Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


88. PRE-EMERGENCE WEEDCONTROLTESTS IN TABLEBEETS M. W. Meado~~(l), S. A.Anderson(2), L. E. Curtis(l). and R. P. Hargan(l) Problem: Weeds'pose a major problem in t~e table beet acreage of New York State., A nu~~r 'of' ~erbic~deshave been tested by research workers and used by growers -- few have been very effective in reducing hand weeding costs primarily due to inability of the chemicals to control lambsquarter without seriously injuring thebeets~ Materials - Expt. I was cond~cted on an Ontario Silt Loam soil at Gorham. N. Y. Detroit Red beets were planted June 30, 1960. Eptam and Stauffer 2061 were applied and disced into the soil on June 23. Pre-emergence materials were applied on the day of planting, June 30. Post­ emergence herbicides were applied July 18. Sprays were applied with a knapsack type sprayer at the rate of 60 gallons per acre. Fertilizer borate was dusted on with a hand duster. All herbicides were applied overall except Solubor and Fertilizer borate. These materials were applied in an 8 :inch band centered over the beet row. Expt. II was conducted on a Sandy Loam soil at Ithaca, N. Y. Eptam and Stauffer 2061 were ~pplied 7/8/60 on plots 6' x 30' that were randomly replicated 4 times. The materials were applied in 60 gallons of water per acre and immediately disced into the soil. Suc~essive plantings ,0£ beets were made 7/8/60; 7/15/60; and 7/26/60. A light spring tooth harrow was run over the soil in order to make the 3rd planting. Results: Expt. I Table 1 gives the results of weed control and beet injury. (1) G.L.F., Ithaca, N. Y. (2) Comstoek Foods, Inc., Newark. N. Y.

Table 1 - Table Beets Pre-plant; Pre-emergenc~ and Post-emergcnc~ W~ed Control on Table Beets Planted June 30, 1960; Pre-plant treatments June 23; Pre-emergence June )0; Post-emergence July 18, 1960. Data 7/18/60 and 8/1/60. Lb s , Active Acre MethC'd of Chemical Rate Ti,ming &'p'UCttion *Beets ._-- *Weeds Vegadex 4 Pre Spray 1.0 3.5 11 II " 6 2.3 4.2 w~"'Fcrtilizer Borate 13.8 " 8 11 band 0.7 3.2 II 27.8 " dusted on 1.2 3.2 II " 55.6 " 2.2 4.0 )\'*Solubor 13.8 " 8" band 0 1.5 II II 27.8 spray 0.8 2.8 II II tI 55.6 2.3 4.2 II 13.8 Post " 0.7 1.0 II II II 55.6 0.3 0.7 1I Diuron 0.4 Pre 2.7 4.3 II II Niagara 2995 2 2.8 4.0 II 4 II II 4.0 5.0 TD47 2 II II 0.3 . 0.3 II II II 4 0 0 II II TD62 2 0.7 1.0 II II II 4 2.7 1.3 Eptam 4 Pre-plant " 1.2 5.0 II II " 6 2.0 5.0 II II Stauffer 2061 4 1.3*** 3.8 II \I 6 " 0.7 5.0 Check 0 0 * Visual rating system o = No w,-,cd contro I - no crop injury. 5 = CompLet e weed cont;rol -completecrop' dee t ruc t Lon, We~ds - Primarily iambsquarter and redroot, a fe~ annual gra s ses and ragweed were present. ** The rates given for Fertilizer borate and Solubor ar~ based on elemental Boron and not manufactured product. Rates given refer to the rate per acre in an 8 11 band. The total rate ot Boron delivered per planted acre would be 1/3 of that reported in table 1. *** A majority of injury in on~ treatment was suspected to be due to competition of a hedgerow that was near one plot of this treatment Discussion: Expt. I Treatments worthy of note from the standpoint of weed control and lack of beet injury are as follows: 4 Ibs. Vegadex; 13.8 and 27.8 Ibs. Boron in Fertilizer Borate; 4 Ibs. Eptam pre-plant and 4 and 6 Ibs. Stauffer 2061 pr~plant.

88.<br />


M. W. Meado~~(l), S. A.Anderson(2), L. E. Curtis(l). and R. P. Hargan(l)<br />

Problem: <strong>Weed</strong>s'pose a major problem in t~e table beet acreage of New York<br />

State., A nu~~r 'of' ~erbic~deshave been tested by research workers and used<br />

by growers -- few have been very effective in reducing hand weeding costs<br />

primarily due to inability of the chemicals to control lambsquarter without<br />

seriously injuring thebeets~<br />

Materials - Expt. I was cond~cted on an Ontario Silt Loam soil at Gorham.<br />

N. Y.<br />

Detroit Red beets were planted June 30, 1960.<br />

Eptam and Stauffer 2061 were applied and disced into the soil on June 23.<br />

Pre-emergence materials were applied on the day of planting, June 30. Post­<br />

emergence herbicides were applied July 18.<br />

Sprays were applied with a knapsack type sprayer at the rate of 60 gallons per<br />

acre. Fertilizer borate was dusted on with a hand duster. All herbicides<br />

were applied overall except Solubor and Fertilizer borate. These materials<br />

were applied in an 8 :inch band centered over the beet row.<br />

Expt. II was conducted on a Sandy Loam soil at Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

Eptam and Stauffer 2061 were ~pplied 7/8/60 on plots 6' x 30' that were<br />

randomly replicated 4 times. The materials were applied in 60 gallons of<br />

water per acre and immediately disced into the soil.<br />

Suc~essive plantings ,0£ beets were made 7/8/60; 7/15/60; and 7/26/60.<br />

A light spring tooth harrow was run over the soil in order to make the 3rd<br />

planting.<br />

Results: Expt. I<br />

Table 1 gives the results of weed control and beet injury.<br />

(1) G.L.F., Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

(2) Comstoek Foods, Inc., Newark. N. Y.

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