Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval

Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval

Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval


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<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>Retrieval</strong><br />

Tie-Yan Liu<br />

Lead Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia

Outline<br />

• Introduction<br />

• Pointwise approach<br />

• Pairwise approach<br />

• Listwise approach<br />

• Analysis of the approaches<br />

• Benchmarking learning <strong>to</strong> rank methods<br />

• Summary and Outlook<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />



Overwhelmed by Flood of In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Facts about the Web<br />

• According <strong>to</strong> www.worldwidewebsize.com, major<br />

search engines indexed at least tens of billions of<br />

web pages.<br />

• CUIL.com indexed more than 120 Billion web pages.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 5

Facts about the Web<br />

• According <strong>to</strong> www.worldwidewebsize.com, major<br />

search engines indexed at least tens of billions of<br />

web pages.<br />

• CUIL.com indexed more than 120 Billion web pages.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 6

<strong>Rank</strong>ing is Essential<br />

Indexed<br />

Document Reposi<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

D <br />

d j<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

model<br />

Query<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 7

Evaluation of <strong>Rank</strong>ing Results<br />

• Construct a test set containing a large number of<br />

(randomly sampled) queries and their associated<br />

documents, and relevance judgment <strong>for</strong> each querydocument<br />

pair.<br />

• Evaluate the ranking result <strong>for</strong> a particular query in<br />

the test set with an evaluation measure.<br />

• Use the average measure over the entire test set <strong>to</strong><br />

represent the overall ranking per<strong>for</strong>mance.<br />

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Collecting Queries and Documents<br />

• Queries are usually randomly sampled from<br />

query logs.<br />

• TREC’s Pooling strategy <strong>for</strong> sampling documents<br />

– A pool of possibly relevant documents is created by<br />

taking a sample of documents selected by the various<br />

participating systems.<br />

– Top 100 documents retrieved in each submitted run<br />

<strong>for</strong> a given query are selected and merged in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

pool <strong>for</strong> human assessment.<br />

– On average, an assessor judges the relevance of<br />

approximately 1500 documents per query.<br />

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Relevance Judgment<br />

• Degree of relevance<br />

– Binary: relevant vs. irrelevant<br />

– Multiple ordered categories: Perfect > Excellent > Good ><br />

Fair > Bad<br />

• Pairwise preference<br />

– Document A is more relevant than<br />

document B<br />

• Total order<br />

l<br />

• Documents are ranked as {A,B,C,..}<br />

according <strong>to</strong> their relevance<br />

l k<br />

l<br />

u , v<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Evaluation Measure - MAP<br />

• Precision at position k <strong>for</strong> query q:<br />

#{relevant documents in <strong>to</strong>p k results}<br />

P@<br />

k <br />

k<br />

• Average precision <strong>for</strong> query q:<br />

P@<br />

k l k<br />

k<br />

AP <br />

#{relevant documents}<br />

AP <br />

• MAP: averaged over all queries.<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

<br />

<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

<br />

3<br />

5<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

0.76<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Evaluation Measure - NDCG<br />

• NDCG at position n <strong>for</strong> query q:<br />

NDCG@<br />

k<br />

<br />

Z<br />

k<br />

k<br />

<br />

j1<br />

<br />

G <br />

1<br />

(<br />

<br />

j)<br />

(<br />

j)<br />

Normalization<br />

Cumulating<br />

Gain<br />

Position discount<br />

• Averaged over all queries.<br />

G<br />

<br />

1<br />

<br />

l<br />

<br />

<br />

( ) 2<br />

1 ( j )<br />

j 1,<br />

(<br />

j)<br />

1/ log( j 1)<br />

The document ranked at<br />

the j-th position in π.<br />

1<br />

( j)<br />

( j)<br />

The rank position of<br />

document j in π.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 12

Evaluation Measure - Summary<br />

• Query-level: every query contributes equally <strong>to</strong> the<br />

measure.<br />

– Computed on documents associated with the same query.<br />

– Bounded <strong>for</strong> each query.<br />

– Averaged over all test queries.<br />

• Position-based: rank position is explicitly used.<br />

– Top-ranked objects are more important.<br />

– Relative order vs. relevance score of each document.<br />

– Non-continuous and non-differentiable w.r.t. scores<br />

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Conventional <strong>Rank</strong>ing Models<br />

• Query-dependent<br />

– Boolean model, extended Boolean model, etc.<br />

– Vec<strong>to</strong>r space model, latent semantic indexing (LSI), etc.<br />

– BM25 model, statistical language model, etc.<br />

– Span based model, distance aggregation model, etc.<br />

• Query-independent<br />

– Page<strong>Rank</strong>, Trust<strong>Rank</strong>, Browse<strong>Rank</strong>, Toolbar Clicks, etc.<br />

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Problems with Conventional Models<br />

• Manual parameter tuning is usually difficult,<br />

especially when there are many parameters and the<br />

evaluation measures are non-smooth.<br />

• Manual parameter tuning sometimes leads <strong>to</strong> overfitting.<br />

• It is non-trivial <strong>to</strong> combine the large number of<br />

models proposed in the literature <strong>to</strong> obtain an even<br />

more effective model.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 15

Machine <strong>Learning</strong> Can Help<br />

• Machine learning is an effective <strong>to</strong>ol<br />

– To au<strong>to</strong>matically tune parameters.<br />

– To combine multiple evidences.<br />

– To avoid over-fitting (by means of regularization, etc.)<br />

• “<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong>”<br />

– In general, those methods that use<br />

machine learning technologies <strong>to</strong> solve<br />

the problem of ranking can be named as<br />

“learning <strong>to</strong> rank” methods.<br />

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<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong><br />

• In most recent works, learning <strong>to</strong> rank is<br />

defined as having the following two properties:<br />

– Feature based;<br />

– Discriminative training.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 17

Feature Based<br />

• Documents represented by feature vec<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

– Features are extracted <strong>for</strong> each query-document pair.<br />

– Even if a feature is the output of an existing retrieval<br />

model, one assumes that the parameter in the model is<br />

fixed, and only learns the optimal way of combining these<br />

features.<br />

• The capability of combining a large number of<br />

features is very promising.<br />

– It can easily incorporate any new progress on retrieval<br />

model, by including the output of the model as a feature.<br />

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Discriminative Training<br />

• An au<strong>to</strong>matic learning process based on the<br />

training data,<br />

– With the four pillars of • Contains discriminative the objects learning under<br />

• Input space,<br />

• Output space,<br />

• Hypothesis space,<br />

• Loss function.<br />

investigation.<br />

• Usually objects are<br />

represented by feature vec<strong>to</strong>rs,<br />

extracted according <strong>to</strong> different<br />

applications<br />

– Not even necessary <strong>to</strong> have a probabilistic<br />

explanation.<br />

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Discriminative Training<br />

• An au<strong>to</strong>matic learning process based on the<br />

training data,<br />

– With the four pillars of discriminative learning<br />

• Input space,<br />

• Output space,<br />

• Hypothesis space,<br />

• Loss function.<br />

• There are two related but different<br />

definitions of the output space.<br />

- Output space of the task.<br />

- Output space <strong>to</strong> facilitate learning.<br />

• Example: using regression <strong>to</strong> solve<br />

classification<br />

- Output space of the task: {+1, -1}<br />

- Output space <strong>to</strong> facilitate learning:<br />

– Not even necessary <strong>to</strong> have a probabilistic<br />

real numbers<br />

explanation.<br />

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Discriminative Training<br />

• An au<strong>to</strong>matic learning process based on the<br />

training data,<br />

– With the four pillars of discriminative learning<br />

• Input space,<br />

• Output space,<br />

• Hypothesis space,<br />

• Loss function.<br />

• Defines the class of functions<br />

mapping the input space <strong>to</strong> the output<br />

space.<br />

• The functions operate on the feature<br />

vec<strong>to</strong>rs of the input objects, and make<br />

predictions according <strong>to</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mat of<br />

– Not even necessary <strong>to</strong> the have output a probabilistic<br />

space.<br />

explanation.<br />

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Discriminative Training<br />

• An au<strong>to</strong>matic learning process based on the<br />

training data,<br />

– With the four pillars of discriminative learning<br />

• Input space,<br />

• Output space,<br />

• Hypothesis space,<br />

• Loss function.<br />

• The loss function measures <strong>to</strong> what<br />

degree the prediction generated by the<br />

hypothesis is in accordance with the<br />

ground truth label.<br />

- For example, widely used loss<br />

functions <strong>for</strong> classification include the<br />

exponential loss, the hinge loss, and<br />

the logistic loss.<br />

- With the loss function, an empirical<br />

risk can be defined on the training set,<br />

– Not even necessary <strong>to</strong> have a probabilistic<br />

explanation.<br />

and the optimal hypothesis is usually<br />

(but not always) learned by means of<br />

empirical risk minimization.<br />

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Discriminative Training<br />

• An au<strong>to</strong>matic learning process based on the<br />

training data,<br />

• This is highly demanding <strong>for</strong> real search<br />

engines,<br />

– Everyday these search engines will receive a lot of<br />

user feedback and usage logs<br />

– It is very important <strong>to</strong> au<strong>to</strong>matically learn from<br />

the feedback and constantly improve the ranking<br />

mechanism.<br />

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<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong><br />

• In most recent works, learning <strong>to</strong> rank is<br />

defined as having the following two properties:<br />

– Feature based;<br />

– Discriminative training.<br />

• Au<strong>to</strong>matic parameter tuning <strong>for</strong> existing<br />

ranking models, and learning-based<br />

generative ranking models do not belong <strong>to</strong><br />

the current definition of “learning <strong>to</strong> rank.”<br />

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<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong> Framework<br />

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<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong> Algorithms

<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong> Algorithms<br />

Least Square <strong>Retrieval</strong> Function Query refinement (WWW 2008)<br />

(TOIS 1989)<br />

SVM-MAP (SIGIR 2007) Nested <strong>Rank</strong>er (SIGIR 2006)<br />

ListNet (ICML 2007)<br />

Pranking (NIPS 2002)<br />

Lambda<strong>Rank</strong> (NIPS 2006) MP<strong>Rank</strong> (ICML 2007)<br />

Frank (SIGIR 2007)<br />

MHR (SIGIR 2007) <strong>Rank</strong>Boost (JMLR 2003)<br />

<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> retrieval info (SCC 1995)<br />

LDM (SIGIR 2005)<br />

Large margin ranker (NIPS 2002)<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>Net (ICML 2005)<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM (ICANN 1999) IRSVM (SIGIR 2006)<br />

Discriminative model <strong>for</strong> IR (SIGIR 2004) SVM Structure (JMLR 2005)<br />

OAP-BPM (ICML 2003)<br />

Subset <strong>Rank</strong>ing (COLT 2006)<br />

GP<strong>Rank</strong> (LR4IR 2007) QB<strong>Rank</strong> (NIPS 2007) GB<strong>Rank</strong> (SIGIR 2007)<br />

Constraint Ordinal Regression (ICML 2005) Mc<strong>Rank</strong> (NIPS 2007) Soft<strong>Rank</strong> (LR4IR 2007)<br />

Ada<strong>Rank</strong> (SIGIR 2007) CCA (SIGIR 2007) ListMLE (ICML 2008)<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>Cosine (IP&M 2007) Supervised <strong>Rank</strong> Aggregation (WWW 2007)<br />

Relational ranking (WWW 2008)<br />

<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> order things (NIPS 1998)<br />

Round robin ranking (ECML 2003)<br />

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Key Questions <strong>to</strong> Answer<br />

• Q1: To what respect are these learning <strong>to</strong> rank algorithms<br />

similar and in which aspects do they differ? What are the<br />

strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm?<br />

• Q2: Empirically speaking, which of those many learning <strong>to</strong><br />

rank algorithms per<strong>for</strong>m the best?<br />

• Q3: Are there many remaining issues regarding learning <strong>to</strong><br />

rank <strong>to</strong> study in the future?<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 28

Categorization of the Algorithms<br />

Category<br />

Pointwise<br />

Approach<br />

Pairwise<br />

Approach<br />

Listwise<br />

Approach<br />

Algorithms<br />

Regression: Least Square <strong>Retrieval</strong> Function (TOIS 1989), Regression Tree <strong>for</strong> Ordinal<br />

Class Prediction (Fundamenta In<strong>for</strong>maticae, 2000), Subset <strong>Rank</strong>ing using Regression<br />

(COLT 2006), …<br />

Classification: Discriminative model <strong>for</strong> IR (SIGIR 2004), Mc<strong>Rank</strong> (NIPS 2007), …<br />

Ordinal regression: Pranking (NIPS 2002), OAP-BPM (EMCL 2003), <strong>Rank</strong>ing with<br />

Large Margin Principles (NIPS 2002), Constraint Ordinal Regression (ICML 2005), …<br />

<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> Retrieve In<strong>for</strong>mation (SCC 1995), <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> Order Things (NIPS 1998),<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM (ICANN 1999), <strong>Rank</strong>Boost (JMLR 2003), LDM (SIGIR 2005), <strong>Rank</strong>Net<br />

(ICML 2005), Frank (SIGIR 2007), MHR(SIGIR 2007), GB<strong>Rank</strong> (SIGIR 2007), QB<strong>Rank</strong><br />

(NIPS 2007), MP<strong>Rank</strong> (ICML 2007), IRSVM (SIGIR 2006), Lambda<strong>Rank</strong> (NIPS 2006),…<br />

Non-measure specific loss minimization: ListNet (ICML 2007), ListMLE (ICML 2008),<br />

…<br />

Measure specific loss minimizai<strong>to</strong>n: Ada<strong>Rank</strong> (SIGIR 2007), SVM-MAP (SIGIR 2007),<br />

Soft<strong>Rank</strong> (LR4IR 2007), GP<strong>Rank</strong> (LR4IR 2007), CCA (SIGIR 2007), …<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 29

The Poinitwise Approach

The Pointwise Approach<br />

The Pointwise Approach<br />

Regression Classification Ordinal Regression<br />

Input Space<br />

Single documents x j<br />

Output Space Real values y j<br />

Non-ordered<br />

Categories y j<br />

Hypothesis Scoring function f(x) Classifier sgn.f(x)<br />

Loss Function<br />

Regression loss<br />

Classification loss<br />

L(<br />

f ; x j<br />

, y<br />

j)<br />

Ordinal categories y j<br />

Scoring function +<br />

thresholding<br />

Ordinal regression<br />

loss<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 31

The Pointwise Approach<br />

• Reduce ranking <strong>to</strong><br />

– Regression<br />

• Subset <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

– Classification<br />

• Discriminative model <strong>for</strong> IR<br />

• MC<strong>Rank</strong><br />

– Ordinal regression<br />

• P<strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ing with large margin principle<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

x<br />

1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

x2<br />

q <br />

<br />

x m<br />

( x , y ),( x 1 2,<br />

y 2),...,(<br />

x m,<br />

y<br />

1 m<br />

)<br />

<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 32

Subset <strong>Rank</strong>ing using Regression<br />

(D. Cossock and T. Zhang, COLT 2006)<br />

• Regard relevance degree as real number, and use<br />

regression <strong>to</strong> learn the ranking function.<br />

f<br />

( x ) y 2<br />

L( f ; x<br />

j,<br />

y<br />

j)<br />

<br />

j j<br />

Regression-based<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 33

Discriminative Model <strong>for</strong> IR<br />

(R. Nallapati, SIGIR 2004)<br />

• Classification is used <strong>to</strong> learn the ranking function<br />

– Treat relevant documents as positive examples (y j =+1),<br />

while irrelevant documents as negative examples (y j =-1).<br />

– f ; x j<br />

, y ) is surrogate loss of I<br />

L (<br />

j<br />

{sgn<br />

f ( x j ) y<br />

}<br />

• Different algorithms optimize different surrogate<br />

losses.<br />

– e.g., Support Vec<strong>to</strong>r Machines (hinge loss)<br />

j<br />

Classification-based<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 34

Mc<strong>Rank</strong><br />

(P. Li, C. Burges, et al. NIPS 2007)<br />

• Multi-class classification is used <strong>to</strong> learn the ranking<br />

function.<br />

– For document x , the output of the classifier is ŷ<br />

j.<br />

– Loss function: surrogate function of<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ing is produced by combining the outputs of the<br />

classifiers.<br />

pˆ<br />

j<br />

j<br />

<br />

, k<br />

P(<br />

yˆ<br />

j<br />

k),<br />

f ( x<br />

j)<br />

pˆ<br />

K<br />

k1<br />

I<br />

yˆ<br />

j y<br />

{ j<br />

j,<br />

k<br />

k<br />

}<br />

Classification-based<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 35

Pranking with <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

(K. Krammer and Y. Singer, NIPS 2002)<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ing is solved by ordinal regression<br />

x<br />

<br />

w<br />

x<br />

Ordinal regression based<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 36

<strong>Rank</strong>ing with Large Margin Principles<br />

(A. Shashua and A. Levin, NIPS 2002)<br />

• Fixed margin strategy<br />

– Margin:<br />

2 w<br />

2<br />

– Constraints: every document is correctly placed in its<br />

corresponding category.<br />

if y j<br />

2<br />

f x )<br />

( j<br />

b 1 b 2<br />

Category 1 Category 2<br />

Category 3<br />

<br />

Ordinal regression based<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 37

<strong>Rank</strong>ing with Large Margin Principles<br />

• Sum of margins strategy<br />

– Margin:<br />

<br />

k<br />

(b )<br />

k<br />

a k<br />

– Constraints: every document is correctly placed in its<br />

corresponding category<br />

f x )<br />

( j<br />

if y j<br />

2<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 38<br />

<br />

Ordinal regression based

Problem with Pointwise Approach<br />

• Properties of IR evaluation measures have not been<br />

well considered.<br />

– The fact is ignored that some documents are associated<br />

with the same query and some are not.<br />

• When the number of associated documents varies largely <strong>for</strong><br />

different queries, the overall loss function will be dominated by<br />

those queries with a large number of documents.<br />

– The position of documents in the ranked list is invisible <strong>to</strong><br />

the loss functions.<br />

• The pointwise loss function may unconsciously emphasize <strong>to</strong>o<br />

much those unimportant documents (which are ranked low in the<br />

final results).<br />

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The Pairwise Approach

The Pairwise Approach<br />

The Pairwise Approach<br />

Input Space Document pairs (x u ,x v )<br />

Output Space<br />

Preference<br />

y u<br />

, v<br />

{<br />

1,<br />

1}<br />

Hypothesis Space<br />

Preference function<br />

h( xu,<br />

xv<br />

) 2<br />

I<br />

f ( x ) f ( x )}<br />

<br />

{ <br />

<br />

u v<br />

1<br />

Loss Function<br />

Pairwise classification loss<br />

L(<br />

h;<br />

xu,<br />

xv,<br />

yu,v)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 41

The Pairwise Approach<br />

• Reduce ranking <strong>to</strong> pairwise classification<br />

– <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> order things<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong>Net and Frank<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong>Boost<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM<br />

– MHR<br />

– IR-SVM<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

x<br />

x<br />

<br />

1<br />

2<br />

x m<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

x<br />

<br />

1<br />

, x2,<br />

1 , x2,<br />

x1<br />

, 1 ,...,<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

x<br />

q <br />

2<br />

, x<br />

m<br />

, 1,<br />

x<br />

m<br />

, x<br />

2<br />

, 1<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 42

<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> Order Things<br />

(W. Cohen, R. Schapire, et al. NIPS 1998)<br />

• Pairwise loss function<br />

L(<br />

h;<br />

x<br />

, x<br />

• Pairwise ranking function<br />

– Weighted majority algorithm is used <strong>to</strong> learn the parameters w.<br />

– From preference <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal order:<br />

u<br />

v<br />

,<br />

y<br />

<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

)<br />

<br />

y<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

h( xu<br />

, xv<br />

) wt<br />

ht<br />

( xu<br />

, xv<br />

)<br />

<br />

max <br />

( x 1<br />

, x 1<br />

( u)<br />

( v )<br />

uv<br />

h )<br />

h(<br />

x<br />

2<br />

u<br />

, x<br />

v<br />

)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 43

• Target probability:<br />

Pu<br />

v<br />

, if yu,<br />

v<br />

1;<br />

• Modeled probability:<br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

( f<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>Net<br />

(C. Burges, T. Shaked, et al. ICML 2005)<br />

,<br />

1 Pu<br />

, v<br />

<br />

exp( f ( xu<br />

) f<br />

) <br />

1<br />

exp( f ( x ) <br />

( xv<br />

))<br />

f ( x ))<br />

• Cross entropy as the loss function<br />

l(<br />

f ; x<br />

P<br />

u<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

, x<br />

v<br />

,<br />

log<br />

y<br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

)<br />

(<br />

u<br />

• Use neural network as model, and gradient descent as<br />

algorithm, <strong>to</strong> optimize the cross-entropy loss.<br />

v<br />

f ) (1 P<br />

0,otherwise<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

)log(1 P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

(<br />

f<br />

))<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


F<strong>Rank</strong><br />

(M. Tsai, T.-Y. Liu, et al. SIGIR 2007)<br />

• Similar setting <strong>to</strong> that of <strong>Rank</strong>Net<br />

• New loss function: fidelity<br />

L(<br />

f<br />

; x<br />

u<br />

, x<br />

v<br />

,<br />

y<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

)<br />

1<br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

(<br />

f<br />

)<br />

<br />

(1 <br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

) (1<br />

<br />

P<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

(<br />

f<br />

))<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


• Exponential loss<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>Boost<br />

(Y. Freund, R. Iyer, et al. JMLR 2003)<br />

L( f ; xu,<br />

xv,<br />

yu<br />

v)<br />

exp( yu,<br />

(<br />

f ( x<br />

) <br />

, v u v<br />

Weak learner that can<br />

classify important pairs<br />

more f ( correctly x ))) will have<br />

larger weight α<br />

Hypothesis is the<br />

combination of weak<br />

learners<br />

Emphasize those hard<br />

pairs by setting their<br />

distributions.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 46

<strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM<br />

(R. Herbrich, T. Graepel, et al. , Advances in Large Margin Classifiers, 2000;<br />

T. Joachims, KDD 2002)<br />

• Hinge loss<br />

<br />

L(<br />

f ; xu,<br />

xv,<br />

yu, v)<br />

1<br />

yu,<br />

v<br />

f ( xu<br />

) f ( xv)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

min<br />

w<br />

<br />

T<br />

( i)<br />

uv<br />

<br />

1<br />

2<br />

x<br />

( i)<br />

u<br />

|| w ||<br />

<br />

0, i<br />

x<br />

2<br />

( i)<br />

v<br />

<br />

(<br />

1<br />

1,...,<br />

n.<br />

n<br />

( i)<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

i1 ( )<br />

u,<br />

v:<br />

y , 1<br />

C <br />

i)<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

u<br />

i<br />

v<br />

,if<br />

y<br />

( i)<br />

u,<br />

v<br />

1.<br />

x u -x v as positive instance of<br />

learning<br />

Use SVM <strong>to</strong> per<strong>for</strong>m binary<br />

classification on these instances,<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn model parameter w<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 47

Extensions of the Pairwise Approach<br />

• When constructing document pairs, category<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation has been lost: different pairs of labels<br />

are treated identically.<br />

– Can we maintain more in<strong>for</strong>mation about ordered<br />

category?<br />

– Can we use different learner <strong>for</strong> different kinds of pairs?<br />

• Solutions<br />

– Multi-hyperplane ranker (MHR)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 48

Multi-Hyperplane <strong>Rank</strong>er<br />

(T. Qin, T.-Y. Liu, et al. SIGIR 2007)<br />

• If we have K categories, then will have K(K-1)/2 pairwise<br />

preferences between two labels.<br />

– Learn a model f k,l <strong>for</strong> the pair of categories k and l, using any previous<br />

method (<strong>for</strong> example <strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM).<br />

• Testing<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong> Aggregation<br />

f ( x)<br />

k<br />

k,<br />

l<br />

, l<br />

fk,<br />

l<br />

( x)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 49

Improvement of Pairwise Approach<br />

• Advantage<br />

– Predicting relative order is closer <strong>to</strong> the nature of ranking<br />

than predicting class label or relevance score.<br />

• Problem<br />

– The distribution of<br />

document pair number is<br />

more skewed than the<br />

distribution of document<br />

number, with respect <strong>to</strong><br />

different queries.<br />

– Extreme case: m 2 vs. m<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 50

IR-SVM<br />

• Introduce query-level normalization <strong>to</strong> the pairwise loss<br />

function.<br />

– Use the number of document pairs <strong>to</strong> normalize the pairwise loss.<br />

• IRSVM (Y. Cao, J. Xu, et al. SIGIR 2006; T. Qin, T.-Y. Liu, et al. IPM 2007)<br />

min<br />

1<br />

2<br />

|| w ||<br />

2<br />

C<br />

N<br />

<br />

1<br />

m~<br />

<br />

( i)<br />

i1 u,<br />

v<br />

Query-level normalizer<br />

<br />

( i)<br />

uv<br />

Significant improvement has been observed by using the query-level normalizer.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 51

The Listwise Approach

The Listwise Approach<br />

The Listwise Approach<br />

Input Space<br />

Measure-specific<br />

Document set<br />

x {<br />

<br />

Non-measure specific<br />

m<br />

x<br />

j}<br />

j 1<br />

m<br />

Output Space Ordered category y { y<br />

j}<br />

j1<br />

Permutation<br />

y<br />

Hypothesis Space<br />

h( x)<br />

f ( x)<br />

h( x)<br />

sort<br />

f ( x)<br />

Loss Function 1-surrogate measure L ( h;<br />

x,<br />

y)<br />

Listwise ranking loss L h;<br />

x,<br />

)<br />

(<br />

y<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 53

Measure-specific Listwise <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

Methods<br />

• Also known as “Direct Optimization of IR Measures”.<br />

• It is natural <strong>to</strong> directly optimize what is used <strong>to</strong> evaluate the<br />

ranking results.<br />

• However, it is non-trivial.<br />

– Evaluation measures such as NDCG are non-continuous and nondifferentiable<br />

since they depend on the rank positions.<br />

(S. Robertson and H. Zaragoza, In<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>Retrieval</strong> 2007; J. Xu, T.-Y.<br />

Liu, et al. SIGIR 2008).<br />

– It is challenging <strong>to</strong> optimize such objective functions, since most<br />

optimization techniques in the literature were developed <strong>to</strong> handle<br />

continuous and differentiable cases.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Tackle the Challenges<br />

• Approximate the objective<br />

– Soften (approximate) the evaluation measure so as <strong>to</strong> make it smooth<br />

and differentiable (Soft<strong>Rank</strong>)<br />

• Bound the objective<br />

– Optimize a smooth and differentiable upper bound of the evaluation<br />

measure (SVM-MAP)<br />

• Optimize the non-smooth objective directly<br />

– Use IR measure <strong>to</strong> update the distribution in Boosting (Ada<strong>Rank</strong>)<br />

– Use genetic programming (<strong>Rank</strong>GP)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Soft<strong>Rank</strong><br />

(M. Taylor, J. Guiver, et al. LR4IR 2007/WSDM 2008)<br />

• Key Idea:<br />

– Avoid sorting by treating scores as random variables<br />

• Steps<br />

– Construct score distribution<br />

– Map score distribution <strong>to</strong> rank distribution<br />

– Compute expected NDCG (SoftNDCG) which is smooth and<br />

differentiable.<br />

– Optimize SoftNDCG by gradient descent.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 56

Construct Score Distribution<br />

• Considering the score <strong>for</strong> each document s j as random<br />

variable, by using Gaussian.<br />

p(<br />

s<br />

j<br />

) <br />

Ν(<br />

s<br />

j<br />

|<br />

f<br />

( x<br />

j<br />

2<br />

), )<br />

s<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 57

From Scores <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong> Distribution<br />

• Probability of d u being ranked be<strong>for</strong>e d v<br />

<br />

uv<br />

Ν( s | f ( xu<br />

) f ( x<br />

2 v),2<br />

s<br />

) ds<br />

0<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong> Distribution<br />

p<br />

( u)<br />

j<br />

( r)<br />

<br />

p<br />

( u1)<br />

j<br />

( r<br />

1)<br />

<br />

uj<br />

<br />

p<br />

( u1)<br />

j<br />

( r)(1<br />

<br />

uj<br />

)<br />

Define the probability of a document being ranked at a particular position<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Soft NDCG<br />

• Expected NDCG as the objective, or in the language of loss<br />

function,<br />

– Only P j (r) contain the model parameter w, and it is differential with<br />

respect <strong>to</strong> w.<br />

<br />

j1<br />

m1<br />

<br />

j<br />

L( f ; x,<br />

y)<br />

1<br />

E[<br />

NDCG]<br />

1<br />

Z (2 1)<br />

p<br />

m<br />

m<br />

y<br />

r0<br />

r<br />

j<br />

( r)<br />

• A neural network is used as the model, and gradient descent<br />

is used as the algorithm <strong>to</strong> optimize the above loss function.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 59

SVM-MAP<br />

(Y. Yue, T. Finley, et al. SIGIR 2007)<br />

• Use the framework of Structured SVM <strong>for</strong> optimization<br />

– I. Tsochantaridis, et al. ICML 2004; T. Joachims, ICML 2005.<br />

• Sum of slacks ∑ξ upper bounds ∑ (1-AP).<br />

min<br />

1<br />

2<br />

y'<br />

y<br />

w<br />

( i)<br />

2<br />

:<br />

<br />

w<br />

C<br />

N<br />

T<br />

N<br />

<br />

i1<br />

(<br />

y<br />

<br />

( i)<br />

( i)<br />

, x<br />

( i)<br />

)<br />

<br />

w<br />

T<br />

(<br />

y',<br />

x<br />

( i)<br />

) (<br />

y<br />

( i)<br />

, y')<br />

<br />

( i)<br />

<br />

(<br />

y ', x)<br />

( y'<br />

y'<br />

v<br />

)( xu<br />

xv<br />

)<br />

( i)<br />

(<br />

y , y')<br />

1<br />

AP(<br />

y'<br />

)<br />

(<br />

y,<br />

x)<br />

<br />

u<br />

u,<br />

v:<br />

y u 1,<br />

y v 0<br />

<br />

u,<br />

v:<br />

y u 1,<br />

y v 0<br />

( x u<br />

x v<br />

)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 60

Challenges in SVM-MAP<br />

• For AP, the true ranking is a ranking where the relevant<br />

documents are all ranked in the front, e.g.,<br />

• An incorrect ranking would be any other ranking, e.g.,<br />

• Exponential number of rankings, thus an exponential number<br />

of constraints!<br />

• Solution: use a working set only containing the most<br />

violated constraints.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Finding the Most Violated Constraint<br />

• Most violated y’:<br />

arg max<br />

y'<br />

<br />

(<br />

y,<br />

y'<br />

)<br />

w<br />

T<br />

(<br />

y',<br />

x)<br />

<br />

• If the relevance at each position is fixed, Δ(y,y’) will be the same. But<br />

if the documents are sorted by their scores in descending order, the<br />

second term will be maximized.<br />

• Strategy (with a complexity of O(mlogm))<br />

– Sort the relevant and irrelevant documents and <strong>for</strong>m a perfect ranking.<br />

– Start with the perfect ranking and swap two adjacent relevant and<br />

irrelevant documents, so as <strong>to</strong> find the optimal interleaving of the two<br />

sorted lists.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 62

Ada<strong>Rank</strong><br />

(J. Xu, H. Li. SIGIR 2007)<br />

• Embed IR evaluation measure in the distribution<br />

update of Boosting<br />

Weak learner that can<br />

rank important queries<br />

more correctly will have<br />

larger weight α<br />

Emphasize those hard<br />

queries by setting their<br />

distributions.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 63

<strong>Rank</strong>GP<br />

(J. Yeh, J. Lin, et al. LR4IR 2007)<br />

• Define ranking function as a tree<br />

• <strong>Learning</strong><br />

– Single-population GP, which has been widely used <strong>to</strong><br />

optimize non-smoothing non-differentiable objectives.<br />

• Evolution mechanism<br />

– Crossover, mutation, reproduction, <strong>to</strong>urnament selection.<br />

• Fitness function<br />

– IR evaluation measure (MAP).<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 64

Non-measure Specific Listwise <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

Methods<br />

• Defining listwise loss functions based on the<br />

understanding on the unique properties of ranking<br />

<strong>for</strong> IR.<br />

• Representative Algorithms<br />

– ListNet<br />

– ListMLE<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 65

<strong>Rank</strong>ing Loss is Non-trivial!<br />

• An example:<br />

– function f: f(A)=3, f(B)=0, f(C)=1 ACB<br />

– function h: h(A)=4, h(B)=6, h(C)=3 BAC<br />

– ground truth g: g(A)=6, g(B)=4, g(C)=3 ABC<br />

• Question: which function is closer <strong>to</strong> ground truth?<br />

– Based on pointwise similarity: sim(f,g) < sim(g,h).<br />

– Based on pairwise similarity: sim(f,g) = sim(g,h)<br />

– Based on cosine similarity between score vec<strong>to</strong>rs?<br />

f: g: h:<br />

sim(f,g)=0.85<br />

Closer!<br />

sim(g,h)=0.93<br />

• However, according <strong>to</strong> NDCG, f should be closer <strong>to</strong> g!<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


ListNet<br />

(Z. Cao, T. Qin, T.-Y. Liu, et al. ICML 2007)<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ed list ↔ Permutation probability distribution<br />

• More in<strong>for</strong>mative representation <strong>for</strong> ranked list:<br />

permutation and ranked list has 1-1 correspondence.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Properties of Luce Model<br />

• Continuous, differentiable, and concave w.r.t. score s.<br />

• Suppose f(A) = 3, f(B)=0, f(C)=1, P(ACB) is largest and P(BCA) is<br />

smallest; <strong>for</strong> the ranking based on f: ACB, swap any two,<br />

probability will decrease, e.g., P(ACB) > P(ABC)<br />

• Translation invariant, when<br />

( s)<br />

exp( s)<br />

• Scale invariant, when<br />

( s)<br />

<br />

as<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Distance between <strong>Rank</strong>ed Lists<br />

φ = exp<br />

Using KL-divergence<br />

<strong>to</strong> measure difference<br />

between distributions<br />

dis(f,g) = 0.46<br />

dis(g,h) = 2.56<br />

4/20/2010<br />

Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


K-L Divergence Loss<br />

• Loss function = KL-divergence between two permutation<br />

probability distributions (φ = exp)<br />

<br />

<br />

||<br />

P<br />

| f ( ) <br />

L( f ; x,<br />

) D P<br />

x<br />

y<br />

y<br />

<br />

Probability distribution defined<br />

by the ground truth<br />

Probability distribution defined<br />

by the model output<br />

• Model = Neural Network<br />

• Algorithm = Gradient Descent<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda<br />


Limitations of ListNet<br />

• Too complex <strong>to</strong> use in practice: O(m⋅m!)<br />

• By using the <strong>to</strong>p-k Luce model, the complexity of ListNet can<br />

be reduced <strong>to</strong> polynomial order of m.<br />

• However,<br />

– When k is large, the complexity is still high!<br />

– When k is small, the in<strong>for</strong>mation loss in the <strong>to</strong>p-k Luce model will<br />

affect the effectiveness of ListNet.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 72

Solution<br />

• Given the scores outputted by the ranking model, compute<br />

the likelihood of a ground truth permutation, and maximize it<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn the model parameter.<br />

• The complexity is reduced from O(m⋅m!) <strong>to</strong> O(m).<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 73

ListMLE<br />

(F. Xia, T.-Y. Liu, et al. ICML 2008)<br />

• Likelihood Loss<br />

L( f ; x,<br />

) log<br />

P(<br />

| (<br />

f ( x)))<br />

y<br />

y<br />

• Model = Neural Network<br />

• Algorithm = S<strong>to</strong>chastic Gradient Descent<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 74

Extension of ListMLE<br />

• Dealing with other types of ground truth labels using<br />

the concept of “equivalent permutation set”.<br />

– For relevance degree<br />

<br />

– For pairwise preference<br />

<br />

y<br />

y<br />

{ <br />

y<br />

| u v,if<br />

l 1<br />

l 1<br />

}<br />

( u)<br />

( u )<br />

{ <br />

y<br />

| u v,if<br />

l 1<br />

( u),<br />

( u )<br />

<br />

y<br />

1 <br />

y y<br />

L( f , x,<br />

) min log P | f ( w,<br />

x)<br />

y<br />

<br />

y<br />

y<br />

<br />

y<br />

<br />

y<br />

1}<br />

<br />

<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 75

Discussions<br />

• Advantages<br />

– Take all the documents associated with the same<br />

query as the learning instance<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong> position is visible <strong>to</strong> the loss function<br />

• Problems<br />

– Complexity issue.<br />

– The use of the position in<strong>for</strong>mation is insufficient.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 76

Analysis of the Approaches

Question<br />

• Different loss functions are used in different<br />

approaches, while the models learned with all<br />

the approaches are evaluated by IR measures.<br />

• What are the relationship between the loss<br />

functions and IR evaluation measures?<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 78

The Pointwise Approach<br />

• Many pointwise loss functions can upper<br />

bound (1-NDCG).<br />

• Minimization of the pointwise loss functions<br />

can lead <strong>to</strong> the maximization of NDCG.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 79

The Pointwise Approach<br />

• For regression based algorithms (D. Cossock and T. Zhang,<br />

COLT 2006)<br />

1<br />

NDCG(<br />

f<br />

)<br />

<br />

1<br />

Z<br />

m<br />

<br />

<br />

2<br />

<br />

m<br />

<br />

j1<br />

<br />

<br />

j<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

1/ <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

m<br />

<br />

j1<br />

f<br />

( x<br />

j<br />

) <br />

y<br />

j<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

1/ <br />

• For multi-class classification based algorithms (P. Li, C. Burges,<br />

et al. NIPS 2007)<br />

<br />

m<br />

m<br />

15<br />

2<br />

1<br />

NDCG(<br />

f ) 2<br />

<br />

j<br />

m<br />

j<br />

Zm<br />

j1 j1<br />

2<br />

m<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

m<br />

<br />

j1<br />

I<br />

{ y<br />

yˆ<br />

}<br />

j<br />

j<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 80

The Pointwise Approach<br />

• The minimization of the losses is only the sufficient<br />

condition of minimizing (1-NDCG).<br />

x<br />

i, y i<br />

21.4<br />

xi<br />

, f ( xi<br />

)<br />

Z m<br />

x<br />

<br />

x<br />

x<br />

<br />

x<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

,4 <br />

<br />

,3<br />

,2<br />

<br />

,1<br />

<br />

1<br />

NDCG(<br />

f ) 0<br />

m<br />

I{<br />

y f ( x )}<br />

4<br />

j j<br />

j1<br />

x<br />

<br />

x<br />

x<br />

<br />

x<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

,3 <br />

<br />

,2<br />

,1 <br />

<br />

,0<br />

<br />

15<br />

Z<br />

m<br />

<br />

<br />

2<br />

<br />

m<br />

<br />

1 <br />

<br />

log( j 1)<br />

<br />

j1 j1<br />

2<br />

m<br />

m<br />

<br />

1 <br />

<br />

log( j 1)<br />

<br />

2<br />

m<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

m<br />

<br />

j1<br />

I<br />

{ y<br />

j<br />

f ( x<br />

j<br />

)}<br />

1.15 1<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 81

The Pairwise and Non-measure<br />

Specific Listwise Approaches<br />

(W. Chen, T.-Y. Liu, et al. 2009)<br />

• Many pairwise and non-measure specific listwise<br />

loss functions are surrogate functions, and also<br />

upper bounds of a quantity named the “essential<br />

loss”.<br />

• The essential loss is an upper bound of (1-NDCG)<br />

and (1-MAP).<br />

• The minimization of these surrogate loss<br />

functions can lead <strong>to</strong> the maximization of NDCG<br />

and MAP.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 82

Essential Loss <strong>for</strong> <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

• Model ranking as a sequence of classifications<br />

y<br />

A<br />

<br />

B<br />

<br />

C<br />

<br />

D<br />

<br />

Ground truth permutation:<br />

Prediction of the ranking function:<br />

<br />

B<br />

y<br />

<br />

B<br />

A<br />

<br />

C<br />

D<br />

<br />

D<br />

C<br />

√<br />

<br />

B<br />

y<br />

<br />

C<br />

D<br />

<br />

D<br />

C<br />

y { A B C D}<br />

{ B A D C}<br />

<br />

D<br />

<br />

C<br />

Classifier<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 83

Essential Loss vs. <strong>Rank</strong>ing Measures<br />

1) Both (1-NDCG) and (1-MAP) are upper bounded by the<br />

essential loss.<br />

2) The zero value of the essential loss is a necessary and<br />

sufficient condition <strong>for</strong> the zero values of (1-NDCG) and<br />

(1-MAP).<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 84

Essential Loss vs. Surrogate Losses<br />

1) Many pairwise and listwise loss functions are upper<br />

bounds of the essential loss.<br />

2) There<strong>for</strong>e, the pairwise and listwise loss functions are also<br />

upper bounds of (1-NDCG) and (1-MAP).<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 85

Discussions<br />

• Revealed that different loss functions are upper<br />

bounds of the same thing.<br />

• Explained why many different pairwise and<br />

listwise algorithms per<strong>for</strong>m similarly well.<br />

• Suggest better algorithms<br />

– The essential loss is a tighter upper bound of<br />

measure-based ranking errors than existing surrogate<br />

loss functions.<br />

– Our experiments showed that higher ranking<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mances can be achieved by optimizing such a<br />

tighter bound.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 86

Measure-specific Listwise Approach<br />

• To what degree is a surrogate measure<br />

correlated with the ranking measure?<br />

• Can the maximization of a surrogate measure<br />

lead <strong>to</strong> the same ranking model that<br />

maximizes the ranking measure?<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 87

Tendency Correlation as a Tool<br />

(Y. He and T.-Y. Liu, 2010)<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

Finding the best linear 0.4 trans<strong>for</strong>mation, by<br />

applying which <strong>to</strong> one of the functions,<br />

the maximum difference between the<br />

tendencies of the two functions in the<br />

entire input space can be minimized.<br />

The “tendency” of a function with<br />

respect <strong>to</strong> two inputs is defined as<br />

the difference in the values of the<br />

function at the two inputs.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 88

Theoretical Justification of Tendency<br />

Correlation<br />

If the tendency correlation of a surrogate measure is<br />

arbitrarily strong, its optimization will lead <strong>to</strong> the<br />

ranking model that can optimize the corresponding<br />

ranking measure, on both training and test sets.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 89

Major Results - Soft<strong>Rank</strong><br />

1) When a parameter in Soft<strong>Rank</strong> is set <strong>to</strong> be small, the<br />

tendency correlation of its surrogate measure will<br />

become strong, regardless of the data distribution.<br />

2) However, in this case, the surrogate measure will contain<br />

many local optima, there<strong>for</strong>e robust global optimization<br />

techniques are needed.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 90

Major Results – SVM-MAP, etc.<br />

1) The surrogate measures in SVM-MAP, SVM-NDCG, DORM,<br />

and Permu<strong>Rank</strong> are concave and easy <strong>to</strong> optimize.<br />

2) No matter how the parameters in these algorithms are set,<br />

<strong>for</strong> certain data distributions, the tendency correlation of<br />

their surrogate measures can never be as strong as expected.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 91

Summary<br />

• With the <strong>to</strong>ol of tendency correlation, we reveal<br />

the relationship between surrogate measures and<br />

original ranking measures.<br />

• The theorems well explain previous empirical<br />

observations<br />

– Some methods can per<strong>for</strong>m well on different datasets,<br />

while some others cannot on some datasets.<br />

• The theorems provide a guideline <strong>for</strong> trade-off<br />

between effectiveness and ease of optimization.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 92

Benchmarking <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Rank</strong><br />


Role of a Benchmark Dataset<br />

• Enable researchers <strong>to</strong> focus on technologies<br />

instead of experimental preparations.<br />

• Enable fair comparison among algorithms.<br />

• Examples<br />

– Reuters and RCV-1 <strong>for</strong> text classification<br />

– UCI <strong>for</strong> general machine learning<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 94

The LETOR Collection<br />

• A benchmark dataset <strong>for</strong> learning <strong>to</strong> rank<br />

– Document corpora<br />

– Document sampling<br />

– Feature extraction<br />

– Meta in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

– Cross validation<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 95

Document Corpora<br />

• The “.gov” corpus<br />

• The OHSUMED corpus<br />

– 106 queries<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 96

Document Sampling<br />

• The “.gov” corpus<br />

– Top 1000 documents per query returned by BM25<br />

• The OHSUMED corpus<br />

– All judged documents<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 97

Feature Extraction<br />

• The “.gov” corpus<br />

– 64 features<br />

– TF, IDF, BM25, LMIR, Page<strong>Rank</strong>, HITS, Relevance<br />

Propagation, URL length, etc.<br />

• The OHSUMED corpus<br />

– 40 features<br />

– TF, IDF, BM25, LMIR, etc.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 98

Meta In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

• Statistical in<strong>for</strong>mation about the corpus<br />

– Number of documents, number of streams, and number of<br />

(unique) terms in each stream.<br />

• Raw in<strong>for</strong>mation of the documents associated with<br />

each query<br />

– Term frequency, and document length.<br />

• Relational in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

– Hyperlink graph, sitemap in<strong>for</strong>mation, and similarity<br />

relationship matrix of the corpora.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 99

Cross Validation<br />

• Five-fold cross validation<br />

http://research.microsoft.com/~LETOR/<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 100

Algorithms under Investigation<br />

• The pointwise approach<br />

– Linear regression<br />

• The pairwise approach<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM, <strong>Rank</strong>Boost, Frank<br />

• The listwise approach<br />

– ListNet<br />

– SVM-MAP, Ada<strong>Rank</strong><br />

Linear ranking model (except <strong>Rank</strong>Boost)<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 101

Experimental Results – TD2003<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 102

Experimental Results – TD2004<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 103

Experimental Results – NP2003<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 104

Experimental Results – NP2004<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 105

Experimental Results – HP2003<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 106

Experimental Results – HP2004<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 107

Experimental Results - OHSUMED<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 108

Experimental Results - Winner Numbers<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 109

Experimental Results - Winner Numbers<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

Regression<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>SVM<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>Boost<br />

F<strong>Rank</strong><br />

ListNet<br />

Ada<strong>Rank</strong><br />

SVMmap<br />

0<br />

N@1 N@3 N@10 P@1 P@3 P@10 MAP<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 110

• NDCG@1<br />

Discussions<br />

– {ListNet, Ada<strong>Rank</strong>} > {SVM-MAP, <strong>Rank</strong>SVM}<br />

> {<strong>Rank</strong>Boost, F<strong>Rank</strong>} > {Regression}<br />

• NDCG@3, @10<br />

– {ListNet} > {Ada<strong>Rank</strong>, SVM-MAP, <strong>Rank</strong>SVM, <strong>Rank</strong>Boost}<br />

> {F<strong>Rank</strong>} > {Regression}<br />

• MAP<br />

– {ListNet} > {Ada<strong>Rank</strong>, SVM-MAP, <strong>Rank</strong>SVM}<br />

> {<strong>Rank</strong>Boost, F<strong>Rank</strong>} > {Regression}<br />

The listwise approach has certain advantages, especially in<br />

correctly predicting <strong>to</strong>p-ranked documents.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 111

Notes<br />

• The experimental results can be found at the<br />

LETOR website<br />

– http://research.microsoft.com/~le<strong>to</strong>r/<br />

• The results are still primal<br />

– The implementations of the these algorithms are<br />

not perfect<br />

– Almost every algorithm can be further improved.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 112

Summary and Outlook

Algorithms Theory Data Activity<br />

Pointwise approach<br />

Pairwise approach<br />

Listwise approach<br />

- non-measure specific<br />

- measure specific<br />

• NIPS workshop on<br />

learning <strong>to</strong> rank<br />

• ICML workshop on<br />

structure output<br />

• 1 st SIGIR workshop<br />

on LR4IR<br />

• WWW tu<strong>to</strong>rial • WWW tu<strong>to</strong>rial<br />

• SIGIR tu<strong>to</strong>rial • ACL tu<strong>to</strong>rial<br />

• 2 nd LR4IR workshop • IRJ special issue<br />

• 1 st SIGIR workshop on • 3 rd LR4IR workshop<br />

diversity<br />

• 2 nd Diversity workshop<br />

• LETOR 1.0<br />

• LETOR 2.0<br />

• LETOR 3.0 • LETOR 4.0<br />

• Pranking<br />

• DMIR<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ing SVM<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>Boost<br />

• Gaussian process <strong>for</strong><br />

ordinal regression<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>Net<br />

• Consistency of<br />

pointwise methods<br />

• Subset <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

• IR-SVM<br />

• Lambda<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• P-norm push<br />

• Nested <strong>Rank</strong>er<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>Cosine<br />

• MC-<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• GB<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• MHR<br />

• Frank<br />

• ListNet<br />

• Supervised RA<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>GP<br />

• Ada<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• SVM-MAP<br />

• Generalization of<br />

pairwise methods<br />

• Consistency of<br />

Listwise methods<br />

• Iso<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• QB<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• CDN <strong>Rank</strong>er<br />

• ListMLE<br />

• Relational <strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

• Global<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Query-dependent <strong>Rank</strong>er<br />

• App<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Permu<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Soft<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• G-Soft<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• SVM-NDCG<br />

• Generalization of<br />

listwise methods<br />

< 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

• OWA <strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Boltzman<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Bayes-Luce<br />

• Smooth<strong>Rank</strong><br />

• Robust sparse<br />

ranker<br />

• … …<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 114

Answer <strong>to</strong> Question 1<br />

• To what respect are these learning <strong>to</strong> rank algorithms<br />

similar and in which aspects do they differ? What are<br />

the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm?<br />

Approach Modeling Pro Con Connection<br />

Pointwise<br />

Pairwise<br />

Listwise<br />

Regression/<br />

classification/<br />

ordinal<br />

regression<br />

Pairwise<br />

classification<br />

<strong>Rank</strong>ing<br />

Easy <strong>to</strong> leverage<br />

existing theories<br />

and algorithms<br />

query-level and<br />

position based<br />

• Accurate ranking<br />

≠ Accurate score or<br />

category<br />

• Position info is<br />

invisible <strong>to</strong> the loss<br />

• More complex<br />

• New theory<br />

needed<br />

•Effectively<br />

minimize (1-<br />

NDCG).<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 115

Answer <strong>to</strong> Question 2<br />

• Empirically speaking, which of those many learning<br />

<strong>to</strong> rank algorithms per<strong>for</strong>m the best?<br />

– LETOR makes it possible <strong>to</strong> per<strong>for</strong>m fair comparisons<br />

among different learning <strong>to</strong> rank methods.<br />

– Empirical studies on LETOR have shown that the listwise<br />

ranking algorithms seem <strong>to</strong> have certain advantages over<br />

other algorithms, especially in predicting the <strong>to</strong>p-ranked<br />

documents, and the pairwise ranking algorithms seem <strong>to</strong><br />

outper<strong>for</strong>m the pointwise algorithms.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 116

Answer <strong>to</strong> Question 3<br />

• Are there many remaining issues regarding learning<br />

<strong>to</strong> rank <strong>to</strong> study in the future?<br />

– <strong>Learning</strong> from logs<br />

– Feature engineering<br />

– Advanced ranking model<br />

– <strong>Rank</strong>ing theory<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 117

<strong>Learning</strong> from Logs<br />

• Data scale matters a lot!<br />

– Ground truth mining from logs is one of the possible<br />

ways <strong>to</strong> construct large-scale training data.<br />

• Ground truth mining may lose in<strong>for</strong>mation .<br />

– User sessions, frequency of clicking a certain<br />

document, frequency of a certain click pattern, and<br />

diversity in the intentions of different users.<br />

• Directly learn from logs.<br />

– E.g., Regard click-through logs as the “ground truth”,<br />

and define its likelihood as the loss function.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 118

Feature Engineering<br />

• <strong>Rank</strong>ing is deeply rooted in IR<br />

– Not just new algorithms and theories.<br />

• Feature engineering is very importance<br />

– How <strong>to</strong> encode the knowledge on IR accumulated<br />

in the past half a century in the features?<br />

– Currently, these kinds of works have not been<br />

given enough attention <strong>to</strong>.<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 119

Advanced <strong>Rank</strong>ing Model<br />

• Listwise ranking function<br />

– Natural but challenging<br />

– Complexity is a big issue<br />

• Generative ranking model<br />

– Why not generative?<br />

• Semi-supervised ranking<br />

– The difference from semi-supervised classification<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 120

<strong>Rank</strong>ing Theory<br />

• A more unified view on loss functions<br />

• True loss <strong>for</strong> ranking<br />

• Statistical consistency <strong>for</strong> ranking<br />

• Complexity of ranking function class<br />

• ……<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 121

tyliu@microsoft.com<br />

http://research.microsoft.com/users/tyliu/<br />

4/20/2010 Tie-Yan Liu @ Renda 122

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