Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


494 ae.u!s,'I!IIDi,cua.:Lon leUlllllted crabgrass cOll~,. Ausu-t 11, 1961 (Avera.e of three replications): u zytron 991 CaJ.dUll :Ars.nate " ' 851 'oj t B.n4ane 85% ' ,:;

..495 1961 PREEMERGENOE ORABGRASS RESULTS J. M. Duich,B.R.Fleming, A.E.;Dudeck, G. J; ~op and J. Boydl :. ,'.;, , ,:-1;"'" , ",', ) The object of this study ~, .to determine ~etfect of various commercial and eJq:leX'~ntal preemer$en~el crabgrass c~cals under practica:lconditions in southeastern Pennaylvard!l where crabgraap is a paramount problem and permanent turf difficult to"produce. . . Materialp!w! Methods The test was conducted ~t. ~ Springhaven C~ (golf) in Wallingford, Pennsylvania on two. areas.'l'et!t area No.1 was'#Ie practice fairway (irrigated) with a history of heaVyc:t'Apgrass infels~~On, annually, and a .: large popula tion of Poa anmia which predOlllinated spring and fall and usually faded during the sumiii6rperIod. B+1,l,e~ass, bent and t.,scue accounted for less than 20 percent of the pemanent turf population. .. Test area ijo. 2 (non-ir:rig~~) was located~ a fairway satllrated with seepage water frOlllunderground' springs, primar~y".in the spring and faJJ... Turf was predaninantJ.;r oreeping ben.~~ !2! trivialie, a~ traces of bluegrass. .: ",-, ,'rfi Single applicat1onsof ~~c:m._treatment were~on April 3, 1961 two weeks prior to earliest anticipated crabgrass germination for the area. The region was characterized by unu~ cold, wet ~th~ which delayed the initial gemins tion of crabgra!'li' ~or four weeks ph :Area 1 and six weeks on Area 2. Poa annua growth was also unusually heavYdne to protection from heavy winterenows and-moist oandi~ for most of i~ growing season. Poa annua faded ctuickly starting in mid-Jv.],y, A further ~cation of climatlC conditions was the fir$tmOW1ng date or April 27, wb1~ is late for the area. ',11 . , -.. , O l: Indivic1ualplQts were 6.x,~ ,.feet with thrll$,repl1cations on Area ~' and two repli6at10na on Area 2 w1~,j;Q~ controls per ~~lication. Liquid '.' materials were applied with an experirii'8ntal boom sprayer at 35 psi and 90 gpa. Dry materials .were diluted with tOUI'QUSrta ot soil a~applied by hand. There was over 0%18inch of ra:lJi.1'allo"'r a three da;v.~Od beginning the daY following application. " ".J . Plots were rated period1o~ throughout the .season for discoloration and injury. Final orabgrass co~, detemination WBS made on October 2 on the basis of estimated percent oov~~ ~ce partial co~l often resulted in more vigorous crabgrass growth due ,to lack of turf c~:tition. 1 Assistant Professor, Instructor, G%'llduateAssistanf/ GI'aduate Assistant, AgronomyDepar1lnent, Pennsylvania State University and Superintendent, Springhaven ClUb, respectively.

494<br />

ae.u!s,'I!IIDi,cua.:Lon<br />

leUlllllted crabgrass cOll~,. Ausu-t 11, 1961<br />

(Avera.e of three replications):<br />

u<br />

zytron 991<br />

CaJ.dUll :Ars.nate " ' 851 'oj t<br />

B.n4ane 85% ' ,:;

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