Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 15—1961 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Resulta All treated plota were clean of aDDUalweede in April and remained 80 UDtil about the fir8t of June when weeda began to appear In the p10ta treated with propaaiu 2 lb. and 81mazine 2 lb. About the lliddle of June, BuOIlJlll!UI tbat'eeceived 'atraal. at 4 Ib./A began to .bow injur,. Table 1 ahowl the weed control aad plant injur, observed at the end of June ancJ early July. B, tbis tiM, w.eds bad bacun to Brow in the plotl treated. witb propazi. 2 lb. ancJlf.maalne2 lb. Plota tbat received atrazine 2 lb. or 4 lb. ancJ 11mazine 4 lb. were stUl relativoly clean. Baaed on the aUlllber of planta dead or injured. Rhododendron could not tolerate atraal~e.at 4 10,. Dut other' treat1Hnt1 were .afe. Simaaine at 2 lb. wal the oa1, 'treat­ _t that did not' injure Iuonymua. ' . . . ......•........•.....•.••.•••...•.........••...•.. , . - ~ TABLE1. WEEDCONTROLANDPLANTINJURYJUNE 27. 1960 '. . PROM.APPLICATIONMADE' OCTOBER23.' 1960. CRBMlCAt RATE AVERAGB RHODODBtmRON. EUONYMUS• .... (lb./A) WOD CONTROL (No.out of 12 planta) DJURY .­ BATING* DJW) INJURED (Ju1, 8,1960) Check 1 0 1 .None Propazine .. 2 5 0 0 Slight Atraz1_ ,2 8.3 I I Moderate Atraz1ne 4 8.7 4 3 Severe Simazine 2 4.3 1 0 Rone stmaairae 4 9 0 0 Sligbt ... - - *Weed Control , Retinas: 1 : no control; " 9 : clean ; ~;~,. This and other trials baveshown that a fall application of ·.tmazia. at 2 lb./A gave practical control of annual weede untn about the firat of JuDe. when crabgrass was u8ual1, the firat weed to appear. FJ:.'OIIl this teat, ··it 'appeared that EuOU'!!8 radicans ve,etus va. quite sensitive, to the triaz1nes. Atraztne was more injurious than limadaa. The symptom of injur, to Buonymus was chlorotic leaves Dear: the ends of the br4DCbes. In severe cases the _plants were atUDted.. _ \ . .' , ' . ~ '"~ ~ , QU'ACKGllASS IN BsTABLISHBDNURSEllY STOCK All teat. were conducted at a coaaercial aurler, onaandy 10.. soU. l!.!! Applieation-!!! Tr1a~inel. ' • . ,-, t s All applicatiOUs iie~e 'aprays of wettable powder fOl'1llUlatious in about 50 gall0DS of water per acre. St.. a1ne 5 Ib./A and atrazine S Ib./A were applied September 23, 1959 to quackgra88 in established Globe Arborvitae. Hemlock, and Taxus. Quack sprouted and began to grow in April, yellowed and began dyiag back ta May. and did not re-.proutafter cultivation. }alots appeared to be clean of quack in .June and for the remainder of the aealon. The nursery pluts did DOt abow anJ lymptofDSof injury.

- Simazine 2 and 2 1/2 lb./A and atrazine 2 and 2 1/2 tb./A were appl~ed September 23 or October 14, 1959, to quack in established Globe Arborvitae, Hemloek, Taxus, and Carolina Rhododendron.' Quack sprou~ed~n April but showed evidence or having been weakened in May. Cultivation tmproved control, 'an~' by June the"population and vigor of quack was markedly les8 than untre£ed'('l".':; areas. Crabgrass grew vigorously in the treated area, but quack did not:·. ;~L~'ti'~ return. The nursery plants did not show injury. . !S; "',,; Propazine at 2 1/2 Ib./A was applied September 23, 1959 to quack in Glohe Arborvitae. The results were about equal to,bUt not better than, simazine and atrazine at the same rate. ,~., '~, :j t~ A combination of dalapon 6 Ib./A with atrazine 2 lb./A applied October 14, 1959 gave no better control than the saenerate of atradne alone'. Conclusion ' ,J Fall applications of stmazine or atra~i~e at 5 Ib./A gave excellent control. Simazine, atrazine, or propazine at 2 and ,2 112 lb./A resulted in marked' " reduction of quack in most of the plots. Quackgrass sprouted in early, spring: (following the fall application) but was obviously weakened. Spring and summer cultivation appeared to aid in destroying the remaining quackgrass. Globe Arborvitae, Hemlock, and Taxus appeared eo tolerate ..fall application of simazine and atrazine as high as 5 lb./A. Carolina Rhododendron appeared to, tolerate simazine and atrazine at 2 lb./A., Sprins ApplIcation of Dalapon ~ Amitrol Crop: Pyramidal Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalle) 4 '.5' high in quackgrass sod. Date of Treatment: April 29, 1960, when quack was:4" high; repeat sprays , applied May 12, 1960., , , Method: Sprays were directed to quack around ,bastl~ofplants at 100 gal./A. Area Treated: Twofeet of row, 100 feet long. The remaining middle, about 3 feet, was cultivated with tototiller. ',,' , ,.;,: T~e~~~nts applied: , ., :t (1) dalapon 8 1b./A (repeated) (2) dalapon 6 lb./A (repeated) " ,;() .da1apon 6 Ib./A + "Plyae" sticke,t: (l'epeated··w.tthout sticker) J:L"}.; :(4h dalapon 6 1b./A + simazine 2 1/2, Ib.iA ,(repeated wit.hout: .Jimaz-lnft), .{~).,. da,lapon 6 lb./A + atrazine 2 1/2 Ib~/A (r"eated;witl\out ,e.t:r:azine) '':lr.i.!{~''.daJ-~p,01'\ 6 Ib./A + Karsil 4 lb./A ,(repeated) >', '1~d7r) ,pal~p'o'Pt)6 lb. + amitrol"T 1/2~-1b.JA{notlrepeated) . (").111 (8) "W"'~l'ol"T 2 Ib./A (not repeated) C)b' (9) ,am,-trol"T 1 lb./A (not repea,te4l ", (10) :a~il;rol-T 1 lb./A + "Plyac" sticker (not rep...-ted) , " (11) ~~troJ·T 1 Ib.tA + simazine·2 1/2.lb./A,.(not,repeated)

-<br />

Simazine 2 and 2 1/2 lb./A and atrazine 2 and 2 1/2 tb./A were appl~ed<br />

September 23 or October 14, 1959, to quack in established Globe Arborvitae,<br />

Hemloek, Taxus, and Carolina Rhododendron.' Quack sprou~ed~n April but showed<br />

evidence or having been weakened in May. Cultivation tmproved control, 'an~'<br />

by June the"population and vigor of quack was markedly les8 than untre£ed'('l".':;<br />

areas. Crabgrass grew vigorously in the treated area, but quack did not:·. ;~L~'ti'~<br />

return. The nursery plants did not show injury. . !S; "',,;<br />

Propazine at 2 1/2 Ib./A was applied September 23, 1959 to quack in<br />

Glohe Arborvitae. The results were about equal to,bUt not better than,<br />

simazine and atrazine at the same rate.<br />

,~., '~, :j t~<br />

A combination of dalapon 6 Ib./A with atrazine 2 lb./A applied<br />

October 14, 1959 gave no better control than the saenerate of atradne alone'.<br />

Conclusion ' ,J<br />

Fall applications of stmazine or atra~i~e at 5 Ib./A gave excellent control.<br />

Simazine, atrazine, or propazine at 2 and ,2 112 lb./A resulted in marked' "<br />

reduction of quack in most of the plots. Quackgrass sprouted in early, spring:<br />

(following the fall application) but was obviously weakened. Spring and summer<br />

cultivation appeared to aid in destroying the remaining quackgrass. Globe<br />

Arborvitae, Hemlock, and Taxus appeared eo tolerate ..fall application of<br />

simazine and atrazine as high as 5 lb./A. Carolina Rhododendron appeared<br />

to, tolerate simazine and atrazine at 2 lb./A.,<br />

Sprins ApplIcation of Dalapon ~ Amitrol<br />

Crop: Pyramidal Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalle) 4 '.5'<br />

high in quackgrass sod.<br />

Date of Treatment: April 29, 1960, when quack was:4" high; repeat sprays<br />

, applied May 12, 1960., , ,<br />

Method: Sprays were directed to quack around ,bastl~ofplants at 100 gal./A.<br />

Area Treated: Twofeet of row, 100 feet long. The remaining middle, about<br />

3 feet, was cultivated with tototiller. ',,' , ,.;,:<br />

T~e~~~nts applied: , ., :t<br />

(1) dalapon 8 1b./A (repeated)<br />

(2) dalapon 6 lb./A (repeated)<br />

" ,;() .da1apon 6 Ib./A + "Plyae" sticke,t: (l'epeated··w.tthout sticker)<br />

J:L"}.; :(4h dalapon 6 1b./A + simazine 2 1/2, Ib.iA ,(repeated wit.hout: .Jimaz-lnft),<br />

.{~).,. da,lapon 6 lb./A + atrazine 2 1/2 Ib~/A (r"eated;witl\out ,e.t:r:azine)<br />

'':lr.i.!{~''.daJ-~p,01'\ 6 Ib./A + Karsil 4 lb./A ,(repeated) >',<br />

'1~d7r) ,pal~p'o'Pt)6 lb. + amitrol"T 1/2~-1b.JA{notlrepeated) .<br />

(").111 (8) "W"'~l'ol"T 2 Ib./A (not repeated)<br />

C)b' (9) ,am,-trol"T 1 lb./A (not repea,te4l ",<br />

(10) :a~il;rol-T 1 lb./A + "Plyac" sticker (not rep...-ted) , "<br />

(11) ~~troJ·T 1 Ib.tA + simazine·2 1/2.lb./A,.(not,repeated)

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