Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


60. with high temperatures, at or. sOOrt17 a:rter time of application. lfo explanation -waS tN.-ned for thl.+8triJdnaefteab·ot''teiJtpeFa1iure U4 ~Do specific level of liemperat~wu eou~·tlle t»etbo14'beWeeD saf. 1 ueaee ·and crop 1'iiJUr". -. Formulat10'n8~'_N ;' , "', '. .... .~ ~ '.' ' ~ • -;'-~,~~", . ] : ,~ ~, ;! ;': St.~~8 ~.f fa~tor8f;~~;~~c. ~l~t~ ~~r.~~ic~79n .'. 'In1960'. '.r1."of' t:J:Q~·~r,fMnt... re aeeifl1*! to tFt\id1'~tbe '1rdlu.;. . .'ence of depth'arid IilftliOd:Ofl'ia60rporiitloD, 1:rrlg6'tkm,,: :tormund1.CJIl ~a1k! ~i.:IDins" on the8ct:l1Pl>ty otVegMd~ -~ 't.... me eoDdu0te4:':ona s8l1d,y lOam sOU. ­ Test "weds'" 'imot~ ... ~:~ '.,•• wereseeded:to -suppt8ll1elZt,..the uatural 'ul~ion ~tal1y.bea'fY '~m:ittab" • quarters • - . - -. ' ..' . , ~'... , .. ;} :..... . . .~~_. Iti --tbe f~j'b teat tl1e tte'l\t'YM -pl.O'WlI4 My: 1 tollowitaS ·a·1~ orap ·wb1.cb -bid,'~ ~ete4-~;80u mo1l'tuN~ ··T.idq8··1Cter it t .·.. tttted . firllO.by'4t&1t1q &D4"JieR:.b,. a·::flIRka»"bariov .~:lo:l igave. :fltHi·JIJee.~ ~ .' ,~~ '1;;ba·.~~tmelXt.i;er104.-tbr .the t'the tempieratwre "Wll8,.', ..a'P'DorDta1:J.J':eo14 (.... ,!rab1.e-.J."'). '.'Ble aq vas p~ cmB'Cast, 8DdwtDds . were relllt1'ftJq :brisk.- PrIe ..,.. foUov1D8,ia1~ial 8eed1na sad' tre~, ,the entire area ,:l:Dcl'U4:lft8aU-~ treated.p.1..ota wn"e ·trripted 'with ,about 008 and one-half inches of water. ,"-'.:.' '" '. - - A dU»11.ce.te.~trb. vas~iftarbed::Au8Wrt:16th:OA ''theseme. eoU type. 'pop­

M, ',. • • •• • " ' Treatments were identic81 'to those in the first tetrt except for the four plots which were treated l during1U1gation. In this second test the liquid eIBe was applied bymeana of 'a hose'-proportioner during the first one-quarter inch of irrigation, instead of interrupting the irrigation temporarily after onequarter inch had been applied. ' " AlthoUgh moisture'determinations were'not made, it appeared that in the second experiment soU' moisture Wasdefinitely better than during the first test. ,'As can be seen;;t'rom Table 1, temperature conditions were very much different. During the treating period midde\rmaximumteDl,pe!'attires .toe considerably higher. On August 19th rain occurred, which brought au plots to a level satisfactory ~or seed germination. A third test in this series 'Wasstarted August27th~ In this test the number of treatments' was greatly reduced. No mechanicalfr1corporation was included. Only the one-be.1f inch rate of 1ttigatlon wasgiwa. An additional important change in treatments was to increase the interval between the time of applying ~IlECand the times of watering. These four times of treatment ... e:l) dUrlDg;' 2) immediately following; '3) two~s; and 4) one week following. Also, ,anaddi'tional formulat1on, eDICon vermiculite" was added., Thus each ~or 12 x 10 plot consisted o~ three formulations. ' Table 1. Tempera'ture and rainfall during treatment periods for the CDEC" incorporation, irrigation and formulation tests. 61. Days Test No.1 Test No.2 Test No.3 After Jli1;y 4 August 16 Augu~t 27 eDEe OF. eFt OF App1.** Max'.- :Min. Precip. Max.­ Min. PreciR' :Max.- Min. Precip. 69 0 48 .0 77 49 .0 82 57 .0 1 69 48 .0 82 54 .0 88' 49 .0 2 73 46 .0 85 53 .0 88 54 .0 3 74' . 411­ .0 75 54 .68 81 58 .0 4 19 45 .0 77 58 .12 83 59 .0 5 8S' 57 1.5* S2 61 .03 86 64 .0 6 ., 8' 84 83 87 ' 60 56 56 .0 .0 .0 80 71 10 * OVerhead irrigation. . ** No treatments applied after three days in tests one and two, after Beven da.y1s in test number three. In this test soU and tetoperatbre"'eopditions were considerably different from those in the,. previous two tests. SoU moisture to plow 'depth was 'so seriously depleted that, nO seed activity could be noted unt.U' after irrigation of the various plots; or UDtl1 the generaL rain 'Whleh oamee1gh:h da¥s a:rter starting the test. ' 62 51 44 T .03 .0 72 70 71 49 43 61 .0 .0 .51

M, ',. • • •• • " '<br />

Treatments were identic81 'to those in the first tetrt except for the four plots<br />

which were treated l during1U1gation. In this second test the liquid eIBe<br />

was applied bymeana of 'a hose'-proportioner during the first one-quarter inch<br />

of irrigation, instead of interrupting the irrigation temporarily after onequarter<br />

inch had been applied. ' "<br />

AlthoUgh moisture'determinations were'not made, it appeared that in the<br />

second experiment soU' moisture Wasdefinitely better than during the first<br />

test. ,'As can be seen;;t'rom Table 1, temperature conditions were very much<br />

different. During the treating period midde\rmaximumteDl,pe!'attires .toe considerably<br />

higher. On August 19th rain occurred, which brought au plots to a<br />

level satisfactory ~or seed germination.<br />

A third test in this series 'Wasstarted August27th~ In this test the<br />

number of treatments' was greatly reduced. No mechanicalfr1corporation was<br />

included. Only the one-be.1f inch rate of 1ttigatlon wasgiwa. An additional<br />

important change in treatments was to increase the interval between<br />

the time of applying ~IlECand the times of watering. These four times of<br />

treatment ... e:l) dUrlDg;' 2) immediately following; '3) two~s; and 4)<br />

one week following. Also, ,anaddi'tional formulat1on, eDICon vermiculite" was<br />

added., Thus each ~or 12 x 10 plot consisted o~ three formulations. '<br />

Table 1. Tempera'ture and rainfall during treatment periods for the CDEC"<br />

incorporation, irrigation and formulation tests.<br />

61.<br />

Days Test No.1<br />

Test No.2<br />

Test No.3<br />

After Jli1;y 4<br />

August 16<br />

Augu~t 27<br />

eDEe OF.<br />

eFt<br />

OF<br />

App1.** Max'.- :Min. Precip. Max.­ Min. PreciR' :Max.- Min. Precip.<br />

69<br />

0<br />

48 .0 77 49 .0<br />

82 57 .0<br />

1 69 48 .0 82 54 .0<br />

88' 49 .0<br />

2 73 46 .0 85 53 .0 88 54 .0<br />

3 74' . 411­ .0 75 54 .68 81 58 .0<br />

4 19 45 .0 77 58 .12 83 59 .0<br />

5 8S' 57 1.5* S2 61 .03 86 64 .0<br />

6 .,<br />

8'<br />

84<br />

83<br />

87 '<br />

60<br />

56<br />

56<br />

.0<br />

.0<br />

.0<br />

80<br />

71<br />

10<br />

* OVerhead irrigation. .<br />

** No treatments applied after three days in tests one and two, after Beven<br />

da.y1s in test number three.<br />

In this test soU and tetoperatbre"'eopditions were considerably different<br />

from those in the,. previous two tests. SoU moisture to plow 'depth was 'so<br />

seriously depleted that, nO seed activity could be noted unt.U' after irrigation<br />

of the various plots; or UDtl1 the generaL rain 'Whleh oamee1gh:h da¥s a:rter<br />

starting the test. '<br />

62<br />

51<br />

44<br />

T<br />

.03<br />

.0<br />

72<br />

70<br />

71<br />

49<br />

43<br />

61<br />

.0<br />

.0<br />


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