Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


32S. Amitrol-T was intermediate in its effect on both food reserves and topgrowth. It resulted in good kill and regrowth suppression throughout most of the growing season. Some stubble survived, however» and regrowth occurred in late fall. Spring plowing resulted in a large initial reduction-in food reserves which persisted until sufficient regrowth had occurred to replenish the underground organs • . Continuous fallow. on the other hand, .eontinuedto deplete the rhizome ."reserves throughout the experiment. Interactions between reserves are diScussed. chemical and' cultural treatments on the rhizome LITERATURECITED 1. LeBaron. H.M. and Fertig. S. N. Relationships between control-of qU8ckgrass (AgropyronreRens) and carbohydrate contet').t of rhizomes. Northeastern Weed Control Conf. Proc.-14: 357-362 (1960)

329. Further studies on a growth inhibitor from Agropyron repens (Q,uackgrass)+ . ++ c. W~LeFevre and C. O. Clagett At the 1960 Northeastern Weed Control Conference (1) we presented a brief literature review and a preliminary report on the concentration of a growth inhibitor from quackgrass. In this presentation we are summarizing our 1960 progress on the isolation of the inhibitor(s). Experimental Procedure Extraction. In order to determine the rate of water extraction of the inhibitor ingraun4 ~hizamos'a 40 x .8 CM. column containing 4 gIn of the mat.e r-LaL mixed with asbestos was prepared. \'later was leached through the column and the leachate was collected in 5 mI. portions with a G.M.E. fraction collector. The ~olume of water necessar.y for complete elution is found in figure 1. This method 01; elution was so effective that it was modified and u'se d for further extractions. A few grams of ground plant material were placed in a sintered glass crucible containing a layer of cellite over the porous glass. This was leached under vacuum into a flask maintained at 50°C so that extraction and evaporation was accomplished in one ope r-a.t.Lon, Paper Chromatographic Separation ·The concentrated extract was streaked on S & S 470A filter paper and irrigated with a Whatman No. I wick. Solvent systems were prepared as follows: (1) Ethanol-water (80-20 v/v) v (2) 2-butanone-T bulanol-wate.r (50-30-20 /v). (3) N-butanol saturated with water; (4) Phenol-Water (80-20 Vtv; (5) Dioxane-water (75-25 /v; and (6) Dioxane-Methanol Acetone-Water (30-30-20-20 v/v. The papers were sectioned, the sections eluted, and the elulates tested for activity. The assay involved measuring the growth of three replications of 5 alfalfa seeds in 5 ml beakers containing filter papers wetted with .5 ml test solution. The eluate was concentrated and recromatographed using other solvent systems. + Progress and 1218. report on Experiment station projects N.E. 42-1375 ++ Agronomy and Agricultural and Biological Chemistry Department Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

32S.<br />

Amitrol-T was intermediate in its effect on both food reserves and<br />

topgrowth. It resulted in good kill and regrowth suppression throughout<br />

most of the growing season. Some stubble survived, however» and regrowth<br />

occurred in late fall.<br />

Spring plowing resulted in a large initial reduction-in food reserves<br />

which persisted until sufficient regrowth had occurred to replenish the<br />

underground organs •<br />

. Continuous fallow. on the other hand, .eontinuedto deplete the rhizome<br />

."reserves throughout the experiment.<br />

Interactions between<br />

reserves are diScussed.<br />

chemical and' cultural treatments on the rhizome<br />


1. LeBaron. H.M. and Fertig. S. N.<br />

Relationships between control-of qU8ckgrass (AgropyronreRens) and<br />

carbohydrate contet').t of rhizomes.<br />

Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conf. Proc.-14: 357-362 (1960)

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