Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


92 Int{p

Results Date treated: 9/6/61 Soil motsture:medium below, but dry on lurfaQe and 1n seed zone. Soil type: sandy clay loam Plot arrangement: One row of each crop was planted on a 3,ft. bed 110 ft. long. Herbicide treat.ents: All herbicidel were apPl1e4 beginning at the rate of 16 lbs/A and decreasing to 1/2 lb/A with a half dosage distance of 20 ft., using 125 gals/acre at 40 psi. The width of the sprayed area was about 5 ft. There was no cultivation or haRd weeding. Rainfall data: 0.52 in. the d4Y prior to makina the beds and planti.,. Soil surface and seed zone dried out rapidly and remained dry until Sept. 14 when 0.67 in. fell. Subsequent precipitatiollduring the 4 weeks dter planting was: Sept. 15, 0.14 in.; Sept. 18-20, 0.35 in., Sept. 28, 0.40 in.; and OCt. 2-4, 1.98 inl. and Observations Visual observations and measurements are summariced in Table 1. There were several herbicides besides the standard treatmenta WhiChshowed promising degrees of crop·weed selectivity. The material with the wid.. t safety margin on most crops was Dacthal, giving good initial weed control to 1 lb/A while showing no crop injury at the highest rate of 16 lbs/A. except on apinach which waa tolerant below 4 lbs/A. R·1870 was equally safe on moat cropa including spinach, at l6lba/A, but 6 lba/A were required for good weed control. Other materials showing good selectivity on most crops teated were Trifluralin (, to 3 lba/A), Tilla. (4 to 8 lha/A) and Eptam (4 to 8 lba/A except on spinach). Zytron (4 to 6 lbs/A), Randox (3 to 4 lba/A) and NIA 6370 (8 to 12 lbs/A) showed "limited possibilities on apecific crops. It is obvious that the dry and hot weather cond1clons at the time of appli· cation and for 8 daya afterward had a major influence on the results. Unuaually high ratea, eapecially of the thio~carbamates, were aece.aary for good weed control. However, crop tolerance also resulted at correspondingly high rat.l. Increased efficiency from theae materiala, as well al Vegadex and CIPC, has consiltently been obtained when foll~ed by rain or Iprinkling. Trifluralla, Diphenamid, Zytron and Dscthal, on the other hand, are apparently not so subject to volatilization and loss under adverle weather and 8011 conditions. Othew teats show. however, that Dacthal is very dependant on precipitation getting it into the aoil before the weed seeds ge~lnate. Trial No.2: Pre· ... rgence herbicide applicationl 08 six leaf cropa ustng conventional plots. Methods and Materials Crop varieuea: Spinach - Old Dominion Blight Resiatant Kale • Vates Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch Hanover salad - Early Collards - Vates Turnip areens • Seven Ton Salad 93

Results<br />

Date treated: 9/6/61<br />

Soil motsture:medium below, but dry on lurfaQe and 1n seed zone.<br />

Soil type: sandy clay loam<br />

Plot arrangement: One row of each crop was planted on a 3,ft. bed<br />

110 ft. long.<br />

Herbicide treat.ents: All herbicidel were apPl1e4 beginning at the rate<br />

of 16 lbs/A and decreasing to 1/2 lb/A with a half dosage distance of<br />

20 ft., using 125 gals/acre at 40 psi. The width of the sprayed area<br />

was about 5 ft. There was no cultivation or haRd weeding.<br />

Rainfall data: 0.52 in. the d4Y prior to makina the beds and planti.,.<br />

Soil surface and seed zone dried out rapidly and remained dry until Sept.<br />

14 when 0.67 in. fell. Subsequent precipitatiollduring the 4 weeks dter<br />

planting was: Sept. 15, 0.14 in.; Sept. 18-20, 0.35 in., Sept. 28,<br />

0.40 in.; and OCt. 2-4, 1.98 inl.<br />

and Observations<br />

Visual observations and measurements are summariced in Table 1. There were<br />

several herbicides besides the standard treatmenta WhiChshowed promising degrees<br />

of crop·weed selectivity. The material with the wid.. t safety margin on most<br />

crops was Dacthal, giving good initial weed control to 1 lb/A while showing no<br />

crop injury at the highest rate of 16 lbs/A. except on apinach which waa tolerant<br />

below 4 lbs/A. R·1870 was equally safe on moat cropa including spinach, at<br />

l6lba/A, but 6 lba/A were required for good weed control. Other materials<br />

showing good selectivity on most crops teated were Trifluralin (, to 3 lba/A),<br />

Tilla. (4 to 8 lha/A) and Eptam (4 to 8 lba/A except on spinach). Zytron<br />

(4 to 6 lbs/A), Randox (3 to 4 lba/A) and NIA 6370 (8 to 12 lbs/A) showed "limited<br />

possibilities on apecific crops.<br />

It is obvious that the dry and hot weather cond1clons at the time of appli·<br />

cation and for 8 daya afterward had a major influence on the results. Unuaually<br />

high ratea, eapecially of the thio~carbamates, were aece.aary for good weed<br />

control. However, crop tolerance also resulted at correspondingly high rat.l.<br />

Increased efficiency from theae materiala, as well al Vegadex and CIPC, has<br />

consiltently been obtained when foll~ed by rain or Iprinkling. Trifluralla,<br />

Diphenamid, Zytron and Dscthal, on the other hand, are apparently not so subject<br />

to volatilization and loss under adverle weather and 8011 conditions. Othew teats<br />

show. however, that Dacthal is very dependant on precipitation getting it into<br />

the aoil before the weed seeds ge~lnate.<br />

Trial No.2: Pre· ... rgence herbicide applicationl 08 six leaf cropa ustng<br />

conventional plots.<br />

Methods and Materials<br />

Crop varieuea:<br />

Spinach - Old Dominion Blight Resiatant<br />

Kale • Vates Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch<br />

Hanover salad - Early<br />

Collards - Vates<br />

Turnip areens • Seven Ton Salad<br />


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