Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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180.<br />

Post-HillChemiGal Wee4 Contr~~ in Potatoes with Granular Formu­<br />

. . lations ...:.hy Arthur Hawkins ./ 1 . '<br />

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Comparis~ns were made of several granular formulations of chemicals<br />

applied on the day of final cultivation in a field of Katahdin<br />

potatoes where a heavY crabgrass population was expected and<br />

occurred later. ..<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Granular materials lis~ed in Table 1 were applied on July 1,1960<br />

within three hours after the final cultivation to Katahdin potatoes.<br />

A cyclone seeder 2 1 was used to apply Alanap and Falone on plots 4<br />

rows x 100 feet. The other materials were broadcast from a paper<br />

bag by hand on plots 3 rows wide and 24 feet long. Three or four<br />

row checks were left to either side of each treatment. No provision<br />

was.made to brush granules off plants. The soil was moist at the<br />

time of application, 1" :frain had ocuurred the two previous evenings..<br />

On the 'evening o.f>July 1, there was 1.3" of rain: 2i"<br />

occurred on JUly 14; 1.4 u fell on July 27.<br />

Results<br />

and Discussi')n<br />

.< •<br />

Effect of Materials on Potatoes - Considerable damage to potato<br />

leaves and stalks occurred from DNBPgranules which remained on the<br />

pl~nts. Seve);'e'damage occurred to the base of some stalks where<br />

gr~ntiles had accumulated at the soil line.<br />

Leaves of potatoes treated with Alanap showed 2-4-D type injury within-a<br />

few days after treatment. Potatoes on falone treated plots<br />

showed the same type of injury but to a lesser degree, see Table 1.<br />

Leaf absorption had occurred since granules were not brushed off the<br />

foliage. At another location where granules of Falone were not brushed<br />

off some leaf injury·-was noted within two days after application,<br />

no rainfall having occurred. This sYmptom persisted into early<br />

August probably as a result of the leaching rains.<br />

Randox T injtiry~noted shortly after treatment, became 'increasingly<br />

severe by August 1, and,persisted throughout the season. Esteron<br />

caused severe injury •.<br />

~!fe£t on <strong>Weed</strong>i - A high. population of crabgrass occurred where not<br />

controlled and grew rapi~y late in August and early September. <strong>Weed</strong><br />

control was rated early in the season and on Sept. 15, see Table 1.<br />

Falone at 4 lbs. per acre gave good control of grass; it was also<br />

superior to Alanap at another location. Randox, Zytron and Vegedex<br />

gave very promising results especially at the higher rates at this and<br />

a~ anot.her location. Dalapon gave good controll<br />

.<br />

Yie~ds were obtained only on plots of those treatments which did not<br />

seribusly injure potat~es and where sprayer wheels had not passed.<br />

The yields Bre for only a few treatments and on only single plots.<br />

1/ Agronomist and Extension Potato Spec.,Univ. of Conn~,Storrs,Conn.<br />

21George O'Brien<br />

and P.W. Bohne, Naugatuck Chem. Co., cooperating.

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