Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Applications may be made at time 01' transplanting or as lay-by treatments. In the ornamental field, peonies are reported as tolerant~ pans ies are not tolerant. . . For optimum results with .Amiben, moisture is essential. Irrigation or ra.infall sufficient tor good crop· growtb 18 "uff1cient for weed control. Someweed species reported resistant to Amiben are: Galinsoga, Carpetweed and Morning Glory. Some grass spec ies may require h1&her rates tor satisfactory control: FoxtaU and Barnyard Grass • .Amitrol-T There is So marked increase in the. activity of Amitrol-T over .AminoTriazole in the powder formulation. It 1s moreetfective on cattails, (ECluisetum spp.), m1J.kWeed,leafy spurge and. cypress spurge than the powder and is equally as effective on Canada Thistle, hoary cress, and perennial. sow thistle. Amitrol-T at 2 pounds per· acre as a plow-down treatment followed by Atrazine at 2 pounds pre -emergence looked exc~llent tor quackgrass control in corn. Early post-emergence cultivations (1 to 2) are essential for good control. Some reports indicate promis 1ng co~trol on nl,ltgrass. with Amitrol-T. Amiz1ne Looks promia 1ng for general vegetation control at rates 01' 10 to 12 pounds active per acre. Several reports indicate effective weed control in woody plant nurseries, forest plantations, ornamental plantings,· orchards, and around highway guard raUs, route signs, 'etc. For'nUrsery or forest plantation weed control, 4 pounds of active chemical per acre as a directed spray has controlled most weed problems without injury to woody plants. Most coniferous and broadleaf' trees and. sbrUbs are sufficiently tolerant. lilac. Some ornamentals reported as susceptible include privet I honeysuckle and Casoron (Niagara 5996) This compound shapes up as a. promising pre-emergence herbicide ona number at different crops. At rates of :; to 4 pounds per acre, the control of annual b.road·leaved weeds and annual grasses has looked good in corn, beans (lima and snap), peas, potatoes, soybeans 8.Ddsweet potatoes. The most promising approach tor Casoron appears to be treatments that are post -emel~gence to the crop but pre -emergence· to the weeds. A "weed-tree II situati?n is a "must" a1; the time· applications are made. Using this approach, p·,~om1e1..'1g resUlts were reported in cantaloupe I celery, cucumbers, gladioli, peppers, sweet corn and tomatoes. SoU type would appear to be an important tactor in the initial and reSidual effectiveness ot Casol'on. Applications on the heavier soil types have resulted in less crop inj.ury than those on 11ght or sandy soils.

25. Promis ins results have also been reported on oranberries, providing treatments are made in the spring prior to the start ot weed growth. Dacthal This compound received many favorable reports as a pre-emergence treatment ot weed-crop situations at rates ot 4 to 12 pounds active per acre. It eont inuee to look aood tor the control ot cra'bSra8s in turf. The reported injury to turt grasses includ1ns bentsrus, Kentueky bluearass, red fescue and redtop has been variable .- from none to seriouS' with some species. . Good weed control was reported for lima beans when applied Just after seed· ing" tor onions on mineal soils, for transplanted peppers either as an over-all spray or a granular, tor tomatoes as a post-planting treatment and after the last cultivation, on seeded cabbage and broccoli, and as a pre-emergence on peas. Favorable results were also obtained during the 1960 growins season tor annual weed control 1n summer seeded altalfa, annual grass control in field corn and in soybeans. In the work With ornamentals, nursenr stock shows load tolerance up to 12 pounds .per acre and glad:lolusfrom 2 to 8 pounds. The control 01' weeds has been variable. D1cql (Niagara 4556) Dicryl has been promis1ns as a post-emergence herbicide for carrots" celery and galdioli: Applicat:Lon rates of , to 4 pounds active per acre" when carrots have developed their first true' leaves" have been ettective. Also, good weed control has been reported on cucumbers with a.pplication rates ot 4 to 8 pounds per acre at time ot cucumber emergence. In the treatment of carrots, transplanteu celery or gladioli,. the size of the weed species is important. The broad-leaved species should not exceed two inches in he:taht, while annual grasses should not exceed 1 inch it satisfactory control is to be realized. Analogs of Eptam: R-l601, R-1862, R-1870, R-29Q1, R-2960, R-2061. These compounds have shown excellent activity against a number of weed species. Soil ~orporated treatments at rates ot ,; to 6 pounds active per acre may find a place on such crops as beans , beets, corn, crucifers, spinach, straWberries, tomatoes and tobacco. R-1607 looked prom1s1Dg as a lay-by on potatoes. The very promising results on nutgrus are most encouraging. Good control has been reported in beans" corn and other crops. Soil incorporat:Lon 1.tIImediately after application is emphasized. The granular material8 show equal effectiveness tor weed control. The crop inJury to equal rates ot granular and spray have been variable.

25.<br />

Promis ins results have also been reported on oranberries, providing<br />

treatments are made in the spring prior to the start ot weed growth.<br />

Dacthal<br />

This compound received many favorable reports as a pre-emergence treatment<br />

ot weed-crop situations at rates ot 4 to 12 pounds active per acre. It eont<br />

inuee to look aood tor the control ot cra'bSra8s in turf. The reported injury<br />

to turt grasses includ1ns bentsrus, Kentueky bluearass, red fescue and redtop<br />

has been variable .- from none to seriouS' with some species. .<br />

Good weed control was reported for lima beans when applied Just after seed·<br />

ing" tor onions on mineal soils, for transplanted peppers either as an over-all<br />

spray or a granular, tor tomatoes as a post-planting treatment and after the<br />

last cultivation, on seeded cabbage and broccoli, and as a pre-emergence on<br />

peas.<br />

Favorable results were also obtained during the 1960 growins season tor<br />

annual weed control 1n summer seeded altalfa, annual grass control in field<br />

corn and in soybeans.<br />

In the work With ornamentals, nursenr stock shows load tolerance up to<br />

12 pounds .per acre and glad:lolusfrom 2 to 8 pounds. The control 01' weeds has<br />

been variable.<br />

D1cql (Niagara 4556)<br />

Dicryl has been promis1ns as a post-emergence herbicide for carrots"<br />

celery and galdioli: Applicat:Lon rates of , to 4 pounds active per acre" when<br />

carrots have developed their first true' leaves" have been ettective. Also, good<br />

weed control has been reported on cucumbers with a.pplication rates ot 4 to 8<br />

pounds per acre at time ot cucumber emergence.<br />

In the treatment of carrots, transplanteu celery or gladioli,. the size<br />

of the weed species is important. The broad-leaved species should not exceed<br />

two inches in he:taht, while annual grasses should not exceed 1 inch it satisfactory<br />

control is to be realized.<br />

Analogs of Eptam: R-l601, R-1862, R-1870, R-29Q1, R-2960, R-2061.<br />

These compounds have shown excellent activity against a number of weed<br />

species. Soil ~orporated treatments at rates ot ,; to 6 pounds active per acre<br />

may find a place on such crops as beans , beets, corn, crucifers, spinach,<br />

straWberries, tomatoes and tobacco. R-1607 looked prom1s1Dg as a lay-by on<br />

potatoes.<br />

The very promising results on nutgrus are most encouraging. Good control<br />

has been reported in beans" corn and other crops. Soil incorporat:Lon 1.tIImediately<br />

after application is emphasized.<br />

The granular material8 show equal effectiveness tor weed control. The<br />

crop inJury to equal rates ot granular and spray have been variable.

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