Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


492 corresponding plots on este.bl1~4~,. but were ~~ll not .o.s effectiveaa the other materiaJ.s included in thei!le triaJ.s. Another point t1;lat is feltd)~;:ieof SUfficient~:¢t to be reported here is tha.t when the annuaJ. sr$BN began to devel~ in the poor turf area, it was obs~rved thEtt approx1mo.1;G~;LOi of the gro.s.were that of corn- . grass, Pan1CU1l1d:l.chotcu1flor:um.· '~s is an annual JfRlecies of grass that, OJ.th~not cOIDIIIQn, 1.s apparent~ t'oundas 0. lo.~ ~a. iJl some areas on '. Long I,sland. This was first b~;t, to our attant* severnl years ago quring post-emergence crabgrass control trials at our research plots (3). zvtron anddacthaJ, gave excellentcpntrol of this ~ srass (m).Cnlchm arsenate, however, did not appear to be effe:ct~ve end the FanicUlll continued to develop.wi1;hin the13e plot. even thoughc~ass control was excellent • It appears, ·there:t'ore,.t~ cal,oium arse~ ,10 mqre selective. in its toxicity to tho various -SPftc~s.·of annuaJ. gr~8e~ ~e.n either qtronor dacthaJ.. ~is ~ ~an :U/i)Ortrmt consideration ill ,~as where Panicum species are 0. problem. It should be emphasized th~,:the8e are only one years observations. NOtutf' inJlri:y- ratings couldb.mado for BDYofthe chemicals within this area becwse of the lack of Ilutticient st-ands Orthe desirable grasses to make accUrate ratings. , , Under the conditions of thes,e trials, a ll\IlI1ber"~1;he pre-emergence. crabsrass. control chemicals gave soQd cOlXtrol ot ~sto.ss. ~ron and .' dacthal continued to givc excellent. crabgrass cont~~ (96to 100%)althoUgh slight to moderate turf injury was noted. Turf inJul-y by these materiaJ.s was confined to red fescue and bell:l;.p-.asswith nOI\lli~ent injury to Kentucq bluegrass. , Calcium arsenate was ',~so effective 111,~rolling crabgrass. (96to 99il. Chlordane and .the ars~icaJ.-fertllizel fOrmulation gave goo9., control of crabgrass on established:. turf althoush ~ degree of control ~ reduced in ,trials on poor tUrf'WhG~ larger populat~pns of crabgrass ...•. developed. Diphenc.trlle gave, on:Iy .:~ intemcdiate, ';j!ve:L of control at,1;~~ '. recommended rate although the degree of control incr~ased proportionately . as the raw of ll,p;plication was incrilased. CalciUlllWopyl arsonate gave only negligible crabgra.ss control. ."." Pan1cum dichotOlll1florum wase~;f'ectively contr64ed by dacthaJ. and zy'ti-on but was not controlled in plots treated with calciuilf arsenate. . Literature Cited 1. Mower, Jl,. G. and J. F. Cornman. 1961. EltPerilneij'i;s11l pre-emergence crabgrass control. Froc,H.E. Weed contt=91C6nf. 15:264-267. qrabgrass control. . . 3. .' 1959. 9b¥rve.t~ons on pre-emergence' and post-emergence crabgrass ~ontfOl, etC.Proci~N.E. Weed Control Conf. 13: ise-rn, "

COMPARISONOF CHEMICALSroJ{'''''EMBRGENCE JobD1t'. HaVis 2 ~SS CONTROLIN TURF l ':: 493 The area used for this t.at had been ..... dto a fairway mixture about fifteen years previously~ The grasses present were mostly bluegress and fescues. Miscellaneous weeds were present, includlQ8 dandelion and plantain, but very little natural: crabgrass. During the first two week. of April, 19&1, the grass was mowed to 1 1/2 inches, fertilized with 10-6-4, and a light top dressing of soil was applied. The area ¥as then seeded Wf.th5 pounds of weed seeds having a high perceDtapof crabgrass, ,l'the area, 32 x 60 fe.t, was dlvided tnto24 plots '1:'FliO feet in siH/le This provided plott for 8 treatllle!¢s, ll\clud1ng.'a,reheck, replica_ three times. The' area had a slight pitch to the east but not _fieient to cause excessive washing. Seven granular pre-emergence herbicides were applied April 14 at rates racollllll8ndedby tu "'lWfacturers, a.':.11ows: Per 1,000 Sq. Ft. ,:"H (Pounds) PAX- "new" formul~~ (more arsenic~ •. Less N) 20 Bandane 7.5% 6.1 Tricalcium Arsenate 48% (1961 formu1tlion) 16 Dactha1 2.3% 10 Zytron 4.4% 8 Ca1~i~ Propyl Arson.~a 20% :r£., 5 Diphenatrile 11. S% 6 Irrigation was not available. The spr1Dg weather was cool and moist, rainf,dl during May"measuring 4.67 1...... Crabgrass in.the test plots germinated about JUne 15. The fiutweek of July the turf area was given a second appl1cation of fertiliser and sprayed with 2,4-D to kill broad-leaved weeds. The grass was mowedweekly at 1 1/2 inches. 0,1 L. t.e., lContribution Number1331. Maiiachusetts Agridaltural Experiment Station. 2Department of Horticulture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


JobD1t'. HaVis 2<br />


'::<br />

493<br />

The area used for this t.at had been ..... dto a fairway mixture<br />

about fifteen years previously~ The grasses present were mostly<br />

bluegress and fescues. Miscellaneous weeds were present, includlQ8<br />

dandelion and plantain, but very little natural: crabgrass.<br />

During the first two week. of April, 19&1, the grass was mowed<br />

to 1 1/2 inches, fertilized with 10-6-4, and a light top dressing of<br />

soil was applied. The area ¥as then seeded Wf.th5 pounds of weed<br />

seeds having a high perceDtapof crabgrass, ,l'the area, 32 x 60 fe.t,<br />

was dlvided tnto24 plots '1:'FliO feet in siH/le This provided plott<br />

for 8 treatllle!¢s, ll\clud1ng.'a,reheck, replica_ three times. The'<br />

area had a slight pitch to the east but not _fieient to cause<br />

excessive washing.<br />

Seven granular pre-emergence herbicides were applied April 14<br />

at rates racollllll8ndedby tu "'lWfacturers, a.':.11ows:<br />

Per 1,000 Sq. Ft.<br />

,:"H<br />

(Pounds)<br />

PAX- "new" formul~~ (more arsenic~ •. Less N) 20<br />

Bandane 7.5%<br />

6.1<br />

Tricalcium Arsenate 48% (1961 formu1tlion)<br />

16<br />

Dactha1 2.3%<br />

10<br />

Zytron 4.4%<br />

8<br />

Ca1~i~ Propyl Arson.~a 20% :r£.,<br />

5<br />

Diphenatrile 11. S%<br />

6<br />

Irrigation was not available. The spr1Dg weather was cool and<br />

moist, rainf,dl during May"measuring 4.67 1...... Crabgrass in.the<br />

test plots germinated about JUne 15. The fiutweek of July the turf<br />

area was given a second appl1cation of fertiliser and sprayed with<br />

2,4-D to kill broad-leaved weeds. The grass was mowedweekly at<br />

1 1/2 inches. 0,1<br />

L. t.e.,<br />

lContribution Number1331. Maiiachusetts Agridaltural Experiment Station.<br />

2Department of Horticulture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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