Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Trifolium tricolor 0 18 0 26 0 21 0 11 0 14 Sedumreflexum 28 122 11 100 23 100 3 100 8 92 Hieraceum piloseJla 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 12 0 9 Lysimachia ciliata p. 0 2 0 5 0 8 0 9 0 8 Rumex sanginea 0 76 0 62 0 58 0 49 0 48 Total plants available: 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Appendix I: Identification, morphological characteristics andseason of dispersal of familiar herbaceous perennials exhibiting weedinessandindustry-recognized invasiveness. Crop plants with commonly recognizedweedtendencies Identification: Conunooname MOIl'hologyof dispernU Season of dispersal Genus. species Aegopodiumpodagraria Goutweed rhizomes all season Ajuga reptans Bugleweed, maoy cvs stolons,seeds allseasoo Artemisiasps. Silverking. queen rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn Cerastium tomentosum Snowin sununer stolons,stems summer Cephalariagigantea ConvalIaria majalis Epimediumversicolor Euphorbiaepithymoides Euphorbia myrsintes Euphorbiacyparassis Geraniumendressii Geranium macrorrhizum Hederahelix Hemeroca11isflava HemerocaIlis fulva Lamiastrum galeobdolon Lysamachiaclethroides Mecleaya cordata Mooanladidyma Oenothera fmticosa Pachysandratenninalis Phlox subulata Physostegiavirginiana Sanguisorbacanadensis Solidago sps. Tiarella cordafolia Vinca minor Giant scabious seeds,rhizomes summer, autumn Lilyof the valley rhizomes,pips all season Sulphurbishops hat rhizomes summer, autumn Cushionspurge seeds summer, autumn Myrtleleaved spurge rhizomes, seeds summer, autumn Poor mansevergreen rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn Wargravepink rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn Spessart rhizomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn Baltic ivy rootedstems summer, autumn Lemon lily stolons,daughter plants summer,autumn Roadsideorange daylily stolons,daughter plants aUseason Golden archangel stolons, rooted stems summer,autumn Gooseneckloosestrife rhizomes.seeds all season Plumepoppy rlUzomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn CambridgeScarlet rhizomes all season EveningPrimrose rhizomes,seeds summer,autumn JapaneseSpurge rhizomes.rootedstems spring, summer, autumn Mosspink rhizomes.seeds spring, summer, autumn Obedientplant rhizomes,seeds all season Canadianburnet seeds summer Goldenrod rhizomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn Foamflower stolons, rooted stems summer, autumn Myrtle stolons all season 94

NUTRIENT REMOVAL BY WEEDS IN CONTAINER NURSERY CROPS G.M. Penny and J.C. Neall ABSTRACT A field studywas conductedto determinethe nutrientremovalfroma containersubstrate by five common nurseryweed species: chamberbitter(Phyllamhus urinaria).longstalked phyllanthus(Phyllanthus /ennu/us), eclipta(Eclipta pros/rata), flreweed (Errechtities hieracifolia) andgardenspurge(Euphorbia hirta}. One-gallonpots were filled witha bark:sand substrate (6: I v:v), amended with 2.2 lb N (in the formof Scotts High N 24-4­ 8) andfi lb dolomitic limestone per cubic yard,anduniformly sown withweed seed of each species. Plantswerethengrownundernormal containerproductionconditionsfor 10 weeks after which plants were destructively harvested, and fresh and dry weights recorded.Ecliptaandflreweed hadthe greatestbiomassproduction.Percentnitrogenon a dry weight basis for chamberbitter, longstalked phyllanthus, eclipta, fireweed,and garden spurgewere 2.35%,1.91%,1.75%,1.95% and 1.86%respectively.Therewere no significantdifferencesin nitrogenandpotassiumuptakebetweenspecies withthe exceptionof gardenspurgeforwhichnitrogenandpotassiumuptakewas significantly less. Species differedin uptakeof phosphorous,as follows eclipta> fireweed"'" chamberbitter>longstalkedphyllanthus> gardenspurge.The nitrogenuptakeby weed species in this experimentresultedin dollarlosses (i.e. losses of appliedfertilizer)of $0.85-$1.74 per 1000 pots. In an unreplicated sample of weeds from a commercial nurseryit was foundthatspottedspurge(Euphorbia maculafa) hada nitrogenuptakeof 1.161b per 1000 pots, which equates to a dollar loss of approximately $4.09. JDepartmentof Horticultural Science,NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,RaleighNC 27695 95

Trifolium tricolor 0 18 0 26 0 21 0 11 0 14<br />

Sedumreflexum 28 122 11 100 23 100 3 100 8 92<br />

Hieraceum piloseJla 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 12 0 9<br />

Lysimachia ciliata p. 0 2 0 5 0 8 0 9 0 8<br />

Rumex sanginea 0 76 0 62 0 58 0 49 0 48<br />

Total plants available: 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100<br />

Appendix I: Identification, morphological characteristics andseason of dispersal of familiar herbaceous<br />

perennials exhibiting weedinessandindustry-recognized invasiveness.<br />

Crop plants with commonly recognizedweedtendencies<br />

Identification:<br />

Conunooname MOIl'hologyof dispernU Season of dispersal<br />

Genus. species<br />

Aegopodiumpodagraria Goutweed rhizomes all season<br />

Ajuga reptans<br />

Bugleweed, maoy cvs stolons,seeds allseasoo<br />

Artemisiasps.<br />

Silverking. queen rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn<br />

Cerastium tomentosum Snowin sununer stolons,stems summer<br />

Cephalariagigantea<br />

ConvalIaria majalis<br />

Epimediumversicolor<br />

Euphorbiaepithymoides<br />

Euphorbia myrsintes<br />

Euphorbiacyparassis<br />

Geraniumendressii<br />

Geranium macrorrhizum<br />

Hederahelix<br />

Hemeroca11isflava<br />

HemerocaIlis fulva<br />

Lamiastrum galeobdolon<br />

Lysamachiaclethroides<br />

Mecleaya cordata<br />

Mooanladidyma<br />

Oenothera fmticosa<br />

Pachysandratenninalis<br />

Phlox subulata<br />

Physostegiavirginiana<br />

Sanguisorbacanadensis<br />

Solidago sps.<br />

Tiarella cordafolia<br />

Vinca minor<br />

Giant scabious seeds,rhizomes summer, autumn<br />

Lilyof the valley rhizomes,pips all season<br />

Sulphurbishops hat rhizomes summer, autumn<br />

Cushionspurge seeds summer, autumn<br />

Myrtleleaved spurge rhizomes, seeds summer, autumn<br />

Poor mansevergreen rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn<br />

Wargravepink rhizomes,seeds summer, autumn<br />

Spessart rhizomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn<br />

Baltic ivy rootedstems summer, autumn<br />

Lemon lily stolons,daughter plants summer,autumn<br />

Roadsideorange daylily stolons,daughter plants aUseason<br />

Golden archangel stolons, rooted stems summer,autumn<br />

Gooseneckloosestrife rhizomes.seeds all season<br />

Plumepoppy rlUzomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn<br />

CambridgeScarlet rhizomes all season<br />

EveningPrimrose rhizomes,seeds summer,autumn<br />

JapaneseSpurge rhizomes.rootedstems spring, summer, autumn<br />

Mosspink rhizomes.seeds spring, summer, autumn<br />

Obedientplant rhizomes,seeds all season<br />

Canadianburnet seeds summer<br />

Goldenrod rhizomes,seeds spring, summer, autumn<br />

Foamflower stolons, rooted stems summer, autumn<br />

Myrtle stolons all season<br />


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