Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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Sunderiand,' Mass..Experiment:<br />

In this experiment, trials were conducted on a well drained aravelly<br />

sandy loam. The area was heavily and uniformly infested with a quacksrass<br />

sod which had not been tilled for three yearl. On April 14 the area was<br />

plowed 61"7 u ,',ck!epand disked. Treatments 2,3,9,10,15,16 were applied on<br />

.y'19 "'(Table II). ; There were two replicates. At that t1me quacksras s .<br />

. "wa'labout 6 'in. tall. Six days lateT on May 25, the whole area was plowed,<br />

disked; fertilized and the .eedbed prepared. OnMay 26 all pre-planting<br />

treatments were applied and the herbicides in treatments 4,5,6,7,8,11,12,<br />

11 and ',18were immed1,.&telydisked into the 8011. On May 27 Ohio M-15<br />

silaaecon was planted. Four days later, on May 31, 0.75 lnches of rain<br />

fell.· On June 2 the whole experimental area was sprayed with 6 IblA of DNBP<br />

to cont~ol anDual weeds. Dur1na the growina season the corn was not cultivated.<br />

Quackaras8 stand e8ttm&tes made on July 26 are shown in Table II.<br />

" In aeneral, the best quackgraas control was obtained with, both Triazines<br />

and EPTAM.Atrazine provided better control than comparable rates of<br />

. Slmazine. Mixing in the applied Atrazine or Simazine with the so11 slightly<br />

increased their effectiveness. Relatively poor control was obtained from<br />

spring applications made on quackgrasl foliaae, possibly due to the fact<br />

that sod was plowed under early the same sprina. Someof the rhizomes,<br />

which were turned under, did not produce shoots and therefore did not come<br />

lnto contact with materials applied on the foliage. Someof these rhizomes<br />

were exposed durina seedbed preparation and produced a healthy growth of<br />

quackaTass. Corn was injured by both Feuac treatments. Mixins Feuae with<br />

the soil significantly increaled its effectiveness in controlling quackgraaa.<br />

Bowever, injury to the corn was also increased even to the point of<br />

depre,sed yields.<br />

Leverett.<br />

Mass. Experiment:<br />

In this experiment, trials were conducted on a well drained aravelly<br />

sandy loam. The area had a good uniform stand of quackarass. Plots w~re<br />

12 ft. by 30 ft. Five replicates were used. In this experiment we use9 in<br />

all treatments 5 IblA of actual Atrazine. Treatments 2 and J were applied<br />

April 28 on 6 in. tall quackaraas (Table III). Treatment 3 was rototilled<br />

about 5 in. deep following application of materials. The same day treatments<br />

4 and 5 were also rototilled. Close observations showed that this<br />

rototil11ng cut the rhizomes into 3-6 inch seam-nts. On May 16 the expert·<br />

mental area was plowed, disked, fertilized and prepared for plantins.<br />

By thie time, plots which had been rototilled on April 28, had a thick<br />

re-srowth of quackgrasl. It appeared that rototillina had activated<br />

dormant rhizome buds (1) and produced more shoots. It was postulated<br />

that this practice would provide better absorption of Atrazine and finally<br />

provide a better control of quackgrass. Atrazine was applied on treatments<br />

4, 5, 6 and 1 on May 20. According to the plan (Table III) tTeatmenU S<br />

and 7 were rototilled immediately after application of the herbicide.<br />

Silase corn Ohio M-lS was planted on all treatments on the same day,<br />

May 23. Frolll May 23 into May 24, 0.52 inches of rain fell. It seems<br />

that 8011 moisture conditions were favorable for Atrazine. On June 2<br />

the whole experimental area was sprayed with 3 pound. per acre of

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