Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


516 ,';1:".i'"'f'!r": :~,j i: .. r ~_o~,~.. and decthal. The best control ot crabgrass was obtained with zytron at the 2-inch cutting hei~ht. This test reemphasi,zes:bhe need for proper turf management'.in. cr~b.8r~~_~~t~l, at!)· ~r, ,,~_thollt~:M'herbi cide. . -,'. '~,! - _. "< • '., ' ~- - • " , '"1 Table 4. Effects ot 1'1owi~ Heights and Herpic:ide Treatments on nrabg,..~ ContrOl in a tuM' Nurse1"1 .' Treatment Untreated Mowing heiJ.h.t ~ 1 2. Zytron 1 151bs./A 2' Dacthal 1l.a5nil./4 J,. 2· Vis!1al estimates Percqp.tage area covered bY orab¢ass l OI'abgrass counts 69 0 32.7 0 25, 64 12.4 62 4.3 0.2' 94 99.7 0.9 0.3 97 99 1.,..' », 11 .- 84 r3lil&n :88 1,.9 97. ~Q" 97 . , j(':; :;. ~... ..:: l~' liS ,:" L.S.,P.' .0$' ( "~,, _ \.. :. 0, J ,.J -; -:,-",T'- - r,,-l'~ -:!-; -:-- - ~ -'-lrTi - 7'-~-- - ~:'-lr"r;'.-,-'!-·'- -.- -.'- -"~[',:' l.Aver2ges over eleven turt grasses grown alone or in oombinat10n~ ';.,.,.;' 2Peroentage control based on compl'r;son with untreat"q. HJ.0ts at 1" cut1i~~ . .height. . ,..... ' , .' ..::";.:.~:":"'::. .. .... .~,- ~(~.:.:._) : . " '. ';~': 3.Average~ ;of to~~~naom 'Cl.tt.,' ~aJilples'in~ao~,~ol~~v~ turf 3ras~s.imixtures. . , Although the interaotion betw&en ohemicalssdtllllOWing height wasnpt statistically signUicant becauSe 'Of smeUamoUiiWf"of,crabgrass in some' grass bloCks",it appears that zytron '"elfless atteoted':b!fout'ting height than daothal. ;It the l-inch cutting height, control of crabgrass wasuna:'atfsfacrtory in SOII1ll of the dacthal plots. It is clear 'that slow' ou't'fjUbjects these herbiCides to a more severe test, than a hiiJh·Out. lI'urther wcii'ktfloUld reveal how oth.eJ' materials are affected by mowingheight. ~r~ . I '~, ".'.: '_ " _" , . , , .",' , _ .:~" -"! .t. -.' . _i:' -'. ': ,', ' : Residual trtectspfherbic. j.@es:s.~,Q'l:,.abgrasJL,.' ~~,nd., ',Pl,"ots i,n NewHevep.i::,',' treated to!,th"pre-emergence e;r .~. es inApri-r:-~i we:re part:i.ally ,r~ated on April 29, 1961. ''l'he only cihanges were sli]ht increases in the rates, ~ " chlordane and "Pax" in 1961. The results are shown in Table 5. A~ ~~" .o.,lson. 'i'J ::' iDbJ: ," ,': j~, lAhr.,en...s',. J., r..'.aP,d,.i ,~..JJt, ap.~1P..aria .01'll!l .J. , r}~ ~."'.',lI\IilrgenceHerbiCiQeS,for Contro], of ~.~gras.s ~ Proc; ~1l.'j'IqQ :lli:~7.6-~.!9~(1pjp,). '" .""j r. " 1 • -~, ,. T,' • ~;-,r.' [;j r.""''"-~ (j ,;.. . . '::l; ,-.- r'. "':'cf! • " ~i :~'

__ ·517 ______________ .. __ :... ~ lViaual est1mete8 by three persons. ..... ._2 ...... ;.. ... _,.l __ The treatmenta 'tfttt pI'orided 98~r cent orbettit: )~~trol of crabgrass . in 1960 also provided. large me~~ of control inl~~~ These j,.nclude!lcalciUlll arsenate at SSSlb •• /l, dacthal at 10 lbs./A, and zyti'Oil at 20 lbs./A.l·~tments applied in 1960 that did not control erabcraae in 1961 included. chlordane at 60 1bs./A, "Pax" at 784 1bs./A, qt2'on ,t 10 lbS./...&"., ,and,daotha1 at 7.S lbe./A. • . ,< "', . • "'" .•• ' The SSSlbs./A rate ot calci_ aNenete in 1960..... till tb1nnin~the.~ in 1961. In repeat treatments, calciUIIIarsenate at )'10 lbs./A and "Pax" thinned the fescue-bluegrass turf' but .ytro~•. 4acthal, and c~l'dsne d1d not. '1'!le1960-appliostion of chlo~at 120lbs./A, :~*ecl poet-emerg~.iltd not control crablft.s that season •. I~ 1961, howe. vel', ~~t70. percent 'j( IH caQtJol was obtained Oft tb1s plot without !uribeI' treatllle~... 'Controlhel'e was a ruJJlt ot residual chlordane in the soil. Because of ita 1~ 111' •• " •.ha .A~' ....:...

__<br />

·517<br />

______________ .. __ :... ~<br />

lViaual<br />

est1mete8 by three persons.<br />

..... ._2 ...... ;.. ... _,.l __<br />

The treatmenta 'tfttt pI'orided 98~r cent orbettit: )~~trol of crabgrass .<br />

in 1960 also provided. large me~~ of control inl~~~ These j,.nclude!lcalciUlll<br />

arsenate at SSSlb •• /l, dacthal at 10 lbs./A, and zyti'Oil at 20 lbs./A.l·~tments<br />

applied in 1960 that did not control erabcraae in 1961 included. chlordane<br />

at 60 1bs./A, "Pax" at 784 1bs./A, qt2'on ,t 10 lbS./...&"., ,and,daotha1 at 7.S lbe./A.<br />

• . ,< "', . • "'" .•• '<br />

The SSSlbs./A rate ot calci_ aNenete in 1960..... till tb1nnin~the.~<br />

in 1961. In repeat treatments, calciUIIIarsenate at )'10 lbs./A and "Pax" thinned<br />

the fescue-bluegrass turf' but .ytro~•. 4acthal, and c~l'dsne d1d not.<br />

'1'!le1960-appliostion of chlo~at 120lbs./A, :~*ecl poet-emerg~.iltd<br />

not control crablft.s that season •. I~ 1961, howe. vel', ~~t70. percent<br />

'j(<br />

IH<br />

caQtJol<br />

was obtained Oft tb1s plot without !uribeI' treatllle~... 'Controlhel'e was a ruJJlt<br />

ot residual chlordane in the soil. Because of ita 1~ 111' •• " •.ha .A~' ....:...

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