Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


230. , Be.ts Oetroit Dark llec1beets were seedecl in the plQts on May 3 anel the herbicides were appUed a day later. lesults are presented in Table III. Here it appeareel that treatments l.nvol'riq 4 .4. 6 pOUl\4. of V"p.dex ~re .theOl'lly treatments which Blet our re.qu1r8IGtlits fora llemictcte in beets. Xt ·is 1-nterestlng to note that ~en applied at a differeDt ttme in tbe lettuce plots, .. described p~ious· 1y, Ve,ada: did not .. et the' requirement. i. coIit'rol1f.ng Weeds.·Thl. V4dabUity of performance has been characterl.tic otVegaclex in teets parfomed here previously; apparently .everal environmental factors markedly affect the action of this ch.lcal. .' £ ,. . , '·.Seede. Onions . . Seed of Biplight onion, an '1 h1brld~ va planted 0I'l April 26 and the plots were .prayed with tbepre-emergence weed killers ~ April 28. Postemergeftca spra'8 were applied on Kay 20. The weed control aod crop appearance' ratinae were not,ed on JUDe 3. Results are preaented in .Tab1e IV. Randox T a~ 9 poun.de ,'1'acre _d all of the othes: treatments which included! pounds of eIPe, 1 and 2 pounds of 9S4, 2 and 4 pounds of 8562, 8nd10 and 15 pounds of Zytron all cOJltroUed weeds well until June 3 without appreciable crop injury. Treatments which included 2 pounds of 984, 2 and 4 pounds of B562, ,8 pounds of CIPC and 15

231. Conclusions The results published here should not be interpreted as a final assess· mant of the chemicals involved in the tests since the balance of environmental influences are extremely important in dete~ning the value of many herbicides. Bither plus or minus minor to major variations might be expected from trials conducted under other conditions. Therefore, tests conducted over a period of years are necessary to eVAluate the potential of each product.

230.<br />

,<br />

Be.ts<br />

Oetroit Dark llec1beets were seedecl in the plQts on May 3 anel the herbicides<br />

were appUed a day later. lesults are presented in Table III. Here it appeareel<br />

that treatments l.nvol'riq 4 .4. 6 pOUl\4. of V"p.dex ~re .theOl'lly treatments<br />

which Blet our re.qu1r8IGtlits fora llemictcte in beets. Xt ·is 1-nterestlng to note<br />

that ~en applied at a differeDt ttme in tbe lettuce plots, .. described p~ious·<br />

1y, Ve,ada: did not .. et the' requirement. i. coIit'rol1f.ng <strong>Weed</strong>s.·Thl. V4dabUity<br />

of performance has been characterl.tic otVegaclex in teets parfomed here<br />

previously; apparently .everal environmental factors markedly affect the action<br />

of this ch.lcal.<br />

.'<br />

£ ,.<br />

. ,<br />

'·.Seede. Onions .<br />

. Seed of Biplight onion, an '1 h1brld~ va planted 0I'l April 26 and the<br />

plots were .prayed with tbepre-emergence weed killers ~ April 28. Postemergeftca<br />

spra'8 were applied on Kay 20. The weed control aod crop appearance'<br />

ratinae were not,ed on JUDe 3. Results are preaented in .Tab1e IV.<br />

Randox T a~ 9 poun.de ,'1'acre _d all of the othes: treatments which included!<br />

pounds of eIPe, 1 and 2 pounds of 9S4, 2 and 4 pounds of 8562, 8nd10<br />

and 15 pounds of Zytron all cOJltroUed weeds well until June 3 without appreciable<br />

crop injury. Treatments which included 2 pounds of 984, 2 and 4 pounds of<br />

B562, ,8 pounds of CIPC and 15

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