



R.E. Woolen and J.C. Neal'<br />


Three studieswere conductedto evaluate-mulches·forweedcontrolin container<br />

ornamentals.Wulpaj(R,pelletizedsweepingsfromthe shearingfloorsof sheepoperations,was<br />

usedas a mulchor as a compresseddiskwhichwasshapedto fitthe topof the container.<br />

PennMulch R is a pelletized newspaper product, wnh 1% nnrogen added, that is spread over the<br />

top of the medium. Both the Wulpak and PennMulch pellets absorb water and swell to<br />

approximately twice their volume. Geodisk", is a geotexlile disk wnh a coating of Spinout",<br />

manufactured to fit different sized containers. In each test, the potting substrate was pine bar1<<br />

+ sand (- 7:1 vlv) amended wnhfertilizer and lime; weed seed weresown before application of<br />

mulches,disksor herbicides.<br />

In the study at Castle Hayne, NC, PennMulch and Geodisk were compared to standard<br />

preemergence herbicides. The test was conducted in a randomized complete block design wnh<br />

4 replications and three pots per species per plot. The PennMulch was applied as a one-haff<br />

inch deep mulch on top of the medium. The test waS inniated on 3/31199.Approximately 10<br />

weeksafterinitialtreatment,allthe weedswere removedandon 6123199the chemical<br />

treatments were reapplied. The weed species used in this stUdy were spotted spurge<br />

(Euphorbia maculala), ecIipta (Eclipla alba), crabgrass (DigHaria sanguinalis), longstalk<br />

phyllanthus (Phytlanlhus lennelus), doveweed (Muniannia nudiflora) and hairy bittercress<br />

(eaniamine hirsuta).<br />

Two tests were conducted at the Horticu~ure Field Laboratory (HFL) in Raleigh. One<br />

test, to compare Geod,sk and Wulpak disk, was in a randomized complete block design wnh 3<br />

treatmentsand5, single-potper speciesreplications.The secondtestwas a comparisonof<br />

Pennmulch and Wulpak pellets each applied at twodepths, 0.25 and 0.5 inch. The test was<br />

conduced in a randomized complete block design wnh6 treatments and 4 replications, with 3<br />

pots per species per plot. The weed species used in both tests were spotted spurge, longstalk<br />

phyllanthus crabgrass, horseweed (Conyza canadansis) and common groundsel (Senecio<br />

vulgaris). Both studies were initiated on 7/13199.<br />

In the Castle Hayne study, PennMulch and Geodisk controlled bittercress as well as<br />

Scotts OH2 (oxyftuorfen + pendimethalin), the chemical check. In early ratings, crabgrass<br />

control was good and phyllanthus control was moderate wnhthe mulch and disk treatments but<br />

poor in later ratings. At 10 weeks aflertreatment (WAl), spurge control was excellent by all<br />

three methods. Eclipta and doveweed were better controlled by the mulches than by OH2.<br />

In the disk stUdy at HFL, Raleigh, both Geodisk and Wulpak disks controlled horseweed<br />

and groundsel. Control of spurge was excellent wnh the Geodisk and fair wnh the Wulpak disk.<br />

Phyllanthus was not controlled by either disk. At SWAT control had generally lessened but the<br />

pattem of control did not. In the depth of mulch study, groundsel and horseweed were<br />

controlled in all mulch treatments, but in the 0.25 inch Pennmulch plots groundsel control<br />

dropped to 75% by 12 WAT. Spurge and phyllanthus were controlled by all treatments except<br />

PennMulch at 0.25 inch. Only Wulpak at 0.5 inch controlled crabgrass.<br />

, Department of Horticu~ural <strong>Science</strong>, N. C. State Universny, Raleigh, NC 27695<br />


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