Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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A. E. Gover, J. M. Johnson and L. J. Kuhns"<br />


Canada thistle (Cirsium srvense (L.) SCop.)is a common weed in roadside plantings of<br />

crownvetch(CoronHlavariaL.) in Pennsylvania.Whereinfestationsare severe,conversionto a<br />

grassmixtureis a recommendedoption.As partof an ongoingresearchprojectfundedby the<br />

PA Departmentof Transportation,a seriesof trialswere establishedto evaluateseveral<br />

herbicides as tank mix partners for glyphosale to enhance the actiVity of the initial herbicide<br />

treatment against the Canada thistle-crownvetch complex without inhibiting grass<br />

establishment. Two trials were established to investigate the effect of herbicides applied at<br />

different intervals before seeding on the establishment of a fine fescue mixture. A trial seeded<br />

August 19, 1997, compared glyphosate at 3.4 kglha; clopyralid at 0.21 and 0.42 kglha; picJoram<br />

at 0.56 and 1.1 kglha; chlorsulfuron at 0.021 and 0.042 kg/ha; metsulfuron methyl at 0.021 and<br />

0.042 kg/ha; and imazapyr at 0.14 and 0.28 iqlIha. These treatments were applied 72, 36, 25,<br />

and 7 days before seeding (DBS). The expenment waS seeded to a 55/35/10 percent mixture<br />

of hard fescue (Festucs brevipHs Tracey), red fescue (Festucs rubre ssp. rubre L.) and annual<br />

ryegrass (LoJ/ummultfflorum Lam.), respectively, seeded at 112 kglha. A second trial was<br />

seeded June 19,1998, comparing glyphosate at 3.4 kQlha alone and in combination with the<br />

sametreatmentsas the 1997trial.exceptforthe deletionof the highrate of imazapyr,and the<br />

addttion of tricJopyr at 1.1 kglha and dicamba at 1.1 kglha. These treatments were applied 56,<br />

28, 14, and 7 DBS. This trial was seeded to a 80/40 mix of hard fescue and creeping red<br />

fescue,respectively,at 112 kglha. The experimentaldesignfor bothtrialswas a randomized<br />

complete block wtth a split-plot treatment arrangement, wtth application time as the whole plot.<br />

Both trials were conducted on an Opequon-Hagerstown complex (Lithic hapludalf) in a<br />

glyphosale-killed stand of Kentucky bluegrass (Pas pratensis L.). Prior to study inttiation, the<br />

killed sod was shredded with a Lely Roterra to an approXimate depth of 5 em to expose the<br />

mineralsoil. The seedingwasdonewitha tractor-mountedsliceseeder,droppingseed over<br />

slitsapprOXimately1.2 em deep on7.6 emcenters. Bothtrialswere irrigatedas neededto<br />

keepthe seedbedmoist.<br />

Forfirstseasonratingsofgrassestablishment, therewas a significantinteractionbetween<br />

applicationtimingand herbicidetreatmentfor bothtrials. There was nosignificanteffectdue to<br />

herbicidetreatmentfor the earliestapplicationdatesineithertrial. Establishmentdifferences<br />

became evident in the treatments applied 36 DBS in the 1997 trial, and 28 DBS in the 1998<br />

trial. In the 1997 trial, for percent total cover ratings taken 64 days after seeding, the 36 DBS<br />

glyphosate treated plots had 77 percent cover, while chlorsulfuron at 0.028 and 0.052, and<br />

imazapyr at 0.28 kg/ha had signlticantly Ie.. cover at 55, 33, and 30 percent respectively. As<br />

the intervalbetweentreatmentands~in9 deaeased to 7 days,imazapyrat 0.14 and<br />

metsulfuronmethylat 0.021 and0.042 kglhaalsosignificantlyreducedgroundcovercompared<br />

to glyphosate alone.<br />

In 1998, for ratingsof percentfinefescuecovertaken 125 daysafterseeding,glyphosate<br />

plus picJoram at 3.4 plus 0.56 kglha treatments had 93 and 94 percent fine fescue cover, for the<br />

28 and 7 DBS treatments, respectively. Chlorsulfuron at 0.052, metsulfuron methyl at 0.042,<br />

and imazapyr at 0.14 kglha, applied 28 DBS, were rated significantly lower at 42, 48, and 55<br />

percent, respectively. At 7 DBS, these three treatments provided 10, 42, and 30 percent cover<br />

respectively.Percentfinefescuecoverratingsinthe 1997 trial,takeninOctober,199B, ranged<br />

from 94 to 97 percent, indicating that full stands can develop despite inhibition during early<br />

establishment.However,consideringthatc1opyralid, picloram,dicamba,ortriclopyrdid not<br />

inhibitestablishmentunderanyofthe observedconditions,thereis littlejustificationto<br />

potentiallyreduceestabfishmentduringrenovationby includingchlorsulfuron,metsutfuron<br />

methyl,or imazapyrinthe pre-plantapplication.<br />

11ProjectAssociatesand Professor,respectively, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA<br />


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