Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


160. EVALUATION OF SEVERAL HERBICIDES~ STRAWBERRY PLANTSDURINGTHEIRFIRST GROWING SEASON. Oscar .E. $dlubert and Peter C.. Rogers 1 Weeding' strawberry plants, ina.tted-row system of culture becomes increasingly more difficult and t.tme consuming as more and more runner plants are formed during the .ea80n~ The purpose of this experiment was to determine 1f herbicides alone could be used for adequate weed control without any additional hand weeding and without excessive injury to the strawberry plants. With Sesone it is necessary to remove all weedi 'before the next" aPplication is made because weeds that have already -.rged are seldom.killed unl.ess extremely .all. MATlUUALSANDMETII)DS In early April. 1960. Catskill strawberry plants were set about 18 inches apart in rows 4 feet apart on a medium sandy loam at Schubert Gardens, Morgantown, West Virginia. The planting was weeded with a rotary cultivator and hand-hoed until June 19. Since at this time runners were forming and elongating rapidly, this was the last time it would be prac~ical to·· cultlvatewithout cOnsiderable slow hand weeding. . The herbicidet~eatments' and application dates are given in Table 1. Each plot was 9 feet wide and 12 feet long and had an average of 12 to 15 plants. The herbicide treatments were assigned at random within each of the four replications. Plots with stmUar plant numbers and vigor of plants were grouped into separate replications. -- BBSULTSANDDISCUSSION Weeds were present in the herbicide plots one month after the first herbicide application. Since the main purpose of this experiment was to ascertain whether herbicides could safely control weeds without additional hand weeding, a second application was now necessary. Purslane was coming into the Eptam plots and a mixture of grasses and weeds were found in varying proportions in all the other plots. Weed control was very good in the Casoron plots on July 21 but injury to the strawberry plants was excessive so a second treatment was not applied. The Dacthal plus Simazine plots were not sprayed again. although some plots were becoming weedy, because it was hoped the weeds would be killed if given additional time. By the time this error was eVident it was too late to control the grasses in the plots with Karsi1 although adequate control of the broad-leaved weeds would have been possible. _... -~ ... -------­ 1 Associate Horticulturist and graduate student, West Virginia University.

------- -------------_._------­ ........ .. . Table 1.' Herbicide treatments 8J)Dlied to Catskill strawberrv, Dlants • *~._•.-lfiiI'fitI _ II: _ , Treatment 'Herbic:1desapp1ied Juri.~20;;;2i~ '·'Herbicide. applied as a spray number'!960. ______ '.' ..... -. . -,- ... _.: ......._ '. __ 'onJul_ '.;;,Jv __ 21' ,_ '1960: .. _.. ." .. ' ~ ~ ~ _ 'Herbicide .'late-r,(·:,··.: Type 'Herbicide 'Rate u , I an'd (: .a······1 i .r .... -: ·o'f'-- . ··f -ad' 'I a i" .. ..' . '".. ,.. . _____ 1J!'2J:]!!U!~!i!,~;';':'1J!/! 1·.. R.l.!~.tt10n·..!oPJ!1!tj,on __ ":'l,h/A _ I' ,.' None ,.'; "non-hoed check) , .... .t. . .' ~-~~~----·~~-·-~-T·~--~~----~~~---~--~~ 2 ' Eptam"'SO ... t 6.0 . Rake~ 1nto ..~Kar~~1l-2EC '4.0 ..!01l.:,.l..;~12:.:t::t. !"..a i ne.:8QW _____ 1 ~ l __ ~ _ ~, 1.1 _ _ 1. ~CAs2r2P.:,4i ....~!.2... !UJ;.f.lcjt.. _ '........_ ~ ... __.... ~ ~ ........ ~ tKarsil-2IC 4 '4.0.' spray tbr.U~2EC . '.4.0 . '+ Simazine-8OW 1. ~.t' .Snr'av i I ~ .• ' . - - - - ..-.'..,....., -- ~ W!itI[- .. _ - - - - - - -. --­ 5 'Karsi1-2EC' 4.0 t Spray :!XUaU.2EC '4.0 . 161. -- - - - - - -- - -.. ,-....... -- -.- ...- , _.- ........... , .: .' '+Slmazine-8OW '1.5 .- .-. - ~ ..- ...... ... ..... ­ - -6 ... __" ..... _ tS1madftA:"SOW' ... , _ .... -•.- __ , ....... 1.5""'- _ ,..- ~~rav .. =e&... ' _ ..tkraU-2EC.' ... __ . ... _ , 4.0..... • ___ 7 'Dinoben-1OG . ' 4.0 '. Surface ,;tl.anU-2EC '4.0 ' _ ~ .........:.~ .. ~ _.....~.-' _ ,.:........._ .. ~',±!,!!8~i!l.~~!W_ ~ !~~ ..... __ _ ! lNs.n.l _ ..:.: .;..._ l -'.8.2 89.£h.lc~-..:h2e.4 .. s_nJ.e!t~ 1.01.!:e.!d~c!,lllr21L 9 'Dactha1-1.5G ' 8.0 'Surface '. " _____ l+_S1maZ1 n.l-.lCl,1.2:l!p.£ax. __ -c'-­ -- -;,.' __ .­ a G - granular, EC- emulsifiable concentrate, W • wettable powder. b Rate expressed as active ingredient f.,n',pouncls,per acre. c Granular herbicide broadcast 01) surface.s evenly. as possible. with a salt shaker. The July 21 treatments were either: a 'spTay of KarsH by itself if Simazine had been used in the-June 21 treatment •. or' a combination of KarsH plus Slmazine if Simazine had notbeeaiUaed earlier.. Karsil was the-only herbicide ' available ·t.oua'that would kill annual gras.es 1-1 1/2" tall and also kill lar.gel' broad-leaved' weeds without 'appreciable injury to strawberry plants. Karsil, however. could be expect.d to give only temporary control of grasses so it was necessary. to add Stmazlne for longer· residual weed. control, if $lmazine ·.d not been u.ed in the June 21 treatments. All' previously treated plots. except the Ca.oren and the Dacthal plua. Slma.ineplots received: an appt'ication :0£ either lCarsil or Karsil plus Stmazine on July 21. Between August 30,. and September 8. 1960 all gruses and broad-leaved weeds were pulled and wei8hed' "parat.ly for each plo.t:. The average weight of grasses', and broad-leaved. weeds for each,treatment is given in Table 2. In' the foltow:iD.g di'$cus.tota on weeds the hoedcheck plots will not be included since weeds were removed periodically throughout the seasOn. These hoed-cheek plot.- are of value fo~ compariog plant stand ·andylald in 1961.

160.<br />




Oscar .E. $dlubert and Peter C.. Rogers 1<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>ing' strawberry plants, ina.tted-row system of culture<br />

becomes increasingly more difficult and t.tme consuming as more and more<br />

runner plants are formed during the .ea80n~ The purpose of this experiment<br />

was to determine 1f herbicides alone could be used for adequate<br />

weed control without any additional hand weeding and without excessive<br />

injury to the strawberry plants. With Sesone it is necessary to remove<br />

all weedi 'before the next" aPplication is made because weeds that have<br />

already -.rged are seldom.killed unl.ess extremely .all.<br />


In early April. 1960. Catskill strawberry plants were set<br />

about 18 inches apart in rows 4 feet apart on a medium sandy loam at<br />

Schubert Gardens, Morgantown, West Virginia. The planting was weeded<br />

with a rotary cultivator and hand-hoed until June 19. Since at this<br />

time runners were forming and elongating rapidly, this was the last<br />

time it would be prac~ical to·· cultlvatewithout cOnsiderable slow hand<br />

weeding. .<br />

The herbicidet~eatments' and application dates are given in<br />

Table 1. Each plot was 9 feet wide and 12 feet long and had an average<br />

of 12 to 15 plants. The herbicide treatments were assigned at random<br />

within each of the four replications. Plots with stmUar plant numbers<br />

and vigor of plants were grouped into separate replications.<br />

--<br />


<strong>Weed</strong>s were present in the herbicide plots one month after<br />

the first herbicide application. Since the main purpose of this experiment<br />

was to ascertain whether herbicides could safely control weeds<br />

without additional hand weeding, a second application was now necessary.<br />

Purslane was coming into the Eptam plots and a mixture of grasses and<br />

weeds were found in varying proportions in all the other plots. <strong>Weed</strong><br />

control was very good in the Casoron plots on July 21 but injury to the<br />

strawberry plants was excessive so a second treatment was not applied.<br />

The Dacthal plus Simazine plots were not sprayed again. although some<br />

plots were becoming weedy, because it was hoped the weeds would be<br />

killed if given additional time. By the time this error was eVident<br />

it was too late to control the grasses in the plots with Karsi1 although<br />

adequate control of the broad-leaved weeds would have been possible.<br />

_... -~ ... -------­<br />

1 Associate Horticulturist and graduate student, West Virginia University.

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