Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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V. D. Freed,·M. Montgomery and Mabel Kief)<br />

R IN.THEIR<br />

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Since ancient times, man has sought chemicals to abate d sease, the disease<br />

of his livestock and to control pests that exact their toll 0 his food crops.<br />

The rise of exact scientific studies in chemistry and biolog permitted man, to<br />

turn his attention to the effect of these chemicals on -thea anismexposed to<br />

them. It was early noted in animal experiments that ehe ani 'Is Were able to<br />

tolerate a prolonged exposure to low concentrations of many of the organic chemicals<br />

tested. In attempting to discover the reason for this tler~ce, it was<br />

found that the animals were able to detoxify or metabolize t se drugs (4). The<br />

metabolism was found to take many forma in ani~als· ranging al thewliy from the<br />

formation of a simple conjugate to a complete metab~lism of t e administered drug.<br />

It was found that the compound administered might be conjugat d to simple amino<br />

acids, sugars or proteins, it may be coupled with sulfur-cont ining amino acids<br />

to form .the mercapturic acids; the compound might be hydroxyl ted, viaox1dation<br />

or the compound might be oxidized completely to carbon dtoxid . and water (4).<br />

Very often a combination of tbese.detoxificationmechanisms re found~ Subsequently,<br />

it was shown that microorganisms, insects and other lower animals possess<br />

the same ability to metabolize organic substances. . It is n .knoWn that microorganisms<br />

particularly have a wide range of abilities to deal with organic' -'<br />

materials iRtroduced into their environment.<br />

Although it may have been surmised that plants possess t e,same ability to<br />

metabolize drugs, it remained for the workers at Boyce Thomps n Institute (15,16)<br />

17) to demons.trate J:his phenomena. Thase workers studying· t effects of various<br />

fumigants on plants discovered that ethylene chlorohydrin was rapidly converted<br />

to a glycoside. Subsequently, other compounds were shown to e metabolized by<br />

plants, such as the dinitrophenols, where it was demonstrate that plants possess<br />

the ability to reduce one of the nitTa groups of the dinitro enol.<br />

The introduction of growth-regulating eompounds for wee control and for<br />

horticultural ,urposes greatly stimulated: interest in the met bolismof chemicals<br />

by plants. The theory has been advanced that the mode of act on of certain of<br />

these compounds may depend upon the metabolic conversion to active form (14)<br />

18). That such may be the case in' certain· instances was d strated by the<br />

workers at Boyce Thompson Institute who showed in 1947 that e omega phenoxy<br />

alkyl carboxylic acids could be converted by beta oxidation 2)4-D (21). There<br />

remained for Wain (22) and his colleagues (2) in England, h ver, to make<br />

practical application of this discovery.<br />

1. Based in part on manuscripts submitted to ~eeds.<br />

2. Supported in part by a grant from Geigy i~ricultural Che cals, NewYork.<br />

3. Professor of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, Cbemi t and Assistant in<br />

Biochemistry, respectively, De~artment of i~ricultural C mistry, Oregon<br />

State College.<br />

4. Published as Oregon Agricultural Ex~eriment Station .usce laneous Paper 1101.<br />

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