Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Table 1: A partial surveyof receipted herbaceousperennial transplant plugs; their weeds and severity of weed growth. Crop and Weed Strength andRegrowth Potential Crop Crop Weed w"",, WeedGrowth J Crop Estimates Identification Strength' Identification 1 SeverityPriorConcomPost Size em' Loss% Achillea 8 BittercressOxalis ChickweedDandelion Plantain 8 Y Y Y 8 25 Aquilegia 3 Oxalis ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 9 Y Y Y 6 65 Aster 5 Bittercress ChickweedDandelion Plantain 4 Y N Y 10 5 Baptisia 5 OxaIis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 1 Y N N 16 0 Campanula 3 Bittercress Oxalis PoaChickweed Clover 8 Y Y Y 4 40 Coreopsis 5 Bittercress OxaIis Poa ChickweedPlantain 5 Y N N 8 10 Delphinium 1 Bittercress Dandelion CloverPlantain 8 Y Y Y 10 25 Digitalis 3 Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion 6 Y N N 10 30 Echinacea 1 Bittercress OxaIis Poa Dandelion Clover Plantain 8 Y N Y 12 45 Filipendula 1 Bittercress Oxa1isPoa ChickweedDandelion Clover 2 Y N N 14 20 Geranium 4 Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 6 Y N N 16 0 Grasses 1 Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover 9 Y N Y 16 10 Hemerocallis 5 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaDandelion Clover Plantain 7 Y Y Y 16 0 Hosta 4 Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 8 Y Y Y 16 0 Iris 9 Pea ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 6 Y Y Y 20 0 Lavendula 4 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 8 Y Y Y 2 65 Lupinus 8 Bittercress Poa Dandelion CloverPlantain 4 Y N N 8 15 Monarda 8 Poa ChickweedDandelion CloverPlantain 5 Y N N 6 10 Nepeta 2 Bittercress Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover 6 Y Y Y 2 75 Phlox 4 BittercressOxaIis PoaDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 6 y N Y 8 65 Creep Phlox 6 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 4 y Y Y 4 35 Rudebeckia 4 PoaChickweedDandelionClover Plantain Clover 3 Y N N 6 25 Salvia 5 Bittercress Oxalis PoaChickweedDandelion Clover 6 Y Y Y 4 55 Thymus 6 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 7 Y Y Y 2 65 Veronica 7 Bittercress OxalisPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 9 Y Y Y 4 75 I Cropstrength estimatedat time of transplant; estimatesbased onrateofregrowth in firstmonthfrom propagationplug;it has no bearing or relevanceto laterplantgrowth habits: i.e. ornamentalgrasses arenotoriouslyslowto resumegrowth yet exhibit rapid growthandattaingreat size later in the season. 'Point of origin or SOW"CCnurseryhas tremendous influenceonoriginal weeds. 'yes( Y)orNo(N)as descriptors of regrowth of weeds priorto. concommitantwith or followingcropregrowthfrom plugs. 24

_u ____ Table2: Estimatesof herbaceousperennialcropandweed leaf size attime of transplant Example:HerbaceousPerennial LeafSize Example:WeedSpecies TunicaDianthusSaginaThymus Ercdium ArabisDianthusTeuchrium Salvia VeronicaScabiosaRueIberis GeumAmsoniaPolemomumPotentilla StokesiaVeronicaPlatycodonKnautia BaptisiaLupinus LychnisOenotheraTrollius EchinaceaEupatoriumPulmonariaSymphytum Digitalis FilipendulaRudebeckiaPrimula HemerocallisIrisBergeniaGrasses HostaDarmeraPetasitesRodergesia I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 to ----- - - ------- Table 3: Handweedtng success or failureas a functionof cropto weed leaf size ratios. Mollugo, StarwOrl Oxalis, Bittercress Chickweed,Mouse-earchickweed Annual, Kentucky Bluegrass Vetch, Crabgrass Dandelion,Clover Hawksweed, Goldenrod BroadleafPlantain Populus,Prunus Petasites C!WRatio Example Crop Crop Success/Failure Crop Weed Size in 1 Loss(#/IO) ------ I / I Tunica Mollugo 4 9 F 1/3 Thymus Chickweed 6 6 F 1/6 Dianthus Dandhon 12 1 S 2/2 Erodium Bittercress 4 to F 2/4 Arabis Ann Bluegrass 4 to F 2/6 Dianthus Clover 16 2 S 2/8 Teuchrium Plantain 8 to S 3/2 Iberis Bittercress 8 8 F 3/3 Veronica Chickweed 14 8 F 3/8 Iberis Plantain 8 3 S 4/4 Amsonia Ann Bluegrass 8 8 F 4/6 Sedum Dandelion 10 4 S 4/8 Polemonium Plantain 14 2 S 6/2 Lupinus Bittercress 16 0 S 6/4 Oenothera Clover 14 4 S 6/6 Trollius Dandelion 10 8 F 6/8 Baptista Plantain 8 7 F 8/1 Digitalis Mollugo 16 0 S 8/2 Bergenia Bittercress 16 0 S 8/4 Filipendula AnnBluegrass 16 0 S 8/6 Primula Hawksweed 14 5 F 8/8 Rudebeckia Plantain 12 10 F 10 /2 Hosta Sedum 16 0 S 10/3 Rodgersia Chickweed 16 0 S 10 /6 Darmera Dandelion 16 0 S 10 /8 Hosta Plantain 16 6 F -- --- - ----------- ------- ---- 25

Table 1: A partial surveyof receipted herbaceousperennial transplant plugs; their weeds and severity of weed growth.<br />

Crop and <strong>Weed</strong> Strength andRegrowth Potential<br />

Crop Crop <strong>Weed</strong> w"",, <strong>Weed</strong>Growth J Crop Estimates<br />

Identification Strength' Identification 1 SeverityPriorConcomPost Size em' Loss%<br />

Achillea 8 BittercressOxalis ChickweedDandelion Plantain 8 Y Y Y 8 25<br />

Aquilegia 3 Oxalis ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 9 Y Y Y 6 65<br />

Aster 5 Bittercress ChickweedDandelion Plantain 4 Y N Y 10 5<br />

Baptisia 5 OxaIis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 1 Y N N 16 0<br />

Campanula 3 Bittercress Oxalis PoaChickweed Clover 8 Y Y Y 4 40<br />

Coreopsis 5 Bittercress OxaIis Poa ChickweedPlantain 5 Y N N 8 10<br />

Delphinium 1 Bittercress Dandelion CloverPlantain 8 Y Y Y 10 25<br />

Digitalis 3 Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion 6 Y N N 10 30<br />

Echinacea 1 Bittercress OxaIis Poa Dandelion Clover Plantain 8 Y N Y 12 45<br />

Filipendula 1 Bittercress Oxa1isPoa ChickweedDandelion Clover 2 Y N N 14 20<br />

Geranium 4 Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain 6 Y N N 16 0<br />

Grasses 1 Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover 9 Y N Y 16 10<br />

Hemerocallis 5 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaDandelion Clover Plantain 7 Y Y Y 16 0<br />

Hosta 4 Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 8 Y Y Y 16 0<br />

Iris 9 Pea ChickweedDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 6 Y Y Y 20 0<br />

Lavendula 4 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 8 Y Y Y 2 65<br />

Lupinus 8 Bittercress Poa Dandelion CloverPlantain 4 Y N N 8 15<br />

Monarda 8 Poa ChickweedDandelion CloverPlantain 5 Y N N 6 10<br />

Nepeta 2 Bittercress Oxalis Poa ChickweedDandelion Clover 6 Y Y Y 2 75<br />

Phlox 4 BittercressOxaIis PoaDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 6 y N Y 8 65<br />

Creep Phlox 6 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaDandelion Clover Plantain Clover 4 y Y Y 4 35<br />

Rudebeckia 4 PoaChickweedDandelionClover Plantain Clover 3 Y N N 6 25<br />

Salvia 5 Bittercress Oxalis PoaChickweedDandelion Clover 6 Y Y Y 4 55<br />

Thymus 6 Bittercress Oxa1isPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 7 Y Y Y 2 65<br />

Veronica 7 Bittercress OxalisPoaChickweedDandelion Clover 9 Y Y Y 4 75<br />

I Cropstrength estimatedat time of transplant; estimatesbased onrateofregrowth in firstmonthfrom propagationplug;it has no<br />

bearing or relevanceto laterplantgrowth habits: i.e. ornamentalgrasses arenotoriouslyslowto resumegrowth yet exhibit rapid<br />

growthandattaingreat size later in the season.<br />

'Point of origin or SOW"CCnurseryhas tremendous influenceonoriginal weeds.<br />

'yes( Y)orNo(N)as descriptors of regrowth of weeds priorto. concommitantwith or followingcropregrowthfrom plugs.<br />


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