Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Asparagus spears were harvested every day or '0, dependent on growth,

'-~ With respect to asparagus. however, it i. interesting to note that none of the herbicides have affected yields significantly (Table II) and Rahn has reported that asparagus showed:'oo'v1s1bl •• ymptoms of plant injury after eighteen pounds per acre of monuron had been'applied annually for three years (8) " 'It ~ts r e~e~taU;'conveni~t\~'a~d 'r~i~uvet,e~yto':r4tf(tt\e 're~ui~8of weed control on,a 1-9 basi. but t~e me~ns derived from this process should not, .:strictly 'speakina. be~,hib jected:to.jarilince analY.is· for. tbe,,-_,.tat.t!t~C8 ~~e not valid sa:nples drawn from a normal curve. To serve convenience, therefore, fit " j," ;~ such a stati9tic.~y' be. used to lndicate relative weed control only and not to detemiae .signiltcan?i 'among mea~s.. I.: ~,'" ." " ", 221. The nw~ed index" is" .exp.t'est~ed a. ape:r:centageal1d w1,th this, 9.Ee ,of .tatistic the' .figures 'must ·fitS'~,:~-'CQ9'Ve:r:f~dto·a.n81~s~ J~g~~ =ArcEJi.ne'1T~erc'en~agy before it is permissable to subject -thedaea ,to vadance anaIYds. -Wherethe Individual plots ,are ranked ,with fespect to qn~~ot~er they ~y be subjected to ,va.r1ance .nEil,sfsjfter ebnvertin8'::~O "Rankit:s" (3,4).' " ': ' " •• .: '::-: :

Asparagus spears were harvested every day or '0, dependent on growth,<br />

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