Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


302. 2. A highly active series of substituted dinitroanilines . possessing selective herbicidal activity against seedling grasses has been discovered. The N,N-di-(n-propyl)~2,6~din1troaniline, coded as L-31864, hasg1ven excellent control of seedling grasses at 10 1b/A. The 4-CF j derivative (coded a8L-36352 and ten~ativ&y named trifluralin) ana the 4-CH) (coded as L-35455 and tentatively named dipropalin) have shown even greater activity than the parent L-31864.

- 1 PRE-ENERGENCE CRABGRASS CONTROL TRIALS­ 1960 1 J. E. Gallagher and R. J. Otten 303. Objectives Tests in the Amchemgreenhouses during the winter of 1959-1960 indicated that several new organic arsenical materials had the properties of selective pre-emergence crabgrass control •••• that is, preventing crabgrass seeds from growing past the seedling stage while allowing turfgrass seeds to sprout and grow normally. OUtdoor tests performed during the spring and summerof 1960 were designed to test these and other chemicals under field conditions for the following properties: a) effective pre-emergence crabgrass control for an entire season with one spring application of the chemical. b) tolerance of turfgrass seeds planted immediately or at intervals after application of the chemical. - Location c) tolerance of turfgrass seedlings to applications of the chemical at different stages of growth. The pre-emergence crabgrass test was performed in the praotice fairway of Oak Terrace Country Club, Ambler, Pa, The natural turf present is a mixture of primarily bluegrass and fescue with some native bent. The area is on a loW'maintenance program and develons a severe crabgrass infestation every year. The seeding trials were performed on the AmohemResearch Far.m, Ambler, Pa. in areas prepared especially for these tests. l-1ethod a) Pre-emergence orabgrass trials Plts 6' x 10' (60 sq. ft.) were laid out in a tandom design. Each treatment was replicated. three times. Dry materials were weighed out in advance and spread by hand. Liquid materials or vlettable powders were measured out, mixed with water (equivalent to 180 gpa) and applied with a small-plot sprayer.. Natural rainf~ was the onJ..¥source of water in this area. 1 Agricultural Research Department, AmchemProducts, :rnc., Ambler, Pennsylvani.a

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1960<br />

1<br />

J. E. Gallagher and R. J. Otten<br />

303.<br />

Objectives<br />

Tests in the Amchemgreenhouses during the winter of 1959-1960<br />

indicated that several new organic arsenical materials had the properties of<br />

selective pre-emergence crabgrass control •••• that is, preventing crabgrass<br />

seeds from growing past the seedling stage while allowing turfgrass seeds to<br />

sprout and grow normally.<br />

OUtdoor tests performed during the spring and summerof 1960 were<br />

designed to test these and other chemicals under field conditions for the<br />

following properties:<br />

a) effective pre-emergence crabgrass control for an entire season<br />

with one spring application of the chemical.<br />

b) tolerance of turfgrass seeds planted immediately or at<br />

intervals after application of the chemical.<br />

- Location<br />

c) tolerance of turfgrass seedlings to applications of the<br />

chemical at different stages of growth.<br />

The pre-emergence crabgrass test was performed in the praotice fairway<br />

of Oak Terrace Country Club, Ambler, Pa, The natural turf present is a<br />

mixture of primarily bluegrass and fescue with some native bent. The area is<br />

on a loW'maintenance program and develons a severe crabgrass infestation every<br />

year.<br />

The seeding trials were performed on the AmohemResearch Far.m, Ambler,<br />

Pa. in areas prepared especially for these tests.<br />

l-1ethod<br />

a) Pre-emergence orabgrass trials<br />

Plts 6' x 10' (60 sq. ft.) were laid out in a tandom design.<br />

Each treatment was replicated. three times. Dry materials were<br />

weighed out in advance and spread by hand. Liquid materials or<br />

vlettable powders were measured out, mixed with water (equivalent<br />

to 180 gpa) and applied with a small-plot sprayer.. Natural<br />

rainf~ was the onJ..¥source of water in this area.<br />

1 Agricultural Research Department, AmchemProducts, :rnc., Ambler, Pennsylvani.a

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