Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


Pollar appl:l.cati.4mso. '~no tr1uole .~~·¥ate ,o~ .two, four, and eight poqcd.ller "Cl'er~l~ed in a .....

69 THE INFLUENCE JIt P.I!ll'ROLEUM Ml:fLOi"'O. N 'Jl}JE PERFORMANCE OF SEVERALHERBICII:lBSY George Bayer ,Bodgerdfsrgsn and Joseph Cialone Y For .the past several yearsplutic sheets. Poth, black and clear and V!lU'Ying in width have. been .used commerc1ally as a methodotCClntrollingweeds, stimulating plant· growth and 1m,proVing small fruit $:Id vegetable quality • . ':his report is c01lQerned with,the applicat1()n~ a liquid petrole1,llllmuJ.ch in cOllbinat ion with herbicides Which IIl!ght serve some of the same purposes 8l$. the black plastic sheets. but to be 'PPLied as a~~pr~ alter seeding or prio~·to transplanting. Work done by Kaye&:Wiggans21 ind:1cated that the effectiv.ess of certain herbicides ' was enhanced when used in coaPinetion with aspha1t~ch. Experimental Four tests were carried out duriIig the 1961 growing season at Ithaca. The sandy loam soil was ploved, diskedand harrowed with a meeker to prOVide a uniformly f:Lne s~ bed. The randomized plots were eaeh 3 x 15 feet and rep.l.:lcated two to four t1meso.epending on the nature of theJt.,1t. The herbicides were applied with a ~ proessure-operated Small-~l,ot spraye. 1' •. For. ease of operat. ion in the latter two tests the petrole1,llll mulc~ wa, oppUed.; using a hand o.. rateo. 1.5 gall.oJl;garden~type sprayer connected to a standard spray boom equi~w1th two 8004 TeeJet ~~type noZZles. In total; seyendifferent~heJilJ,cals were exam1Jledin three categories relating to the mulch: under the mulch, ~ with mulch an4:;no mulch. A fourth.C)~check category was that of no mulch and no herbicide. Application of herbic;l.de':fllI.d mulch was on an overall basi.s. In the first test two rates of mulch were tested. Since no differences were observed" only one rate wasused m subsequept -tests. Crops were varied according to chemical. SQlIlfl:werechosen on the be,sie. of present herbic:Ldal practices but. several sensitive grops were selected as ,indicators of chemical. toXicity or &et1v;l:ty. The foUl'. tests were started respectively on JU~ 16, July 7-10, Augl1$;tl 7, and September 1. !JPaper No• 469of the~partmentof Vegetable Crops, Cornell University,-tthaca, gj~;~duate Assistants, Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University .' YKays , W.R.aDd S. C. WiggaM,Oklahoma State, S~water, Oklahoma. Soil stabilizers and herbi~ide combinations for weed. ~trol with horticultural 4 jcrops • Oral presentation ASBS.. August 1961. :::tFormulation E.A.P. 2000 except as noted. Part of this research was made possible by a grant in aid from Esso Re8ear~h and Engineering, Linden, New,J~sey.

Pollar appl:l.cati.4mso. '~no tr1uole .~~·¥ate ,o~ .two, four,<br />

and eight poqcd.ller "Cl'er~l~ed in a .....

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