Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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figure 1,. Aachematic ,dr$w1Qsof the 1Q8N'~tbn1c COllOeD:-:,<br />

tration ,spra.ver when in position for spr8.y1ng.<br />

78<br />

of using only small amounts of ch8lll:lciU~<br />

With the above in mind a log-llpJ'&.Yer-.s :aes1gaid using the Ries and Terry<br />

sprayer as the basic component.<br />

Design Features<br />

Tbeautbcir$j us !trig, the bas1c'Mes andTe~1BiIIIlJJ1. ~~ti!lprayer (5)/,.'hi.ve<br />

adapted the unit 80 tbSt'a logar1thild.o dosage curve *~ Obtained. Tlie _~,.<br />

, ifiedsprayer c'OD8ista·~nent1.a.U:y' dr ,two DaSieim1t. of! 1ll.fterent size :C6'ilbeCt­<br />

,ed in series • The :un1t closest W~~hEi co~t$O~ 1S·.:" que.rt glassroUlld'"<br />

milk 'b()t'Ue: Bt'ld,Sft'V'eSd~S tlledllueRt tank or 8Our~ ."'Jti, un:l..t .nearest.·'fIbe '"<br />

bOOlll i8 a s1lllUar~1;bottle e.ndlsietVes as the,(:on~e chamber. 'l'be'''I'<br />

pressure'soU1'Ce 'is l a COoacylinder rt'bh a, pre-set, predUH-regulating vaJ.v.~ ~'<br />

(Fig. 1.,). ' : ',', 'If;;' ,;., , : k,<br />

c ;'_'-'.; •..1.:\':;'<br />

In moetlOglOSprayerselabor8te .. chanical 88itaUOn :1;8 proVided, ~;<br />

none is incll1dedln the:present iDo4ltJ.. The mixing otJthe 861utions in the ",'<br />

concentrate tanlt is accomplished, bytbe h;ydraul1c :force Of the diluent etttWlng<br />

the pint bottJ.e. The inlet 1s adjacent to the outlet and this plus the faot.; ,<br />

that there is only a relatively small volume (1 pint) in the chamber makes<br />

6deqU&te m1xingposslble."<br />

'"<br />

" , The factors affecting any spray apparatus such as pressure, nozzle 81&tJ.,<br />

speed, etc. govern the range of output of this spra.yer. Since the sprayer must<br />

be carried by band,'walld.ilg' speed ~8an 1IlIpCrte.a\l,faCtor. Ex,per1enee.'bas<br />

shown that walking speeds for d1etbClit8 up to 40 feetI:can be controlled qu1t":~: '<br />

accurately without the use of any special pace setting devices. For this re&8on<br />

it is best to keep plot sizes Within this limit unlese:llpl!!cial means ate uaedto<br />

set a constant pace for the operator. To overcome some of the problems involved<br />

with :walking speed, a float valv.;cons1atlng of .. roODdf'lflOOdenball has been put<br />

in the diluent chamber. When all the liquid in this chamber is expended the<br />

ball Sellls, off the 'outlet and' 1nataat'1,y cuts Ofttl1e~s.ure supply. ..SilLtie the<br />

two containers are connected in series, stopping the flow of diluent 8't~, &11 '<br />

flow from the nozzles and the dilution of the material in the concentrate tank<br />

stops. This markS the end of the plOt, which isthell .. sONd and dosage .. ,<br />


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