Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


500. loblolly pine existed iii quatities large, ea.ougbto:,coutitute adequate ­ stocking providing' tbe1 4ou14'be'·nlJauc. frOll' O¥eI'COPP1n&j8114crowding hardwood competitiOn. ' .j • All spraying was done by helicopter. with SOl1l8 2.200 acres of for.st land made up of various site cODdit1OQ8 being treated. A low-volatile ester fom of 2,4,'-T was used with fuel all •• ' theca.n:ter. The _teria! ".. applied at "the. rate' of l."pouads of acid equiva1-.t 1:I'lCl.2·.S'p0uad8 of total .' solution pet' acre. . .'.':! .r ' .~ ;C . The followtaa .•..-r.,: .JuLy 19S7.aIl addit.ioaaL. 3..'SOOacr •• of stailar forest I .. were spr.,...sin -.schd14t .... III.IDaer u71D1956.- 1IIe-primary purpose of. treatt.ag-tId.a a4cl.1.t1oDal:,acreap.wu cto . ~ov14.e .' greater selection of cqoditions - for extracting' inforD8tion. aDd thereby reduce the possibility of obtaining inconclusive or misleading'results. , ... ': .....' j laseel upoD ... urecl reaulta aDd per10llic ·obs.".ti ... of.effw:ta of the· cheaaical applications in 1956 aDd 1957 ,a ... elntensi".. proar- , 1aIle4 .primarily along res.ah' U.11es ... initiated «urina: the :aprilag.,aN r of '1958,'aDd this has beea. COIltiDua4~up 'to·th. pre •• ntrt.iae. SMll.acrea were tre4ted to ,determine: (1,) a.ount of zoel.... , 1D t.ex:. of Uae.r.... ed growth, exhibited eatuli.8hecl loblolly~ aad slub, pine as- • .u.~ect 'C.sult of by yauns' :c-orre.tation· chem1cel hardwood control ;(2). bet:weet:l ........ oR piJle release .ad degree of hardwood coutrol adl1eved; (3) effect· of different rates ·..... i.tures of; 2,4.5-T upon quality, of.r"u1t8; ..s. (4) ,usabiU.ty, .":ef-fectiv .. 8. of ground spraying .riga for' chemical appU.catlon. Over tbiatotal period of time» we have treated a conaiderable acreage of forest land coverill&a wld~ r~ DfcoDclitiou,. cllemfcal"'formulations and rates, methods of application, chronological and physiological times of appU"cation, ad.objectlV1l'8of .treatD8lt.'.Before lDOViag'on into 8pacific detal18 CODCa.m1.aa'recent WCH:'k.OIl c~D)' lands inViq1D1a, I.,...t to sUllllarlze .iIl general .tar., results of this work· in .tbelo.r,'coutal plaln of South CaroLUta .... Georau. Altbau.gh theseftsult8 apply dlrac,tly only, .. to the area ill Wb1cb thed.Ka· _1'. coll-ec.ted,tba, 'are pre"" for the' pvrpose of _cU ... ~t1oD ~t'JaiPt beof.OMcl:trect or 1Dd1rect value. to operatiOD.l e1Ja~. It shauW W·· ........ 1... t .... e ~neu1ts .to deteare ',by no .... ..t1rely. CCIlIICl11ri. __ , 'elther 8tlvlc\l1~ly OI':.:8.tu1at:ically", el have made aa attea9.t.ln dae -fol1.owtDs paragr.,u"tolu.tud. discus. a few of the lIOn. f.'IIIpcnltall~ aDd 1IlOre:.4efiaite l potat :e ex..uac.ted. 80 far from thes •• praying act1vlttH •. Soae .araftb.tantiat-edb, aU ,ofacpumtitatlve nature. wbil. othus &1:8 «MID. nfroa per ... 1 ot... rvatiOD8-· aDd lDfereuc.s .ba.eel UpOli subjective analysis. . ""1' I: type cmeJamar 81t.pmaratl99 'ud:ns2*!t.S""T dO!f.DOt t2 be a practicable: tee_lt1!! ,·for the i seneul area ·In

factory artificial regeneration by direct seeding or planting. In addition. such measures as respraying or spraying and disking seem out of the question for the present because of high costs and the fact that mechanical methods, often combined with prescribed burning. can effectively prepare a site either for planting or reseeding without any spraying. 501. 2, Pine release can be achieved pnder certaIn gefinable conditions using 2.4"S-.T as a foliar sprax. With very few exceptions, it was found that spray· ing .effects in the form of hardwood damage were obliterated by subsequent new growth and stem resurge within three years after trea~nt. On areas where a reasonable amount of pine was already established and in a condition to respond to the short term release, chemical hardwood ·contro1 seemed to be just the thing for permitting the pine to come through. This was especially encouraging since relatively little p,ine damage was detected as a result of the herbicidal application. . Even where initial damage to pine apPeared to be heavy, recovery was swift and complete. No increased incidence of insects or disease was noticed, and pine vigor a year or two after spraying appeared to be excellent. It is still too early to fu~ly·measureth~.absolute amount of pine release in terms of increased growth; general, o~servations and limited measurements. however, reveal a marked increase. 3. Adequate marking of each spray swath is a,_jor problem ip both aerial and ground spraYing. The only consistent mechanical difficulty encountertd concerned the matter of. maintaining equidistant parallel swaths. Effective but simple and inexpensive ~lagging 1S a necessity that never seemed to be quite fulfilled. Long flag poles and helium-filled polyethylene balloons were both used, with equally frustrating results. 4. Good grOWing copditions fgr some time pripf to spraYies 8e. desirable. but heavY rains ~iately follOWing spraYinS max adyerselx affect dest~ed results. !fOtes were generally taken on average weather co.nditions piior to spraying, 'amount of rainfall. and general growing conditions •. Theset-ather broad data were used whenever possible to aid in assessing any variatlOu'in results that could not be readily attributed to any other factor. Thegeneral outcome was that, in most cases better growing conditions prior to spraying res\llt.ed in better hardwood control. On the other hand, one experience with a heaVyrain immediately following spraying indicated the undesirability of this situation. A spraying job in 19Sd was followed within a matter of a very few minutes by a heavy rain that measured 0.72 inches. In spite of an unusually high rate of herbicide applied. results were extremely poor. Even sweetgum, which usually is damaged very readily. showed only spotty effects.

500.<br />

loblolly pine existed iii quatities large, ea.ougbto:,coutitute adequate<br />

­<br />

stocking providing' tbe1 4ou14'be'·nlJauc. frOll' O¥eI'COPP1n&j8114crowding<br />

hardwood competitiOn.<br />

' .j •<br />

All spraying was done by helicopter. with SOl1l8 2.200 acres of for.st<br />

land made up of various site cODdit1OQ8 being treated. A low-volatile ester<br />

fom of 2,4,'-T was used with fuel all •• ' theca.n:ter. The _teria! "..<br />

applied at "the. rate' of l."pouads of acid equiva1-.t 1:I'lCl.2·.S'p0uad8 of total .'<br />

solution pet' acre. . .'.':!<br />

.r ' .~ ;C .<br />

The followtaa .•..-r.,: .JuLy 19S7.aIl addit.ioaaL. 3..'SOOacr •• of stailar<br />

forest I .. were spr.,...sin -.schd14t .... III.IDaer u71D1956.- 1IIe-primary<br />

purpose of. treatt.ag-tId.a a4cl.1.t1oDal:,acreap.wu cto . ~ov14.e .' greater selection<br />

of cqoditions - for extracting' inforD8tion. aDd thereby reduce the possibility<br />

of obtaining inconclusive or misleading'results.<br />

, ... ': .....' j<br />

laseel upoD ... urecl reaulta aDd per10llic ·obs.".ti ... of.effw:ta of the·<br />

cheaaical applications in 1956 aDd 1957 ,a ... elntensi".. proar- , 1aIle4<br />

.primarily along res.ah' U.11es ... initiated «urina: the :aprilag.,aN r of<br />

'1958,'aDd this has beea. COIltiDua4~up 'to·th. pre •• ntrt.iae. SMll.acrea were<br />

tre4ted to ,determine: (1,) a.ount of zoel.... , 1D t.ex:. of Uae.r.... ed growth,<br />

exhibited<br />

eatuli.8hecl loblolly~ aad slub, pine as- • .u.~ect 'C.sult of<br />

by yauns'<br />

:c-orre.tation·<br />

chem1cel hardwood control ;(2). bet:weet:l ........ oR piJle release .ad<br />

degree of hardwood coutrol adl1eved; (3) effect· of different rates ·..... i.tures<br />

of; 2,4.5-T upon quality, of.r"u1t8; ..s. (4) ,usabiU.ty, .":ef-fectiv .. 8. of<br />

ground spraying .riga for' chemical appU.catlon.<br />

Over tbiatotal period of time» we have treated a conaiderable acreage<br />

of forest land coverill&a wld~ r~ DfcoDclitiou,. cllemfcal"'formulations<br />

and rates, methods of application, chronological and physiological times of<br />

appU"cation, ad.objectlV1l'8of .treatD8lt.'.Before lDOViag'on into 8pacific<br />

detal18 CODCa.m1.aa'recent WCH:'k.OIl c~D)' lands inViq1D1a, I.,...t to<br />

sUllllarlze .iIl general .tar., results of this work· in .tbelo.r,'coutal plaln<br />

of South CaroLUta .... Georau. Altbau.gh theseftsult8 apply dlrac,tly only, ..<br />

to the area ill Wb1cb thed.Ka· _1'. coll-ec.ted,tba, 'are pre"" for the'<br />

pvrpose of _cU ... ~t1oD ~t'JaiPt beof.OMcl:trect or 1Dd1rect value.<br />

to operatiOD.l e1Ja~. It shauW W·· ........ 1... t .... e ~neu1ts .to deteare<br />

',by no .... ..t1rely. CCIlIICl11ri. __ , 'elther 8tlvlc\l1~ly OI':.:8.tu1at:ically",<br />

el have made aa attea9.t.ln dae -fol1.owtDs paragr.,u"tolu.tud. discus. a<br />

few of the lIOn. f.'IIIpcnltall~ aDd 1IlOre:.4efiaite l potat :e ex..uac.ted. 80 far from<br />

thes •• praying act1vlttH •. Soae .araftb.tantiat-edb, aU ,ofacpumtitatlve<br />

nature. wbil. othus &1:8 «MID. nfroa per ... 1 ot... rvatiOD8-· aDd lDfereuc.s<br />

.ba.eel UpOli subjective analysis. .<br />

""1'<br />

I: type cmeJamar 81t.pmaratl99 'ud:ns2*!t.S""T dO!f.DOt t2 be<br />

a practicable: tee_lt1!! ,·for the i seneul area ·In

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