Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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247.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control in Soybeans with DNBPOver a Five-Year Period 1/<br />

F. B. Springe~) Jr., H. w. IndI;' R. H. Cole and<br />

C. D. Kesler _<br />

Procedure<br />

. ',;<br />

:.,; For th.' five,..yearpe~tod, 1956· .1960,. DNBP1I'(am1ne salt<br />

of dinitro~ortho.secondary"butyl.phellol) ';has been evaluated<br />

a pre-e.rgence· tt"eaa.at 1n ~coatrol1ing weeds in soybeans at<br />

~o loeations iIlD.laware.·' The soil type at the Newark.locationwas<br />

•. Matapeake silt loam, and.at, ~the-,Georgetown' location,<br />

a Norfolk:sandyloam.· 'lhe''Plot aiae.was eighteen feet long<br />

with four rows, three fe~t apart. The c:hem1cal·was applied as<br />

<<br />

a pre-emergence spray at the 3 lbs./A. and 6 lbs./A. rate on<br />

th~,.d_y of or; day follewlng planting. ':<strong>Weed</strong> control ratings<br />

were .~"el) approxima.cel)', five "eeka after planting and all<br />

receiv~d one ot .._0cultivations following the' weed ratings.<br />

plots<br />

The'broadleaf weed population at the experimental locations<br />

'! 'consisted of rough pigweed (A1Daranthus retroflexus), cOlllDOnragweed<br />

(Ambrosia artemisiifolia), lamb's quarter (Chenopodium<br />

,1bum), and annual morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea). Grass<br />

weed population consisted of yellow foxtail:· (Setaria lu~e8cens),<br />

crabgrass (Digltaria sangUinalis), and yellownutgra8s (eYPerus<br />

'-- esculentus). These same weeds cause the most' trouble 1n soybeans<br />

for Delaware farmers and often become a serious problem.<br />

Whe~~ ..• evere ·we,4infestat·ion. c8Q1lot be cont~blled :'bycultural<br />

methods the ".eof:chemicals may be profitable. Chemical weed<br />

control in soybeans is desirable for the following reasons:<br />

to increase yields; to mak~.:e'31't~vation easier; to allow harvesting<br />

of beans when mature; and to help eliminate<br />

certified £leld8~' ' . "<br />

weeds in<br />

as<br />

. r<br />

Tl;a.eresults;of the;pastftve years lndicatesatisfactory<br />

resultawith llHlf.Tbe'·effec:tiveoess .of DNBP·wasoutstanding<br />

,.OS all the "herbicides, eva lua t.d 'at ,'the .two locations.<br />

At the six pound rate, excellent. CORtrol ofi·weed growth,'<br />

particularly rough pigweed, ragweed, and lamb's quarter, was<br />

obtained without any harmful effects on yield. The higher rate<br />

----~------------~<br />

1/ Assistant Agronomist, Assistant Professor (presently Associate<br />

Extension Specialist, Rutgers University), Assistant<br />

Professor and Research Assistant, University of Delaware.<br />

1/ DNBP.applied as Premerge, courtesy of the Dow Chemical Co.,<br />

Midland, Michigan.<br />

1/ Misc. Paper No. 373, Del. Agr. Exp. Sta.

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