Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


' 270. permanent , . injury than the bent by October. The calcium arsenate treatments affected only the fescue and bent. The discoloration showed asa bluish wilted appearance in contrast to a browning effect fronfDacth8:l and Zytrori. Injllrea'plots also resulted in retarded growth. Fescue was 'Only' :siigl1tlJrthinned out whereas the colonial bent showed moderate thinning. There were practically no differences in injury between the two rates of calcium arsenate, whereas all other injurious treatments showed very significant differences for the two rates used in this study."·:"!"'" ' .. . Crabgras s', Control. 'Results of preemergence c~~b~$S control, are shown in Table$ Doth as, plant survival pe,r .square foot: and percent reduction 'based on six c9ntrol plots~' Contr01:'plo~s 'averaged 20 plants 'With a range of 14 to 29 plants per sq. ft. Crabgrass data are shown onlY for test. area 1 (fescue) due to best uniformity. ~f, stand. Gr~ular chlordane proved to be the most effe~tive chlordane formulation and gave 99 perc~t·contro~at the 120 lb. 'rate. The 60·1b. rate of the granular and emulsion and H8lts at the recommended 6 Ibs/·M were not satisfactory based on plant,survival. Dacthal; Zytron and calcium arsenate treatments gave 97 to 100 per­ cent control except for the Zytron M-1329 at the lower 13 lb~ rate (93% . control). Although the control range variable was small, crabgrass control appeared correlated with turf injury between the Dacthal and Zytron formula­ tions, respectively. This sugge.iltstbe ppsai't)111t.y of variation in active ingredient per formulation as applied in this studY. ' ReSUlts shoWed the lower rates of tile above three niaterials to be at or' near their most' erfi6iertt levei for crabgrass eontr-ol.. Observations on the other test areas showed similar material treatment effects on crabgrass "germinatiOn~ ,'~ . ­ Other OOservations • 'Test area 4,:·commonKentucky-bluegrass, was selected due to ,r-heavy crabgrass in:t'estation'dtiring the 1959 season.' "However; in 1960, it changed from crabgrass to a knotweed economy. Knotweed wasirithe 2­ leaf stage at the time of ,'thefirs~ treatment, April 14. j., .. Zytron 1f8fj.' the~ onlYmlr~~r1ai to ~~ibi t post-emergence' control. :K~1329.t' emw.si01l:;atlJ lbs.p~r '!1"cr~:res;l1ted in 'nearly 100 percent control r~:r;' .the three tre$t.tnent d8tefi AprQ.14, May 2 andMai l? Granular M;';1662 'resulted in 60-80 percentcotltrol,'with better o011trol"at tlfe earlier date, • •• •• '.~ ~ " , -.' , y "," " . Calcium arsens te .Weakened Poa. annua to the point where . it waskilled during the first moisture'artd~higll'temJ?erature stress pe:r:'iod inJUly.- ' Conclusions' , ; ChIordane,' except tor. c:ertain emulslPn' f6rri1ulations, was' nontoxic to ' bluegrass, fescue andberit turf. . '" .... : ' .,' , ' .. ' , '­ .. " ",' .

271. Chlordane must be used at rates in excese of 60 Ibs. a.i./acre' for satisfactory ,crabgrass control; ThiS! studysho-wed granjJ.lar chlordane as the most effective formulation .. " . i' ' 1 ~ . Dacthal was nontoxic to :commonand Merion bluegr~ss, but significantly reduced the density of P~mlawn' .tescue and :colonial bent. i '; , ' Daothal .f'on;uJ.ations were very effective forpree.I1lergence crab~a~s control." , " . , ' , . Zytron emulsions, M-1329, will tetJlPOr~ discolor Menon blupgrass and reduce the density o~ Pennlawn fescue and 'colonial ~nt. ; , . :Zytro~, M-I662, reacted similarly to Dacthal, but was not a:1'severe on Permlawn fescue and c~lonial bent density at the rates used in +,his stu~., Zytro:n formulations are 'very effective fOl\ preemergenqe crahgrass control. " . . :, ! t ,Calcium arsenate discol$red and inhibited growth of Pennlawr::fescue and Q)1.c:mialbent, but was not too severe on reducing their density. It was nontoxic to commonand Merion bluegrass and resulted in satisfactory crabgrass control.;

271.<br />

Chlordane must be used at rates in excese of 60 Ibs. a.i./acre' for<br />

satisfactory ,crabgrass control; ThiS! studysho-wed granjJ.lar chlordane as<br />

the most effective formulation .. " . i' ' 1<br />

~ .<br />

Dacthal was nontoxic to :commonand Merion bluegr~ss, but significantly<br />

reduced the density of P~mlawn' .tescue and :colonial bent. i ';<br />

, '<br />

Daothal .f'on;uJ.ations were very effective forpree.I1lergence crab~a~s<br />

control." , "<br />

. , ' , .<br />

Zytron emulsions, M-1329, will tetJlPOr~ discolor Menon blupgrass<br />

and reduce the density o~ Pennlawn fescue and 'colonial ~nt. ; ,<br />

. :Zytro~, M-I662, reacted similarly to Dacthal, but was not a:1'severe<br />

on Permlawn fescue and c~lonial bent density at the rates used in +,his<br />

stu~.,<br />

Zytro:n formulations are 'very effective fOl\ preemergenqe crahgrass<br />

control. " . .<br />

:, ! t<br />

,Calcium arsenate discol$red and inhibited growth of Pennlawr::fescue<br />

and Q)1.c:mialbent, but was not too severe on reducing their density. It<br />

was nontoxic to commonand Merion bluegrass and resulted in satisfactory<br />

crabgrass control.;

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