Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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494.<br />

SYSt.:Clil ..:ne sp:aying cont rec cor 1A.l&k..as usa fina. pice l~" ncr e to<br />

fu s:nish a giver. hertJiciJ~ ano 1l}.)J,iy ii: at a spac Lf Lad zace anti volume<br />

[(:1: acro on a p::;vioUG 1y determined acreage. .Th~ cont raccoi furnishes<br />

'he aCl'1.a", al,plicadon, chemical, carrying agents, mixing t anks and<br />

~ql\ipAlilnt. and ia~or neceaaacy to j,.,erfo;;·m the al J; lication. ,Hiw~sse::: ,<br />

lays' out clie cO,ni;rolliQ,es ,furnishes the necessary flslging.eq",ii.-ment. '<br />

flagling l:·ersonne 1 .. rc;;';ios. maps and t:,hotolraphs ,anu t.:..ans.,oJ.:ta don "<br />

fo:': their own personnel. When the cOntractor arrives on the' scene,<br />

3verything is in,readiness to euaDla 'him tooelin immediately. The<br />

concro.l lines have been Fe~'En:ed and stak.ed, OUI., ,a11flaaging and'"<br />

.La,iio equipment is at hand; necasaary four wheal·ld vevehtcles ar e<br />

~~cscn', and the ~is~rict flagging crews have, been arerted for the,<br />

comwencemen~of operations. Wcath~r ~ermitting, we ~egin sfraying<br />

at ciawn the day following arrival of the cont.:ract04.<br />

Control lines ara constructed on two sides of the at~a to ~e<br />

Ci rayei..~ i~erl'undicular to the direction of fUgh... The lin.es are<br />

never more than 3,000 feet at-sr..:. If the area is \..,nusunlly'la;:gc,<br />

it way ...e neccssal.'y to eons crucz one 01 UlQ~C interiol' con-trol Ji,l1?s.<br />

Whenever 1os s·i .... le , ,l;.se is maue of a road, ttail, 0'1' utili'y ;':iigh~,of~<br />

wuy fOJ: a control line. Never.tLleles$, such convand ances arc l,imiced<br />

n.n~we Qre thus forceu. to cons t.ruct aever a l miles of~hes,e con,i.·ol<br />

:in,;!: each yce.r. The work is dona with a D-4 0:" D-6" the o..-Ject .<br />

lJcitlg 1.:0clear a 10 to 2'0 .foo , wide opening in tne cano; yend,'imI01~.:J. Two years -Qgo a limii:eJ trial was. given e<br />

1Juffa.~o ,,:uI'!)in~ c;.usl: uiowe:t. Last yam'. ..;a11oons eons t ruc ccd of Myla)~, D.<br />

. leslie manufact.ul. ~u 0Y Ganen:.l Hills, were used en.;i~ :;ly.New, -:i,aveloi men ..r:.<br />

in this a ..;;e ar,~ ;"'euly nee~'~d. "<br />

In 19S::;, we tdcd a. '71eQi-,- f 4"ogg ,i ng I technique involving tJ1c Ql-::;n:.tion<br />

vi two h~iicoi~crs £sitl1Ul(.~ne()us1y out of Chi:; samehc~is}-ot~ The system<br />

'uo:..ks VC1"y well as you can nonl811y keep Q he lic0l-'tet' in the air continuous<br />

Ly, While one is sI:raying, the other is on the grounG. r ::.:10a01ng. It<br />

:ma..;lcs bocn i:h~cont.:ac'O:L and th.~ comrany to u~Uize ,their ~':~rsonncl<br />

ruor8 ~fficiently.Shoul~ onchelicoyte~ davelof any mechanical trou. 1~,<br />

cho second helicol·tel: can continue on alone WnL.2 th(~ other is b,::ing

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