Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 54—2000 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


POSTEMERGENCE SMOOTH CRABGRASS CONTROL EVALUATIONSINMARYLAND,I998-1999 P. H. Demoeden and J.M. Krouse' ABSTRACT Three studieswere conductedto evaluate herbicidesfor postemergence smoothcrabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum [Schreb.]Muh!.)control inmature stands ofperenniaJryegrass (Lo/iumperenne). The objectives of the three studieswere as follows: I) to assess Acclaim Extra(fenoxaprop)and Daconate 6 (MSMA) tankmixes as a possible resistance management strategy for crabgrass; II) to compare the crabgrass control effectiveness of Acclaim Extra and Drive (quinclorac) to PreClaim (fenoxaprop + pendimethalin) applied in early and mid-postemergence application timings; and III) to compare multiple, low rate, application timings of Acclaim, Acclaim Extra, and Prograss (ethofumesate) for crabgrass control efficacy. Drive was tank-mixed with methylated seedoil (1% v/v) in all studies. Herbicideswere applied in SOgpa with a CO 2 pressurized (35 psi) backpack sprayer equipped with an 8004E Tee Jet nozzle. All sites were irrigated 24 hrs prior to each herbicide application and thereafter to prevent wilting of the turf. Plots were 5 by 5 ft and were arranged in a randomized complete block with four replicates. Percent of plot area covered with crabgrass was assessed in mid-to-Iate August using a visual 0 to 100% linear scale where 0 = no crabgrass and 100 = entire plot area covered with crabgrass. Data were subjected to analyses of variance and significantly different means were separated by the least significant different t-test (P = 0.05). In study I. there were two application regimes: I) sequential applications at 1- 2 leaf(L) + tillering (T) stages, and 2) a single application at tillering. Data showed that only plots treated sequentially with Acclaim Extra alone (0.04 Ib ai/A = IblA); 1-2L + 1) provided excellent control (

ADVANCED FORMULATION TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVING PREEMERGENCE HERBICIDAL ACTIVITY D. L. Loughner, J.J. Jaeger, J. F. Walter and J. Natoli' ABSlRACT Polymer encapsulated (PE) formulations of dithiopyr (DIMENSION Turf Herbicide)whereevaluatedby universityscientistsandcontractresearchfacilities across the United States during the 1999 field season. A total of eleven preemergence crabgrass studieswere conducted. The studiescomparedthe residualeffectivenessof two PE formulations with the commercial I lb/gal emulsifiable concentrate (EC) andfertiIizer granule (FG) formulations. Resultsindicatethatthe PE fonnulationsperformancewas equalto, or, in many, cases, better than the EC and comparable to the FG. These results indicate that a highly effective, non-solvent based sprayable formulation of DIMENSION, can be produced. "Rohm and HaasCompany, Philadelphia, PA 19105 115



D. L. Loughner, J.J. Jaeger, J. F. Walter and J. Natoli'<br />

ABSlRACT<br />

Polymer encapsulated (PE) formulations of dithiopyr (DIMENSION Turf<br />

Herbicide)whereevaluatedby universityscientistsandcontractresearchfacilities across<br />

the United States during the 1999 field season. A total of eleven preemergence crabgrass<br />

studieswere conducted. The studiescomparedthe residualeffectivenessof two PE<br />

formulations with the commercial I lb/gal emulsifiable concentrate (EC) andfertiIizer<br />

granule (FG) formulations.<br />

Resultsindicatethatthe PE fonnulationsperformancewas equalto, or, in many,<br />

cases, better than the EC and comparable to the FG. These results indicate that a highly<br />

effective, non-solvent based sprayable formulation of DIMENSION, can be produced.<br />

"Rohm and HaasCompany, Philadelphia, PA 19105<br />


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