Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


-­ 306. c) Seedling toleranqe trials -­ XF-832: Seedling bent, blue and, rye grasses 'Were not injured when treated with .3/4or l~ Ib/lOOO sq ..ft., 3 or 6 weeks after seeding" Fescue and clover were injured somewhat at both rates. 14hile this chamical is intended as a pre-emergence crabgrass material, it caused a significant reduction in the stand of crabgrass llhen applied post-emergence to seedling crabgrass in the 2-leaf (1 inch) stage. Control was a1lllost complete at the Ii lb/lOOO sq. ft. rate. XF-834: Seedling fescue and clover were slightly affected but bent, blue and rye grass were not injured by either rate o This chemical had greater post-emergence activity than Al'1A.-41on seedling crabgrass, controlling crabgrass completely at both rates and times of application. XF-833: This was the most selective chemical of the three having practically no effect on turf grasses and clover. It was slightly less effective post-emergence on seedling crabgrass. Zytron 1328 and 1481: The dry form (1.481) produced slight injury onbent, blue ana fescue, while the liquid form (1328) produced considerable injury. Chlordane (product): This material produced no significant injury ort'seed::i.Ing turf grasses or clover. Dacthol (product): This material produced only very slight injury, iiiCSt"Ol'it in the early treatment. Conclusions Based on 1960 fleld tests, it is apparent that XF-832, w:i.thin the range of rates tested, most nearly achieves the objectives stated at the beginning of this paper. ' ' Zytron and Dacthol, tlhile offering excellent pre-emergence crabgrass control and satisfactory turf tolerance, have the disadvantage 'of preventing growth of turfgrass seeds planted within four weeks ,after application of these chemicals.

307. TABLEI -- Comparison of Products and Experimental l1aterials Crabgrass Control for Pre-emergence Location: Oak Terrace Country -Club, Amuler, Pa, l1ethod: Treatments uere applied on April 8, 1960. Each plot was 60 sq, ft. in size and treatments were replicated 3 times. Crabgrass started to germinate on April 22, and continued to germinate throughout the summer. To obtain the per cent control figures, crabgrass infestations in the treated plots were compared to the average infestation in 9 untreated check plots on the same day. Per Cent Crabgrass Control Chemical Rate June 15 Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Product Tricalcium arsenate + 100 98 75 2,4-D/2,4,5-TP Tricalcium arsenate 38 18 -24 "-- Chlordane @ rec. 58 o 29 Chlordane @ rec. -39 10 36 Dacthol @ rec. 100 99 97 Lead arsenate complex @ rec. 88 29 19 Experimental DAe-893 81b/A 96 99 98 DAe.-893 10 1b/A 100 99 99 DAc.:.893 12 1b/A 100 100 99 Zytrpn 1328 15 lb/A 100 98 99 Zytron 1328 201b/A 100 100 99 Zytron 1481 l51b/A 96 93 92 Zytron 1481 20lb/A 92 96 90 XF-832 3(4 l~M 96 98 81 IF-832 12"lb M 100 99 92 XF-834 3{41b/M 77 82 -11 XF-834 1~lb/r'1 85 87 79 IF-833 3 1b/M 62 51 19 XF-833 12"lb/11 . 99 97 87 -- Check plots 26% 61% 63% crab f'~.V(:>Y' r-.:rab (", V (f'(' ('(J:,':,,,1". tv 1 '1 {"~J" (*) as recOll11flendedby manufacturer

307.<br />

TABLEI -- Comparison of Products and Experimental l1aterials<br />

Crabgrass Control<br />

for Pre-emergence<br />

Location:<br />

Oak Terrace Country -Club, Amuler, Pa,<br />

l1ethod: Treatments uere applied on April 8, 1960. Each plot was 60 sq, ft.<br />

in size and treatments were replicated 3 times.<br />

Crabgrass started to germinate on April 22, and continued to germinate<br />

throughout the summer.<br />

To obtain the per cent control figures, crabgrass infestations in the<br />

treated plots were compared to the average infestation in 9 untreated<br />

check plots on the same day.<br />

Per Cent Crabgrass Control<br />

Chemical Rate June 15 Aug. 15 Sept. 15<br />

Product<br />

Tricalcium arsenate + 100 98 75<br />

2,4-D/2,4,5-TP<br />

Tricalcium arsenate 38 18 -24<br />

"--<br />

Chlordane @ rec. 58 o 29<br />

Chlordane @ rec. -39 10 36<br />

Dacthol @ rec. 100 99 97<br />

Lead arsenate complex @ rec. 88 29 19<br />

Experimental<br />

DAe-893 81b/A 96 99 98<br />

DAe.-893 10 1b/A 100 99 99<br />

DAc.:.893 12 1b/A 100 100 99<br />

Zytrpn 1328 15 lb/A 100 98 99<br />

Zytron 1328 201b/A 100 100 99<br />

Zytron 1481 l51b/A 96 93 92<br />

Zytron 1481 20lb/A 92 96 90<br />

XF-832 3(4 l~M 96 98 81<br />

IF-832 12"lb M 100 99 92<br />

XF-834 3{41b/M 77 82 -11<br />

XF-834 1~lb/r'1 85 87 79<br />

IF-833 3 1b/M 62 51 19<br />

XF-833 12"lb/11 . 99 97 87<br />

--<br />

Check plots 26% 61% 63%<br />

crab f'~.V(:>Y' r-.:rab (", V (f'(' ('(J:,':,,,1". tv 1 '1 {"~J"<br />

(*) as recOll11flendedby manufacturer

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