Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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156..<br />

A large ~ea of, iris was treated, with S1mazin.e in Nov.ember1960<br />

to substantiate the previous sea.Sonsresults. ,., "<br />

Orieutal<br />

POPpY(P&Rf3.verorieutale)<br />

An est$b11sbed~aJ1t1ng ,of Orientas,J.poppies at the ,Martiu Viette<br />

Nursery-was treated in. 'thef8J.l oflQ59a#d, adjaCent rovs iu ilie springot 1960<br />

with S1mEt.zip~, sr8l),w"arat4,6,8,' ~ lO:pc?uI1ds,EPTCat 3·aDd 6 pounds, aDd<br />

.Am:ibenat :4.a.ncl 8 po\U1d.&act1Ull peraere. ; SUlazip.e controlled weeds best<br />

but yelloved th~ le_vesat aU r$tes. ,SomebUrning of leaves occurred at the<br />

6 and 8 potUld JOate andc1Wi.rfing, of ,pJ.antoccurred. a~ the 1()11Oundrate.<br />

The 'srowerdid uot ,coriS1~1i-.he 7eU~ng floamS1maZine serious end fertiliZer<br />

application 'might dD aYt!i:1' vitti the yellowing. ,>Tbepoppies were 'uOt<br />

adverselyaffect.d by..JJ:Pl'C~ Alrd.ben.,NThe gro~ is iuterested iu<br />

agaiu trying the lower Siazine rates in the 'tall of 1960because, of the better<br />

weed control.<br />

:' "<br />

Pe:nsI(Vi-ol,s. tricol

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