Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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enefit of those both us1ng the water and protecting the water.<br />

Such~program would:, aJ.:+owfor,9Ms1derable freedom ,of,movement<br />

by the, 1ndiv1dual, ~@.~ lAA,-,con~~1l~rat1on of' ~eglitlatory r6spons1­<br />

bilitywou:\.d be plaoe~,1p:;thf) l.ri~v1du,alas, much or, more than<br />

in the ~ta:te,or pt~e-r, h1gher eQh,~lons, of, government , (It would<br />

be a system without need of extensi ve ps'rmits and pre-treatment<br />

checking blgQver;nmGmt.;,JI,f3rf.l~e;l., -.a1~o f which is costly. cum­<br />

berscae and ~~crQacheBup~,.ind1 vidua~ freedom.) , ,<br />

CCNCLUSIQN; '.<br />

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, In conel~~lon,: I."P\ll~.+ik.~to. emp~slze one 9;ther. related<br />

. and. impo:rtan~ :~h(>'P8ht ~tta(t we .sho\Ud keep,in mind while drawing<br />

up water st~Aa,ses.of pur :Life, not only econoenca.L<br />

and recreat1cnal,~ut ,'eVf:U~, ·pplltiq~... It lsa wis~: and fa:r-seeing<br />

gr,Q:Upwho,-can t.~e .1nto Q()n:B1dG~ation,~ ofthet1e ..aspects whil'e<br />

endeavoring to solve its own' specific. problemS.<br />

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