Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


4')2. Literatm-o Cit~: Biolog:$,cal Survey of tbe AllogMDJ and OhemuagWatersheds (1937), No.XU, pp. 162-174, B.Y. Conservetion Dept • .' Bio10g1ca:l surVey of the Lake Onterio Watershed (1939), No. XVI, -; . . pp. 147-166, .... . . LP.,wr$~ee" J. M. (1958) ,Recent inwstigatiODs on the. use 'of sod1m arsenite as an ,ugacide aDd its etfects on fish prod~tion 11) pclI'1ds.;1'1'00. 11th Ann. Gont. S.E. Assoc. of Game BeFish Comm.188~oners (1957), pp. 281-287. Springer, Paul P. (1957), Effects of herbicides and fungicides ..'.. ·on Wildlife. Reprinted from B.C. Pesticide Manual, N.C. State r; .: ~CoE.ege, .Raleigh, N.C., pp. 87..106. ,..- Surber, .Eugene W. (1931), Sodiun arsenite for controlling submerged weeds in fish ponds. Trans. Am. Pish. Soc. 1931, pp. 143-147. SUrber, E.W. and O.t. Mechean (1931) Isthal concentrations of arsenic for certain aquatic organisms. Trans. Am. Pish. Soc. 1931, pp. 225-239.

493. SVI,E OBSEHv'A110N~ oi, J1.i~;}dAl ,jPRAYING fOR FINE RElti;ASEIN EASTTE1;r;ES:JEE 'lhomas K. Goodrich i\\.,!'irtl spray.i ng ~f selective herbicides tn release an .established t·lli\:! st-and, or to weed a pine s i Le in preparation for pl.ant.Lng pine, is now all accepted si1vicultural practice on many of the 1crger forest awner-sl..i ps , TLis was not always so. Twelve years a60 the art and science of aerial apj.Li.cat.Lon of herbicides was unknown. Six years ago it was in its infancy, only having been attempted experimentally on limited areas. llow, 1961, silvicultural weeding of forest stands by aircraft is coming into its own just as cotton dusting did a number of years ago. Aerial work ap1-'eals to most foresters. They see in it the opportunity to cover large acreat.,es in a short period of time with a gr-eat-Ly reduced labor force. It fits in with the era of mechanization that is filtering through the dimly lit forest aisles. d,v company, Hiwassee Land Company, began its aeri.al spraying program back in July of 1955. Actual negotiations and pro cedur es were worked out with t.l.e contractor several months prior to that. The first year's work was not alto~ether satisfactory, but we believed the technique showed pro­ 'iLise. That first year, 1955, we sprayed 2,000 acres of competing low ~rade hardwoods on the Cumberland plateau. The following year we sprayed 4,U78 acres. During the summer of 1957, Hiwassee sprayed 3,635 acres. In lS58, 6,846 acres, in 1959, 7,900 acres, and in 1960, 17,050 acres were call of t.l.i.s aerial sprayed. This totals for another 24,000 acres. met-hod of silvicultural 41,509 acres. So you can see weeding. 1 1ne that present we think year's pretty In the course of six years of large scale aerial applications of herbicides, it follows that we are bound to have made some observc ..tions that may possibly be of some value to others. Although the hills and mountains of east rl'ennessee, no ct.h Georgia, and north Alabama have presented so.ne difficult problems, these same problems exist elsewhere, and tLe difference is one of degree rather than character. Anyone of the items to be presented in tbis paper is material for a paper in itself, so, of necessity ,covera.ge is limited. plans well Ore,d.nization and freparation The organization of a production size aerial spr-ay.i ng oper-at.i.on i.s of fundamental .impor-t.ance , It can either make or break the entire j0b.e personally favor the I1total contract" approach. Under trLis .1Ass i stant Land .ianagenent Forester, Hiwassee Land Company', Ca.Lhoun, r enness ee ,

4')2.<br />

Literatm-o<br />

Cit~:<br />

Biolog:$,cal Survey of tbe AllogMDJ and OhemuagWatersheds (1937),<br />

No.XU, pp. 162-174, B.Y. Conservetion Dept •<br />

.' Bio10g1ca:l surVey of the Lake Onterio Watershed (1939), No. XVI,<br />

-; . . pp. 147-166, .... . .<br />

LP.,wr$~ee" J. M. (1958) ,Recent inwstigatiODs on the. use 'of<br />

sod1m arsenite as an ,ugacide aDd its etfects on fish prod~tion<br />

11) pclI'1ds.;1'1'00. 11th Ann. Gont. S.E. Assoc. of Game<br />

BeFish Comm.188~oners (1957), pp. 281-287.<br />

Springer, Paul P. (1957), Effects of herbicides and fungicides<br />

..'.. ·on Wildlife. Reprinted from B.C. Pesticide Manual, N.C. State<br />

r; .: ~CoE.ege, .Raleigh, N.C., pp. 87..106. ,..-<br />

Surber, .Eugene W. (1931), Sodiun arsenite for controlling submerged<br />

weeds in fish ponds. Trans. Am. Pish. Soc. 1931,<br />

pp. 143-147.<br />

SUrber, E.W. and O.t. Mechean (1931) Isthal concentrations of<br />

arsenic for certain aquatic organisms. Trans. Am. Pish.<br />

Soc. 1931, pp. 225-239.

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