Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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60<br />

sbMmP.RClMJ:Sm'lIlil$ OF''IV.PeNr32,W v<br />

1<br />

,ADIl SUBS':U!l'UrEDUREABEBBIClt8, _<br />

R. ,n-~ Swe~~ J. o.C~ne and'acK,rp..:~.<br />

~l'Jtotyqetable Crops, Cornell university<br />

In 1961, the Industrial and Biochemicals Departmeat of the E. I. Du Fon't<br />

de Nemours and Com.PanY, Inc., released to investisators Herbicide Jfo.326with<br />

the technical nameof 3-(3,4-DichlQl'OJlbenyl l)-l~.l-metbyl utea. The<br />

company.listed such attributes as pre-and post-emellpDee activity, relatively<br />

rapid disappearance from soil, aDdreJ.e.tively low :t;~ty to mammals. The<br />

herbicide was susgested pr:lme.rily U "post-emergeDM.t#rected spray on corn<br />

and pre ... mergen~on soybeens. Ot.1MIr-crops which ~\])e treatedwitb directional<br />

sprays were also stated as possibilities. carrots had been fouriii to be<br />

tolerarxb of berb:l;cidal quantities applied. as pre-emerpnt sprays. PreU m1nary<br />

reports indicated pre-emergence a~t1ons could~~Elrated by such crops,<br />

as snap, dry, and lima beans, squash.,4nd potatoes.' ~urY was found. on<br />

vegetables -1ncluding_ cucUlllbers, red beet.s,., and ,:toma~ " ". ". . ,. ,. ,.<br />

The purpose of the tests reported here wastp-o ~~. the .perf9rD18nQeof<br />

326 on various vegeta:bles and nutgrass. Where'pre_rgence tolerance waS<br />

indicated, post-emerg«iUQetea'te _~ se~ly~t·. aJ,~s, conducted..<br />

,1--; L .-.) ~ " ,--j ,<br />

Experiments with Carrots<br />

,,,; 'j . . ',<br />

There were four tests with carrots; two were on coarse sand, one on s~<br />

loam, and one on muck. The two on coarse sand were ab8ZIdoned after pre11.Dl1Dary<br />

n-ote taking due to severe crop damap. trom heavy st~. The muck test aDd the<br />

one on sandy loam soil involved botb'pre";' Ei.Ddpost-emergeat applications of<br />

about 25~tut."<br />

cl1emtcalsatsevere.l-zetes 0Cb. weM.")~8 were lIlBde~t ~.<br />

vals during' the season. "Although· Mrv'est. l1'eCOl'Cls W8ft '~n,. yields are 91-,<br />

questionaelevalue, cbec~" otf~ld rW;J'1ab:Uityp.beClUJSeweeds were.~ x:<br />

relllOved'p~"aa· tUybecame ~nt :I:n tbt.vadc~uB iP~ots. .' , .r c : ,<br />

-I J.:.'"<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> and crop ratings of the mOre~ign1ficant llBter1als in' both thes8iJdy<br />

loam and the muck soU tests Qe·presented1.n<br />

behaved quite differently on thet"ilO--solls-.In"<br />

t.111e 1.<br />

regard<br />

Several materials<br />

to weed control, the<br />

pre-emergel1ee-applic:AiQlUJ ~C~, ,J:lact~, f'.ytt:OPj~.,~~ and D1J?be"N'1d<br />

were much less, etf~1."thOn mUQkto-. o~lIandy l~,·;;BQveVor, Pre":emerpnce ­<br />

treatments of Dtll'ont. ~6 .as 'weU.·"" .~U'lural~,;~~ ..and mc showed 110<br />

si¢fic:ant 1nfiuence of so11 type on weed control. As wasto be expected.,<br />

post -emerselSce:!lerb:r.c:tde.. ~re .1101; ~u~I;lqed. by. sou, ~ '.: .,. ,.<br />

~'_::"l L ,(i: ~;-:-, ",., " :" ",!' ..,"', '~_ .<br />

Altbo~sb"'~' r,s~e"to .• r1?~s .1n"~'f¥l ..~.1nnuenced by<br />

herbicides, Dipbenamid was exceedingly toxic on sandy so11 and not harmful on<br />

muck toU. ~S1llce ~edpQ::.lt;r91. .. ~ P9Q.r."1,h .J>.1phenamidpn .the<br />

muck, it isprobablt!ltbe.t t.bis ..~... ' 1.&1 ...was.eit~ ...~~.~ rf- ..18bt.~.... adsor'!Jed or'<br />

quickly broken.aown_ S,1Doeop.,~.aoU ~phe . '_ ;.'p.~ ~tive1Y long<br />

lasting results, it is unl1ke~ that decompositioll'" as1mpoi"tant as<br />

adsorbtion. .c" ,-" •<br />

, f·

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