Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


244. .~~ :";'- .'.: ,i~~ • . ,~{," f,:

~ •• 245. ·Res~1~8 fr.o.Georgetlown (Table 3) : differ in many aspects frOlU,Newflrk·beoause of, the:"bish;:lrass population 'present. As at Newar~, tn.e·lO.:lbs./A •. rate of Zytron gave significantly gre~~r ,ielg, 'b«1l'Ltme-5 :lb•.•'IA,.rate .of ,the' chemtcal. Although Lappreclably stuntitll w~~e"e,4 ec 'both t::ettes.ithDNBPan (but not significantly) greater yield was found at the 6 Ibs./A. rate. This may have been bee.u •• ~f the slightly better grass control at the 6 lbs./A. rate •. ' . Table 3. :Yie~dip., 'bushel .. per.c;r., of soybean.a'at two Delaware ~GCat:1pne.Av.~-se. of three replications. "Low late High Rate Newark, Delaware . c I*.BP ·38.2 35.9 (S) Z¥tron " .,' 14.1 35.8 .CPmblaation 36.7 39.7 (S) Ch.~k 23.-6 . 23.6 :S:1gnifiC;4mCe~. 5'.:'. Within rat.es 11.1 Not significant Between rates 13.5 D,NBP Zytron COmbination Check Significance, 5% ., . '29.7 (S) ·31.4' (V) 41.3 (V) 22.8 31.2 42.4 43.4 22.8 Within," rat~s "; . '.-11.2 8.7 Betw~en..,rate.8;i '10-.6 (S) (V) (V) .(S) Stunting of soybeans at the end of the five week period following ,plAAti • ."" _ ,'-' ('{) ;tnctea.ed~"l&9~·of.~oJbe.n, at .the end of the five' and ten week period following planting.",· ,.., ~f!;.~~1~to.~lcPve;'~~~ont1;o10.f· both b~~r~av~~ and grasses at ~ 10 lb~.JAi ..; -,;ete. ~}~b.e ,-eombinatldt.l.·~of~Z,.tron at 10 Ibs./A. plus DNBP at 3 Ibs./A. gave es good weed control and a~prQx~tely. eqQ&l.y:L• .1ds. -' .

244.<br />

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