Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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William V. Welker. Jr.<br />

1<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s are one of the maJC?3!' problems in the culture of sweet<br />

potatoes. Four to six CUltivations per season plus hand weeding<br />

are general practices employed in sweet potato culture. Chemical<br />

weed control measures would appear to have considerable economic<br />

potential. The project was initiated in 1959 with greenhouse<br />

screeni~ 9f chemicals on fo~ varieties of18weet potatoes. The<br />

most promi 13ing chemicals .\'fe~etaken to the field in 1960. Most<br />

of the treatments were repeated during 1961.<br />

The field experiments were carried out on a sandy loam soil.<br />

A randomizedcomp~ete block design with fo~ replicates was used.<br />

Each plot consisted of two rows 30 feet long with a guard row on<br />

each side. All herbicides. exgept NPA (N-l-naphthylphthalamiC<br />

acid) which was applied as a granular. were applied as sprays.<br />

The sprays were applied over the foliage of the sweet potato<br />

plants shortlY after the plants were set in the field. During<br />

1960 the plots received normal cultivation between the rows beginriing<br />

three weeks after the herbicides were lil,pplied. During .<br />

1961 the plots,.received no CUltivation af'terthe herbicide treatments.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>sW:~re counted several times during each season.<br />

All plots were hand-weeded at the normal ~ay-by time.<br />

, '<br />

The predominant weed species :r;>resent . both years were<br />

crabgrass (D1~taria s uinal s (L.) Scap.)., pigweed (Amaranthus<br />

retronexus r.. iambsquarters Cheno odium album L.). arid common<br />

ragweed (Affibrosi •• edata taken included weed<br />

control. inJury rattemiS11f',Olia<br />

"01 owing herbicide application •. yie1d. internal<br />

color analysis. organoleptic tests. and herbicide ef'fect on storage<br />

and sp~ou.t1ng.<br />

. The speCific effect of the herbicides ,upon yields weed control.<br />

and quality factors will be discussed., Amiben b amino..... 2.<br />

5·-dic~orobenzoic acid). casoron (2.4 dic~orobenzon1trile). diphenamid<br />

(N.N-dimethyl-i,-7(-diphenylacetamide}. and dacthal<br />

(dimethyl tetrach10roterephalate) appeared acceptable with<br />

respect to all factors studied. NPAwas not included in the 1961<br />

experiment because of its harmful ef'fects upon skin quality found<br />

in the 1960 experiments. CIPC (isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)<br />

carbamate) injured the sweet potato plant and reduced yield. The<br />

weed control obtained with CIPC was less satisf'actory than that<br />

obtained with the other compounds. Diphenamid was included only<br />

in the 1961 experiments.<br />

These studies indicated that the solution of the weed control<br />

problem without a reduction of sweet potato yields is at hand.<br />

Additional investigation of the effects of herbicides on quality<br />

is needed.<br />

91<br />

lHorticulturist. Crop Research Division. AJzricultu:ral Rf'HIAA,.~h

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