Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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392.<br />

herbicides. In senerel."we.had,a rAther rainy apri.na and summer in<br />

Massachusetta. Plots treated with 4~razinewer8 free from annual broadleaved<br />

as well 8S grassy weeds' throUghout the growio.s season. Plots treated<br />

with EPTAMbecame infested with,p~ed (Amar~thus retroflexus) during<br />

late .eason. It is pos.ible that excessive rain shortly after application<br />

of the herbicide decre~se~~ itd ,~ffectiveness, '~y"r ~ellent broadleaved<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control wasobta:lned. ,wit!.) 4 Ib/A and 6 Ib/A of EPTAMin field,<br />

corn' (1). " ....<br />

Beca~se of g60d nutgr~s.co~~rol by 1111herbl~ide8 and at &.11,rates<br />

appliecl, ylel~s .9f silage co.rD.werealgD,if1cautly increased •. No 81pificlUlt<br />

differences were noted between herbicides or rates applied.<br />

On the basia ot~one ,·year's resulte it wf'luld appear that 801'1dnuta r aSB<br />

eontro~ ca~ be hll.d ~~,ora 4 Ib/ A t')f AtruiDe or EPTAM. Atr"zi~ ,fJJ sligbtly<br />

more effective and .does 'QOt,.4f..fect. cornplauts. .<br />

Summa!'Yand Conclu'iona:"<br />

. ,;;,'<br />

1~' ~ year'. field ta.stA':1Ddicate tb.Jt Atrazlno 1s ~ffect:tve and<br />

promisine in co~rol~ina nutgrasB (Cyperus esculentus}.A rate of about<br />

4 Ib/A is suggeste.d.' Applicatit9nssbould be made in the sprinS ~Late1Y<br />

before the, plantina,~f~~or:n~ "'M1Jd.q appU.ed berbicide with .soil to a depth<br />

of 4-6 in.~ 1s .dvent&seo~&aspecl&lly 1£ dQt weather and soil cOliditittnB are<br />

anticipated. Atrazine can be applied atp14nting ~r &s a pr~~emergence<br />

treatment f&rcol:1.'i.· ,,<br />

? "EPTAMi' a.~so. p;;,omif;lng f,.r controlling Qutgrass in fielA col"Dt' '<br />

Sugge~t'ed rates Are 4-5' Ib/A •. This chamic.g.t should be applied before plsD t1 ng<br />

and tmmediately inc~rp~r~ted 4-6 in. deep in soil by disking. For ·tw~ caMe-Cutive<br />

years anme Cflru stunting reaulted from 4 Ib/A.of E~ (1) but later ~D<br />

plants reg4tae.d nfixmal appearance and yieldAwere oipifiC411tly better tb#n<br />

checks.<br />

Reference:<br />

1. J. Venitt •• <strong>Weed</strong>.Control in Field Corn. Proe.14th An.NEWCC.367-69.1960.<br />

tABLEI. Nutara,s Control<br />

, .~l!~!.ve Values.<br />

in rield<br />

Check -<br />

Corn<br />

"102<br />

Corn<br />

. Trea~ents Yields<br />

1. Check ..... ,<br />

2. EPT~ 4 lb/ A." pre~pl.". disked ' in<br />

3. 'EPTAM 6 lbJ A) pre-pI., tUsked. in<br />

4. ,EPTAMalb/A. ,p:t:e-pl~ ,disked in<br />

5~ At;,zine 2 lbJA) pre-pl., diaked<br />

6. Atr~zine 4 ib/A. pre-pl., disked<br />

7. ,Atraz~ne 8lb/A, ~pre,;"pl.{, dll.ked<br />

8. Atrazine ,2 lb/A, .pre-pl. '.<br />

9. Atrazine 4 lb/A, pre-pl.<br />

10. Atrazine 8 Ib/A. pre-pl.<br />

" L, ~,. D' at 5% level<br />

t.S.D. at 1% leyel<br />

___<br />

10·<br />

------..:1=5------XLin<br />

in<br />

in, .<br />

8<br />

.__<br />

100<br />

1~1<br />

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