Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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540.<br />

The oontrol plot was ohosen somewhat south of the experimental<br />

area, at a distanoe great enough to be unaffeoted by diffusion.<br />

Between the dates June 8-10, preoeding the applioation of the<br />

Aqua Gran~lar on June 29, preliminary observations were made and<br />

sampling was carried out. After the applioation, this routine of<br />

observation and sampling was repeated at intervals throughout the<br />

season, namely JUly '1, July S, July 20, and September 15. Samples<br />

were taken at random from eaoh plot and the oontrol. In eaoh<br />

plot the bottom temperature was reoorded, a water sample from the<br />

bottom was obtained, and two hauls for benthio organisms were<br />

made wi than Eokman dredge. A plankton haul was also made and<br />

standardized as well as possible by rowing 3 times aoross the<br />

plot. The oontents of the dredge were sieved, identified, and<br />

oounted in the field. The plankton was taken direotly to the<br />

laboratory where it was identified under a binooular disseoting<br />

miorosoope. The water samples also were oarried immediately to<br />

the laboratory where determinations of pH and 02 in ppm were made<br />

by the use of the Hellige Testing APparatus.<br />

On June 29, the Aqua Granular was applied by hand from a<br />

rowboat. As the granules were soattered from the boat, most of<br />

them sank sloWly to the underlying weeds, or fell to the bottom<br />

mud if that was unoovered.· Some granules remained on the lily<br />

pads for a day or two but eventually fell into the water.<br />

Granules were obvious in the water for 4 or 5 days and some were ­<br />

visible even a week after the application •<br />

. The six experimental plots were treated as follows. Three<br />

plots reoeivedgranules of 10% 2, 4-D aoid equivalent, at a concentration<br />

of 0.9 ppn, 1.,3 ppm, and 1.8 ppn. The other three<br />

received granUles of 20% 2, 4-D aoid equivalent at aoonoentration<br />

of 1.8 PPm, 2.6 ppm, and 3.6 ppm. In both series the bulk rate<br />

was So lbs./aore, 75 Ibs./acre and 100 lbs./aore. .<br />

. Since the immediate results of the applioation of the<br />

granules Were similar for all plots, a general description appropriate<br />

,for all will be given. On the first day after the<br />

application, the typioal reactio:t) pegan. Lily pads developed<br />

brown spots and began to ourl; flowers looked Wilted; petioles<br />

appeared slightly longer. On the seoond day, the reaotion was<br />

intensified. The lily pads were ourling, and due to the<br />

elongated petiole, overturning. By the sixth day, the pads and<br />

stems presented a tangled mass of vegetation. The numerous<br />

elongated and arohed petioles together with the overturned pads<br />

gave a definite red cast to the plots. Both stems and leaves<br />

were decaying rapidly. At this point it was obvious that<br />

Nymphaea and Brasenia had reoeived lethal doses of 2, 4-D.<br />

However, 'no opinion on the condi tion of submergGO.vegeta tton<br />

could be advanced.

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