Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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E. F.Alder, fl-.L. Wright. and Q. F. Soper.:::t<br />

---<br />

Introduction<br />

Over the course of two seasonaa to,tal of .32 turf field tests<br />

containing over 1,00 plots were conducted in order to evaluate two<br />

herbicidal materials for their selective action against 'seedling<br />

grasses in turf. The first of these materials is diphenylacetonitrile<br />

which was coded aa L-l.3489 .ndilowhas the tentative<br />

generic name diphenatrile. The second is N,N-di(n-propyl)-2,6.<br />

dinitroaniline which was coded as L-.31864. No generic name has<br />

as yet been coined for this material, and it will continue to be<br />

ref$rredto here as L-.31864. ,<br />

Procedure<br />

,Fie.ld tests were placed in areas known to be heavily intested<br />

with seedling weed grasses 'the preoeding year. In one test location<br />

the turf was disturbed the preceding tall in order to leave<br />

open areas for weed grass infestation the following spring. Smooth<br />

crabgrass (Digitaria isohaemum) was the dominant weed grass in most<br />

plots. Hairy crabgrass (D. sanguinalis), yellow and green foxtail<br />

(Setaria lutescens and ~. viridis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indioa)<br />

were present in several of the plots. In each test all treatments<br />

were replicated tour times in a randomized block design. Turf<br />

plots were four by six feet. Two-foot buffers were lett between<br />

plots and four-foot bufters between replications. The seedling<br />

grasses in four foot-square quadrats in each plot of the tour<br />

replications were counted and averaged. In test areas of low weed<br />

infestation, entire plot counts were made. The tinal oount was<br />

taken 60-100 days atter treatment in the first of the test seasons,<br />

and 120-140 days after treatment in the second test season.<br />

Eli Lilly and Co., Agrioultural Research Center<br />

Greenfield, Indiana

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