Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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75.<br />

Results<br />

The delay in application time undoubtedly had an important inUuence in<br />

the results because the weed 4nd crop seeds were actively geminating alJnost<br />

immediately. At the time ot th~ August 5 application many seedlings were at<br />

or near the soil surface. Chemicals which have contact action were favored<br />

when applied at this date. Conversely, chemicals which act as gemination<br />

inhibitors were undoubtedly penalized.<br />

A few of the data obtained on crop response are presented in Table 1.<br />

From them several important facts can be noted. When Solan is applied to<br />

sprouting crops it can be very toxic. Carrots show good tolerance to Solan<br />

i~, mixtures. It is also apparent that CIPC in the cotnbination was likely<br />

to be somewhat toxic, except possibly to lettuce. This trend has been noted<br />

by the authors in seeded crucifer experiments, not reported here. The most<br />

favorable combination. seemed to be CDro and CDAA.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>.control was generally good in these tests. The most speetaclar<br />

results were obtained with the Solan combinations. Here both contact and<br />

preventati va type chemicals were involved and the plots stayed weed free the<br />

remainder of the season.<br />

CDAAplus CDS::Test<br />

Since response of crops and weed control were rather good with CDECplus<br />

CDAAcombinations, it was decided to give them detailed testing by means of<br />

specific dosages on a series of plots.<br />

An area was fitted, seeded, and treated August 24. Plots were 6 1 x 15:(<br />

and each contained two rows of tomatoes, cabbage, broecoli, spinach, lettuce,<br />

carrots, and beets. Good moisture prevailed because of irrigation and rain.<br />

Crop growth was generally good. '''eed populations were heavy and. consisted ~<br />

of crabgrass, barDY&rd grass, red root pigweed, and purslane. Information<br />

on chemicals, rates, crop response and weed control are presented in Table 2.<br />

However, flea beetles damaged the crucifer seedlings so severely that data<br />

from these two crops are omitted from the table.<br />

Indi vidual crops responded somewhat differently. Tomatoes and spinach<br />

were quite tolerant of practically every dosage and combinati,on of CDAAand<br />

CDS::• Carrots and beeta were severly stunted by the highest combinations;<br />

somewhat less stunted by high single treatments or moderate· combinations.<br />

Neither crop was injured by the lower combinations or single treatments.<br />

Lettuce was the.1I1ost sensitive of any crop to high 'or intermediate rates of<br />

CDAA. Injury was much greater when CDIDwas applied in combination with CDAA.<br />

Only at the loWest rates did CDAAalone or in· combination with CDECfail to<br />

injure lettuce.<br />

One of the most striking features of this test was the enhanced kill of<br />

weeds that was obtained by combinations of CDro and CDAAas compared to<br />

either chemical applied singly. It can be seen in Table 2 that even as much<br />

J.l8 Aiglrt pounds of CDAAgave poor control. of broadleaves and a similar rate

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