Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


counted. ThJ grqins m~y ba st~inad by dipo~ng th~ rod int~ Calberla's solution f~r a faw minutss just before counting. Tests Lnd Lcat e the loss of gr~ins in the ao.l.ut Lon to be slight. For counting the pollen, tha transparent rods are placed into 9 contrivance that is gripped by the stage micrometer and has ad justimerrt s for leveling the surface to be examined. We are now-,using a further modification: the slide-edgecylinder sampler. This device utilizes the one milltmeter edge of a g'l a s s microscope slide for the sampling surface.' The slide is gripped between two pleno-coRvex rods so its greased leeding edge forms a portion of a 1/4-inch vertical cylinder.' After exposure the slide is stored in a standard slide box with the sample surface up. The sampl~s are counted by placing two exposed slides in a transparent holder to bring the greased edges parallel a centimeter apart. They may be stained and covered with a 22- x 50-mm. cover glass •. The pollen grains on the 1- x 50-mm. strip are 'easily recognized and count.ed , Some other types. of samplers are available that utilize the principle of collecting on cylinders but either the accuraa.y of collection or ease of reading the samples leaves much to be desired. Cylinder samplers are relatively inexpensive but require a totalizing anemometer for recording air passage since the efficiency of pollen collection varies with wind speed~ . Rotorod Samplers The basic sampler was designed by personnel of the Stanford University Aerosol Laboratory (PerkinsI957). It has the very great advqntage of being practically independent of wind speed pnd direction and therefore wind vanes and anemometer readings ~re not needed. Its major disadvantage is that it cannot be opernted continuously for a 24-hour day due to the large volume sampled'lnd consequent overloading of particles. This sampler collects pollen by impaction on a pair of small rods whirled through thG air At high speed. The collecting surface may receive the pollen directly, in which case the opaque rod is placed on the microscope stage and the ' counts m~de with some difficulty, or the surface may be covered first with transparent adhesive tape ~llowing the sample to be removed and affixed to a microscope slide. This device will overload after two or throQ hours, so for q 24-hour sample the rotarod unit should h~v~ ~ step-tim0r to c~us~ the rod to rotAte intermittently. To prevent impingement of pollen on the rod while stationRry, WJ hAve

467. equipped ~~ch of our saopl~rs with ; ho~d to aut~matically ~XPOS8 the rod while rat~ting ~nd cover it while idle. As with ~ll pollen s~mnI2rs, it requires ~ r~in shield for cpe r-vt.t on- in wet weather. The co st of such a. machine is moder~t3 ~nd tho conversion of dat.a to 3 volumetric basis should be accept~bly accurate. It requires electric power. :2 rotorod units can be assembled with a st~,-timer to·t~ke 24 for ona-hour samples each 2n hour ~nd counterclockwise day. Epch rotorod ~otates clockwise for another hour, thus ~oll~cting s~mples on nIl four faces. Our latest model has thD units on c continuous belt which exposes only one rotorod ~t'1 time. A slight modificRtion of the rotorod sampler by experimenters ~t the University of Michigan is called the rot~bcr samp.Ler-, (HArrington, Gill and Warr 1959). We are new exp2rimenting with D modified version, the rotoslide sampler, t.ak i.ng the samples on the edge·.,of removable rni.cr-os cope slides th~t Rre counted RS ~re those of the slide-edge-cylinder. Volumetric Samplers Several devices are available for sampling measured air which may be drAwn into the s3mpler by some me~ns, such as a v~~uum pump. Tests may indicate high efficiency in catching tha pollen thAt enters the machine but we cannot assume thqt the sample gives Bn accurAte indic~tion of the pollen concentration in the outside air. Unless the intake opening is continuously eriented into the wind and the air flow through the sampler is equ~l at all times to the wind sneed in the free air approaching the intake, the system is subject to the serious errors of ~nisokinetic sctmpling. Sampl~rs dr~wing air through nn aperture are not recommended for conditions of variable wind speeds unless the diameter of the p~rticles is under 5 microns. Ragweed pcllen is approxim~tely 20 microns. Samplers employing molecular membrane filters have the qdvantage of retaining pollen on tho filter surface where it may be viewed under a microscope hut tho he~vy poll~n grnins may not feithfully foll ...w the air stream as its vei,Btcity is modifiad upon ~ppro~ching the filter. The number of gr?ins T)·3r unit volume of mensur-cd af.r- may be aeve r aL times more or icss thnn the ~ctu~l number in the same volume of outside air. A timer m~kes possible the automatic taking of successive filter samples (Raynor 1957). Several recently designed devices indicate the variation in pollen concentration during thG day. The Hirst Spore Trap (Hirst 1952) draws measured air through an orifice oriented into the wind. The pollen is impacted on a microseope

counted. ThJ grqins m~y ba st~inad by dipo~ng th~ rod int~<br />

Calberla's solution f~r a faw minutss just before counting.<br />

Tests Lnd Lcat e the loss of gr~ins in the ao.l.ut Lon to be slight.<br />

For counting the pollen, tha transparent rods are placed<br />

into 9 contrivance that is gripped by the stage micrometer<br />

and has ad justimerrt s for leveling the surface to be examined.<br />

We are now-,using a further modification: the slide-edgecylinder<br />

sampler. This device utilizes the one milltmeter<br />

edge of a g'l a s s microscope slide for the sampling surface.' The<br />

slide is gripped between two pleno-coRvex rods so its greased<br />

leeding edge forms a portion of a 1/4-inch vertical cylinder.'<br />

After exposure the slide is stored in a standard slide box with<br />

the sample surface up. The sampl~s are counted by placing<br />

two exposed slides in a transparent holder to bring the greased<br />

edges parallel a centimeter apart. They may be stained and<br />

covered with a 22- x 50-mm. cover glass •. The pollen grains<br />

on the 1- x 50-mm. strip are 'easily recognized and count.ed ,<br />

Some other types. of samplers are available that utilize<br />

the principle of collecting on cylinders but either the<br />

accuraa.y of collection or ease of reading the samples leaves<br />

much to be desired. Cylinder samplers are relatively<br />

inexpensive but require a totalizing anemometer for recording<br />

air passage since the efficiency of pollen collection varies<br />

with wind speed~ .<br />

Rotorod<br />

Samplers<br />

The basic sampler was designed by personnel of the<br />

Stanford University Aerosol Laboratory (PerkinsI957). It<br />

has the very great advqntage of being practically independent<br />

of wind speed pnd direction and therefore wind vanes and<br />

anemometer readings ~re not needed. Its major disadvantage is<br />

that it cannot be opernted continuously for a 24-hour day due<br />

to the large volume sampled'lnd consequent overloading of<br />

particles. This sampler collects pollen by impaction on a pair<br />

of small rods whirled through thG air At high speed. The<br />

collecting surface may receive the pollen directly, in which<br />

case the opaque rod is placed on the microscope stage and the '<br />

counts m~de with some difficulty, or the surface may be covered<br />

first with transparent adhesive tape ~llowing the sample to be<br />

removed and affixed to a microscope slide.<br />

This device will overload after two or throQ hours, so<br />

for q 24-hour sample the rotarod unit should h~v~ ~ step-tim0r<br />

to c~us~ the rod to rotAte intermittently. To prevent<br />

impingement of pollen on the rod while stationRry, WJ hAve

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