Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


534. It· was tht.;n necessary to dcvcLop a granular chemical injection system similar to that used with liquic formulations. By introducing the granular material into a stream of water, it was th~n possible to spray the chemicals evenly over the surface of the area to be treated. A closed system, utilizing uncerwater jLts, was developed for ths application of Aqualin Herbicides. RESULT§ 'I'h« effecti vcnc as of the herbicides tested is indicated as tho percentage of aquatic vegetation showing discoloration of stem and leaf tissue, cytological decay, and/ or complete disintegration. LIQUID FORMULATIONS AQUALINHERBICIDES: A total of six experiments were conducted between Jun,., 1960 and Sc::,tember, 1960. To plots of 1.0 to 3.0 acres, Aqualin was applied at the rate of 3.0 ppm. In all tests, the species of aquatic WCCc.swere the samo. Potamog~ patans , the predominant form, was controlled effectively with a dogree of kill estimated ~t 90 to 100%; Utricularia purpurea 100%; with only slight rcinfcstation late in th0 fall from surrounding untreated areas; Algae (filamentous) 100%; Nymphaea ~orata 20%; NuphD.r ndvena 20%; Brasenia schrebei 40%; PolXgonum ponnsylvanicum, no results. ENDOTHALAQUATICWEEDKILLER: Plots, at the rate of 2.0 ppm, 3.0 ppm and 5.0 ppm, were treated on Juno 28 and August 25, 1960. Tests conducted in June at 2.0 ppm on plots of 1 acre in size gaVG only a moderate reduction in the density of the weed growth. Control was (;stimD.tcd as follows: Potamogeton natans .50%; Nymphaea sp., Nuphar sp., Brascnia sp., and Utricula~ sp., were not significantly affected. Plots, treated in August, 1960 at rates of 3.0 ppm to 5.0 ppm gave excellent control. Effectiveness was estimated as follows: Potamogeton lli1tans 90 to 100%; Potamogeton oaksianus 90 to 100%; Utricularia sp., 100%; Algae 100%; Polxgoriium p~nnsylvanicum 60%; Nymphn~ ,sp.,30%.and Nupharsp.,30%. ; lvl-1845 (SILVEX): Tw areas wer-e trcatcc .ab the rate of 1.0 ppm. One area of two acres, treated on July 27, 1960, was effectively controlled 'of the following forms of aquatic vegetation: MXriophvllum heterophxllum 100%; Nxmphaea sp., 90%1 Nuphar sp., 60%;and Utricularia sp.,60%.

535. On AUVlst 15, 1960, tht first of tnrf;c trcatmonts wns made to a 23 aero rus0rvoir filled with Eloden,canadensis. Trcatm0nt was ~ede at four dny intervals to minimize the possibil~ty of fish kill anrl undesirablo odors. Control was ostimated at 95%. No undesirable odors or tastes were exhibited. There was no fish kill. ' SILVEX ~ TreetmJnt was made on July 27, 1960 at tho rate of 0.5 ppm. Control of Myriophyllu~ hcterophyllum was excellent and estimated at 100%. Floating forms, however, showed only slight control at this rate. The species and the degree of control were as follows: Nymphaen sp., 70%; Nuphar sp., 30%; Brasenia sp., 30%. There was considerable regrowth of these latter forms noted in September when the areas were resurveyod. GRANULARFORMULATIONS ENDOTHAL 5% QRANULAR: On June 30, two 1.0 acre plots were treated at tho rate of 2.0 ppm. The species an~ degree of control were as follows: Potamogeton natans 90%; Potamoguton_ Robbinsii 100%; Nvmphaea sp., 60%; Nuphar sp.,40%; Utricularia sp., 60% and Polygonum sp., 30%. -- ESTERON 99 (2,4-D): Treatment was m~de to 1.0 acre and 2.5 acre plots on June 27 and July 27 respectively. Application at th~ rates of 50 lbs/acrc proLucerl results as follows: MYriophvllumh~tcrophy~lum 100%; Nymphaea ap., 80%; NuphQ£ sp., 60%; ££ratophyllun eem;rsum 70%; Potarnogcton natans, no results. M-1847 (SILVEX): A 5.0 acre area was treated on .Iunr. 29, 1960 att1k rate of 50 lbs/acrc. Granular salt of Silvcx pro~uc~d excellont results in clcaring the area of tho following forns: liYm,phaca sp.,lOO%; Nuphl'r sp., 100%; Ccratophyllurn cemcrsum 100%; Utricularin purpurca 80%. sn,MZI~~ 4G: \nlilc only one test was concucted this mrterial, an( that being only 0.75 acro in size, it wns felt however that the results against Piblyr;on1.!E pcnnsylv.;:.nicum were somowh.ct significant. Control of this species was estimotcd at 80% of the original population. with DISCUSSION: Field studios of tho various herbicides tested indicate clearly that some formulations are more effective in dealing with one nqudtic'wcod problem thnn another. It is also significant to point out that no one chOt"lical was effective against all s~ccics of aquatic vegotation treated.

535.<br />

On AUVlst 15, 1960, tht first of tnrf;c trcatmonts<br />

wns made to a 23 aero rus0rvoir filled with Eloden,canadensis.<br />

Trcatm0nt was ~ede at four dny intervals to minimize the<br />

possibil~ty of fish kill anrl undesirablo odors. Control was<br />

ostimated at 95%. No undesirable odors or tastes were exhibited.<br />

There was no fish kill. '<br />

SILVEX ~ TreetmJnt was made on July 27, 1960 at<br />

tho rate of 0.5 ppm. Control of Myriophyllu~ hcterophyllum was<br />

excellent and estimated at 100%. Floating forms, however, showed<br />

only slight control at this rate. The species and the degree of<br />

control were as follows: Nymphaen sp., 70%; Nuphar sp., 30%;<br />

Brasenia sp., 30%. There was considerable regrowth of these<br />

latter forms noted in September when the areas were resurveyod.<br />


ENDOTHAL 5% QRANULAR: On June 30, two 1.0 acre plots<br />

were treated at tho rate of 2.0 ppm. The species an~ degree<br />

of control were as follows: Potamogeton natans 90%; Potamoguton_<br />

Robbinsii 100%; Nvmphaea sp., 60%; Nuphar sp.,40%; Utricularia<br />

sp., 60% and Polygonum sp., 30%.<br />

--<br />

ESTERON 99 (2,4-D): Treatment was m~de to 1.0 acre<br />

and 2.5 acre plots on June 27 and July 27 respectively. Application<br />

at th~ rates of 50 lbs/acrc proLucerl results as follows:<br />

MYriophvllumh~tcrophy~lum 100%; Nymphaea ap., 80%; NuphQ£ sp.,<br />

60%; ££ratophyllun eem;rsum 70%; Potarnogcton natans, no results.<br />

M-1847 (SILVEX): A 5.0 acre area was treated on<br />

.Iunr. 29, 1960 att1k rate of 50 lbs/acrc. Granular salt of<br />

Silvcx pro~uc~d excellont results in clcaring the area of tho<br />

following forns: liYm,phaca sp.,lOO%; Nuphl'r sp., 100%;<br />

Ccratophyllurn cemcrsum 100%; Utricularin purpurca 80%.<br />

sn,MZI~~ 4G: \nlilc only one test was concucted<br />

this mrterial, an( that being only 0.75 acro in size, it<br />

wns felt however that the results against Piblyr;on1.!E<br />

pcnnsylv.;:.nicum were somowh.ct significant. Control of this<br />

species was estimotcd at 80% of the original population.<br />

with<br />


Field studios of tho various herbicides tested indicate<br />

clearly that some formulations are more effective in dealing<br />

with one nqudtic'wcod problem thnn another. It is also<br />

significant to point out that no one chOt"lical was effective<br />

against all s~ccics of aquatic vegotation treated.

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